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Waiting a year in between high school and college

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    Waiting a year in between high school and college

    Anyone else doing this/done this? I'm waiting a year. I want to get out and experience the real world first, and mature a little bit, before I go to college.

    Hell, I'm not even sure what I want to do. I was considering being an English teacher, I've wanted to be a teacher ever since I was little itty bitty.

    Thats the exact same thing I always said I was going to do... Take a year off in between HS and College. DIDNT HAPPEN. It has been 2 years since HS Graduation and still havent gone back. Its not that I dont want to because I do... I blew off most of my money partying and such during the first year I was off from school. Even though I worked full time I still couldnt afford it. It sounds like a good idea but you gotta watch the funds. Especially if you are like me and your parents arent helping with tuition... Later


      I did it....Well sorta...I went to college for 3 months then realized it was the wrong program for me so dropped out...I dont regret doing that but i do regret that i lost a year of school...I could be goin into my 2nd year right now instead of my first...I have the rest of my life to experience the "real world"...Some of my friends have also took the entire year off...out of 4 of them only 1 is actually goin back.

      Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


        It's hard to go back. You develop a routine, and you begin to rely on your availible time and money. College cuts back considerably on both!

        Even if you don't go back full time, take one or two classes at a community college. There are classes you HAVE to take for every major, and you can bang those out while deciding what you want to do. If you just keep yourself in the school mindset, it'll be easier to get into the swing of things when you start back up full time.

        I have 2 degrees already, and I'm planning on going back for either a teaching certification, or a Masters degree. It's been a year and a half since I graduated, and I haven't even attempted to go back yet. It's hard once you deveolp a pattern that doesn't include school.


          Originally posted by deevergote
          It's hard once you deveolp a pattern that doesn't include school.
          Yes very true. You get used to only having to go to work where you get paid and not spending your money on education but only on the fun stuff. LOL Later


            im currently taking some time off from school, i think its been abotu a year now... i went for 3 semesters of computer engineering, and hated every minute of it... figured if i was going to waste so much effort at school the only reason id finish would be to go for something that im a little more sure id like to do in the future... ill be starting again soon doing computer science and graphics design, but i havent picked where yet. ive also matured a lot since i stopped, ive become a lot more comfortable with myself, and i think its going to make my experience at school much better...

            taking a year off and trying a few different jobs and hobbies definately helps you get more of an understanding of what you want to focus on in school, but you also have to realize you get stuck in the working world, and its very hard to get urself to go back

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              i fucked around in college for two years and realized it was time for me to get my shit together so i am starting at the school ive always wanted to go to and i am moving out.... modding the cb is gonna be hard as fuck now

              "Tucking tires and wires."
              The Chronicles.


                Don't do it man. It's better off to just go straight to college. You've been going to school for the past eighteen years of your life. Taking a year off is something you have never done before and will totally screw up the cycle that you are in.

                I heard a statistic somewhere (not exact don't quote me on this) that said 80% of students who take a semester off in the middle of their college career, don't go back! Now granted that's for students who where in college, then took time off, but I'd be willing to bet that it's close to the same for students out of high school as well.

                And besides, college can be a lot of fun. You might find that even though you said you took time off to see the world, you wind up sitting at home all day waking up at noon eating cheetos for breakfast watching Buffy reruns. But the least you can do is take a few community college courses like deev said.
                PM me if you found this!!


                  yea i'm going on my second year without school... i went to a local tech school but dropped out after 3 weeks...



                    same here. I went to school all last year, but this year i decided to not go back.

                    Not because i dont want to, but because the school I was at wasnt for me and didnt have what I really wanted. I was studying for Mechanical Engineering, took a lot of math classes and other prerequisites. I thought hard about it, i realized that i didnt want to do all this because what I really want is to work with cars. I wont get any experience from college, at least not that one.

                    I want to go to a local tech school here, thats all about automotives. I want to graduate from there. but Im goan take a break this year. for me, and because I have some debt i got pay off.

                    Hopefully, im part of the 20% that does go back to school.

                    CrzyTuning now offering port services


                      dont stop, its so fucking hard to go back.

                      ive seen people stop a semester and then they decide to never go back. which is the main reason why im stopping after my 4 (actually 5) but yea...years.
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                        man dont do it takes deevs advice if anything i said the one year thing too now im 30 lol never went back started makin money so i was damn i cant go back to having no money but i did go to a trade school 2 years ago and graduated from MMI but its not the same as college. you should go you could have the best time of your life. you never know....

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                          Ehh don't do it dude. Experience the real world while your going to college. Trust me you will mature good enough going to college straight after HS. You will not want to go back like others said you'll develope a routine and you'll want to stick to it. Either work or partying, even modding and having fun w/ cars. All that will be hard in college, and you'll enjoy doing w/ you like during the year off. Then you'll be like ahh fucckkk. Just go get your gen-eds done, and figure something out man. Don't fuck it up!

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                            Most people I talk to that do what you're thinking about regret doing it because by the time they want to enroll again, they realize theyve wasted a lot of time already. Time that could have been spent in school.

                            ...adjust accordingly



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                              1990 Accord dx coupe - my baby (dsm turbo set up in progress)
                              2005 Mazda 6s - daily driver
                              newest 2006 mazdaspeed 6

