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this is funny

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    this is funny

    Well i dont pay for internet service b/c i have enough bills r ready. So i have wireless internet. I get in my ca and jack the internet. So im sitting here on the internet and a cop comes bout 15min lata, mine u im one street ove from my house. So he says ppl r calling the cops on me, lol. SO he checks my stuff and just says u not breaking the law just chill for a bit. Do u guys jack the internet?

    Nope, still living at home (I'm 19 and in College) and my parents pay for the internet. I thought it was illegal though. You're lucky that they are keeping their wireless networks open though...stupid people, good for you though lol. I read an article that some kid in Taiwan is being put in jail for using other people's wireless networks. Oh well, just depends on the local laws I guess and if you get caught lol.


      well he was like why u not on the net in ur house, i told him dont get it there. I take it from the sky in this spot, he said ok, i laughed


        lol, sounds like Carlos(wikked) does.

        he goes around and jacks people's internet in the middle of the night.

        CrzyTuning now offering port services


          I dont know much about the wireless part of this since its still kinda new. so my question is When you "jack" others wireless, does their bill go up?


            one time i drove on the side of a building to get internet access and the cops they thought i was trying to rob the place...

            man jacking the internet off of wifi is so old school now.. man you people are just now doing it


              Originally posted by 4thgenaccord
              I dont know much about the wireless part of this since its still kinda new. so my question is When you "jack" others wireless, does their bill go up?
              No, but it could fuck with there speed n shit depending on what he is doing. I personally have nothing against it since it doesn't really affect them...pretty dick that they had to call the cops, they should just shut the fucking connection if they don't want people on it. There is always the library or coffee shops though, thats where i went when i couldnt afford it.

              In portland they just installed this new thing above stop lights that creates a "cloud" of wireless internet throughout parts of the city, free to use.


                I also forgot to ask...where are you on the internet as you made this thread?


                  Originally posted by 4thgenaccord
                  I dont know much about the wireless part of this since its still kinda new. so my question is When you "jack" others wireless, does their bill go up?
                  haha nope, isp's almost never charge for throughput like they used to unless it is a business connection. if people are stupid enough not to secure their networks i don't see why anyone should ever get in trouble for using their network, especially when you can have your laptop set to auto connect to wirelss networks haha.
                  Retired 1990 Accord LX Coupe
                  Project 240SX
                  Originally posted by chillin943
                  anyone kno if i can just make a hot wire for v-tec off the horn??
                  Vouches: Bought from: smseagren83, phatdoughnut, uk - accord, lucid, iamnemo, accord_inspire, 2point6, chopstickz, djcaz_aom, rosko


                    You can also go to pretty much any major bookstore, coffe house, and many fast food chains... they all offer wireless internet access.

                    I've done this myself though. I went on break at work and went driving around looking for a signal. I found one, but I didn't stay in front of the house (it was mid-day, so that's kinda weird )

                    My neighbor works for Comcast, so I was hoping I could snag his internet... no such luck though. Either he doesn't have a wireless hub, or he has it secured.


                      I jack internet on my laptop but its not strong enough signal so I just bought a wireless router :P


                        if the hub is just a street over, make a pringles cantenna. i dont have a link, but its easy to search for a diy on how to make one. you can set it up on like a tripod or other stand and aim it at the hub. just watch your computer and when it says it has a conection, dont move it.

                        Click for my Member's Ride Thread
                        Originally posted by Stephen Fry
                        'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
                        Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:


                          haha yeah old ass sat. ant. from a garage sale work REALLY good im talking the old ass kind people have sitting in the garage for the last 10+ years


                            i take mine from the sky as well.
                            I <3 G60.

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                              i no there trying to make phila. a wireless network. I think the internet should be free though.

