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xbox 360 Controller with Keyboard Intergrated

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    xbox 360 Controller with Keyboard Intergrated

    Once again let it be noted

    MS is trying to destroy PS3 they are not playing around this time. No comp at this point for 360 when it comes to future add ons

    Almost reminds me of the jaguar controller

    This seems like a good idea though, 360 is the leader in next-gen right now, ps3/sony needs to get their shite together, wii doesn't fall under the next-gen (in terms of graphics, anyway)

    on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
    where you been, is something wrong?
    i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


      I agree the 360 is winning. however, it wasnt doing so hot at this time last year either. most systems were overheating or getting the red ring of death still.

      And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
      Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


        Have any of those issues been fixed?

        I'm a bit surprised at the current state of console affairs, after PS1 and PS2 I saw nothing but success for Sony for years to come, but nothing lasts forever. I'd like to have a PS3, but aside from GT4 HD, it would just be an idle play thing for me...something to install linux on....and its way too expensive to just become an idle play thing for PC does that

        More and more exclusive titles are moving to multi-platform, and game makers aren't willing to hang on to loyalty when its losing them large amounts of money (not all of them, of course)

        I'm glad Wii is doing so well, I had a good feeling things would turn out this way.

        Peoples disgust at the PS3's release still bears in mind. The actions some people went to to get a one (beating, shooting, general abhorring behavior) just to turn around and sell it at a highly inflated price are what many think of when the PS3 enters the conversation.

        Violence and detrimental behavior for the sake of profit and greed and self gain, I think it speaks to something we see everyday, in life and on the news, but feel its too big to do anything about. Most everyone who bought a PS3 had no intention of playing it, or even opening the box. It's not a coincidence that while many PS3's were out of stock across the country, nearly all stores hadn't manage to sell any games for the system. The sales made were not for personal use, but just a stepping stone to inane profits.

        Can you blame Sony for how other people acted? In my opinion, you shouldn't. Not directly. But consider if Sony had intentionally stifled supplies, giving stores only a small amount to sell, on purpose.

        The purpose being to create an incredible demand, and put sales on a scale that would counteract the money they were losing on creating such an extravagant console.

        But have(n't) other console manufacturers done that before?

        Of course, after some of the disgust set in, some of the PS3 profiteers were left wanton, bids were becoming less and less, many were losing money on the consoles, much like Sony was losing money by creating a console with hopes of grandeur.

        The Wii was made with a different goal in mind, quite different. The question was whether people wanted the games with cutting edge graphics, or games that focused more on simply being fun. The success of the PS2 and XBOX(1) and the weak sales of the Gamecube showed that ever increasing visuals were a priority, so it was a risk to keep the idea of the Wii in mind. But I'm glad they took it.

        The 360 is nothing special, it made no great jump in gaming, its implementation wasn't as risky. But after Sony tripped over their feet, it has been left as winner by default.

        Would Wii become the new leader? Besides the controller, is it that much different from the Gamecube? Consider it for a moment...

        Gamecube vs PS2/XBOX
        Lower price point
        Less graphical power
        Cute design
        Promoting multiple players (vs single player games)
        A propensity of "pick up and play" games, not as much depth

        And the Wii vs PS3/XBOX360
        Is very similar in idea, except they also introduced the creative controller setup. Also being able to play old school nintendo titles via a downloadable content sort of system.

        I think people weren't ready for the 'cube, for the idea Nintendo promoted. I think the PS3's mistakes enhanced the Wii's appeal.

        I apologize in advance for being anecdotal, but I'm reminded of seeing the lines at walmart waiting for the PS3, then the Wii. PS3 lines were cold, irritable, the people were not conversing, and avoiding eye contact. It was about getting theirs and getting out.

        The Wii lines were a contrast. People were all bundled in groups of 4 or more, most were holding conversations, many had brought snacks, chairs, blankets. A group had been able to use an outdoor electrical plug to hook up their 'cube outside, and had a four way game going of mario-party, or super smash brothers. They were video game nerds, their ambition was gaming. I'm sure some were interested in reselling their Wii's like the PS3 crowd had done, but only a smaller percentage.

        Well I've said more than I should, sorry about being a windbag

        on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
        where you been, is something wrong?
        i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


          good points mr affair, but i must say that the dreamcast was very similar to the gamecube in that it promoted multiplayer games and the gaming populous was not ready for it, which was very unfortunate, since its still one of my all time favorite systems. bomberman, pso, quake 3 arena, anyone?
          im a 360 guy myself and will eventually end up with a wii, once they get more titles that appeal to me. i like fps, and i like controllers, so the 360 is the most logicial choice for me. my only hope is that we never see another death to the gaming industry like we did after atari there for a while.
          2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
          2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


            Originally posted by Abeerdrinker

            Once again let it be noted

            MS is trying to destroy PS3 they are not playing around this time. No comp at this point for 360 when it comes to future add ons

            ROFL...yea right...Ms will not own Sony....that controller is a joke...its such a fucking eyesore and as far as being nifty for games that you dont need the keyboard i doubt it.

            On a sidenote i just picked up a Wii and it rocks. Later.


              i like the controller, and the reason that controller exists is for the messenger function that is being added into this spring's update for the 360.
              2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
              2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


                well thats a nice sentiment but didnt they sell a keyboard seperate?!


                  yeah, you can use most any usb keyboard with it as far as i know. and while that controller i do like, i can only imagine it being even more than the $60 wireless regular ones, and i can't foresee myself buying one anytime soon. im more of an xbox 180 fan truth be told, and ive had a keyboard and mouse working with it for quite some time. regardless, the spring update will be very nice, and hopefully wont create too many bricks this time around.
                  2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
                  2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


                    Originally posted by chessboxer
                    good points mr affair, but i must say that the dreamcast was very similar to the gamecube in that it promoted multiplayer games and the gaming populous was not ready for it, which was very unfortunate, since its still one of my all time favorite systems. bomberman, pso, quake 3 arena, anyone?
                    im a 360 guy myself and will eventually end up with a wii, once they get more titles that appeal to me. i like fps, and i like controllers, so the 360 is the most logicial choice for me. my only hope is that we never see another death to the gaming industry like we did after atari there for a while.
                    Ahhhh I had a dreamcast....I loved that thing....It suddenly just stopped working after like 2 years of no problems tho....I own a 360 now...I love it too lol....Im not sure about that controller tho...but im also never play online so im sure if I did the controller would appeal to me more

                    Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                      the only thing id like to own is a 1st gen xbox with the xbmc on it and pimped with madd shit...thats it...

                      and yea i dont wanna know how much that controller least a bill.



                        nintendo has always been conservative and focused on a somewhat younger, more "innocent" gaming base, they always have - and they have been doing a great job all of these years. ive always been a fan, and probably always will be.

                        sega was doing well up until the dreamcast, when sony came out with the PSX and took its place. that lasted a couple generations, until MS came in with the xbox and is pushing sony out. im sorry, but with the ps3 release, sony hit the pavement face first, very hard. i have a feeling within a generation or two, sony will be out of the home gaming scene. and MS will continue catering to the teens/older players and nintendo will continue catering to the younger kids/multiplayers.

                        p.s. long live nintendo! lol

                        - 1993 Accord LX - White sedan (sold)
                        - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (wrecked)
                        - 1991 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
                        - 1990 Accord EX - Grey sedan (sold)
                        - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
                        - 1992 Accord EX - White coupe (sold)
                        - 1993 Accord EX - Grey coupe (stolen)
                        - 1993 Accord SE - Gold coupe (sold)
                        Current cars:
                        - 2005 Subaru Legacy GT Wagon - Daily driver
                        - 2004 Chevrolet Express AWD - Camper conversion


                          Technically, the Wii has been the best selling next gen recently, though the most next gen thing about it, arguably the only next gen thing about it, is the controller. The ps2..outselling them all.
                          To-Do List for Today
                          Be Awesome


                            I hope not mike!!!

                            I love Nintendo. The only thing i never liked about Nintendo was their focus on the youngins but some of the games are still fun to play. Marioparty for one rocks.

                            Now with the Wii not only can you play Gamecube games and Wii titles but from the shopping chanel you can purchase games from Nes, Snes, N64, Turbograffx16, and Sega. That pays for also accepts picture, mp3 and quicktime files via SDcard and its just nuts lol.

                            I liked Sony from the beginning because of their design and their no limits games(GTA, Scarface, Manhunt) Awesome titles full of blood.

                            And other not so known games like 13, Zone of Enders, and Oni were favs of mine.

                            Then XBOX comes along and it felt like Microsoft basically threw something together to make even more money. Now thats ok but dont expect me to be interested...i tend to stick to what i know.

                            And besides i have yet to pay for a copy of Windows.

                            And the titles suck...excpet for like Halo...yuck.

                            Yea from what i read XBOX live owns Sonys verion.

                            But then again is the PSP touchscreen?!?! The ds is. And the microphone on the DS is interactive with certain games.

                            So i am still a Sony fan, never really was a Xbox Fan, but im tending to wanna stick with Nintendo these days as their ideas are out of this world.

                            And ill take fun games any day of the weak to games with 1000 guns or pints of blood.


                              xbmc for the xbox 180 is one of the greatest programs/applications i have ever used. it supports the streaming of nearly any media format, it looks great, it runs well, it lets you watch youtube videos, etc, etc, from the comfort of your couch. also, a big strong point for the xbox 180 is its modded capabilities. sure, its limited by a small amount of ram, but most everything from before n64 works incredibly well, and even over 100 n64 games work well on it too, and those are most of your big name games like mario 64, starfox, mario kart, etc, etc. also, with a modded xbox 180 you can browse the internet, play almost any old game, backup games to your hdd, install a bigger hdd, and much more. i know microsoft's intention was not to let this happen, as is evidenced by how much work they have put into making the 360 not easily modified, but still, its a big plus for the system and just shows what ms should have done the first time around, and some of these features like streaming media(although not nearly as good as is featured with xbmc) and even working with messenger now shows that they do pay some attention to what their system can do and is capable of. the wii is alright, but since most of the features people rave about(console game downloads and internet) have already been done(dc and xbox specifically) im not in a rush to go pay $250 in order to do what i already can. as for the ps3, sorry sony, i loved the psx and ps2, but steep prices and no really great exclusive titles sealed your fate for me. and yes, xbl, even though its not free, is infinitely better than any experience i have had with sony's online gaming. the arcade games for 360 are great as well. worms anyone?
                              2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
                              2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK

