Hello all. with marketing comes research which means the use of a survey in this case (yea, i hate em too). but i would be much appreciative if some of yall could complete the this survery within the next several days or so.
responses will be kept confidential, responders kept anonymous blah blah blah and all that good stuff.
i realize this isnt the easiest method of administering this survery, but ive got to collect a good number and if yall could take a few minutes to do this, that would be grrrreat. ill take as many as i can get from here! lol.
here we go, the survey is pretty straight forward, so if you do choose to complete it, just [QUOTE/] the survey i provided and either Bold [B/] or delete the other options.
you can post in this thread, PM it to me, or e-mail it to me ( kcrocker@gmail.com ). you choose, whatever is easier for you, as im trying to make this as painless as possible.
so please keep the answers honest mature. i mean, this isnt really that big of a deal, as i could botch all the surveys myself to achieve my desired predictions for this report, but im trying to keep it semi-honest. i mean, if i was getting paid for this, id be taking it a hell of a lot more seriously, ya know.
any questions, feel free to ask.
1. Are you at least 21 years of age? 1 yes 2 no
2. Would you consider yourself a beer consumer? 1 yes 2 no
if your answer is “yes”, please continue with the remainder of the survey.
3. Following are statements regarding your attitude towards beer purchases. For each statement please CIRCLE ONE NUMBER to show your feelings of agreement or disagreement with the statement.
Strongly Disagree (being 1)..........Strongly Agree (being 7)
People notice when I buy the most expensive brand of beer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Buying a high priced beer makes me feel good about myself. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Buying a most expensive brand of beer makes me feel classy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I enjoy the prestige of buying a high priced brand of beer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
It says something to people when I buy the higher priced beer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
My friends will think I am cheap if I consistently buy the lowest priced beer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I have purchased the most expensive brand of beer just because I knew other people would notice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I think others make judgments about me by the brands of beer I purchase. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Even for a relatively inexpensive product, I think that buying a costly brand is impressive. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
We would now like to ask you a few questions about your preferences in regards to beer.
4. On average, how often do you purchase beer?
1 Daily
2 A couple times per week
3 Once a week
4 A couple times per month
5 Once a month
6 Don’t know
5. Which beer do you most prefer? 1 Domestic 2 Imported
6. What is your favorite brand of beer? __________________
7. Which brand of beer do you purchase most often? ___________________
8. If your answers to questions 6 and 7 are different, please provide a reason. ______________________
9. What roles do each of the following play when making your beer purchase decision?
(1)Not influential at all (2)Somewhat Influential (3)Very Influential
My appearance/image at social gatherings 1 2 3
What other people would think of me 1 2 3
Place of use (home/bar/etc.) 1 2 3
Price of beer 1 2 3
Quality of beer 1 2 3
Brand of beer 1 2 3
Taste of beer 1 2 3
The following classification questions are for statistical purposes only.
10. Your age: 1 21-30
2 31-40
3 41-50
4 51-60
5 Above 60
11. Your education:
1 some or no high school
2 high school graduate
3 some college
4 college graduate
12. What was the estimated total income of your household before taxes last year?
1 Under $15,000
2 $15,000 - $29,999
3 $ 30,000 - $44,999
.4 $45,000 - $59,999
.5 $60,000 - $84,999
.6 $85,000 or more
13. What is your employment status?
.1 Full-time employment
2 Part-time employment
3 Unemployed/Retired
4 Student
responses will be kept confidential, responders kept anonymous blah blah blah and all that good stuff.
i realize this isnt the easiest method of administering this survery, but ive got to collect a good number and if yall could take a few minutes to do this, that would be grrrreat. ill take as many as i can get from here! lol.
here we go, the survey is pretty straight forward, so if you do choose to complete it, just [QUOTE/] the survey i provided and either Bold [B/] or delete the other options.
you can post in this thread, PM it to me, or e-mail it to me ( kcrocker@gmail.com ). you choose, whatever is easier for you, as im trying to make this as painless as possible.
so please keep the answers honest mature. i mean, this isnt really that big of a deal, as i could botch all the surveys myself to achieve my desired predictions for this report, but im trying to keep it semi-honest. i mean, if i was getting paid for this, id be taking it a hell of a lot more seriously, ya know.
any questions, feel free to ask.
1. Are you at least 21 years of age? 1 yes 2 no
2. Would you consider yourself a beer consumer? 1 yes 2 no
if your answer is “yes”, please continue with the remainder of the survey.
3. Following are statements regarding your attitude towards beer purchases. For each statement please CIRCLE ONE NUMBER to show your feelings of agreement or disagreement with the statement.
Strongly Disagree (being 1)..........Strongly Agree (being 7)
People notice when I buy the most expensive brand of beer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Buying a high priced beer makes me feel good about myself. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Buying a most expensive brand of beer makes me feel classy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I enjoy the prestige of buying a high priced brand of beer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
It says something to people when I buy the higher priced beer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
My friends will think I am cheap if I consistently buy the lowest priced beer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I have purchased the most expensive brand of beer just because I knew other people would notice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I think others make judgments about me by the brands of beer I purchase. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Even for a relatively inexpensive product, I think that buying a costly brand is impressive. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
We would now like to ask you a few questions about your preferences in regards to beer.
4. On average, how often do you purchase beer?
1 Daily
2 A couple times per week
3 Once a week
4 A couple times per month
5 Once a month
6 Don’t know
5. Which beer do you most prefer? 1 Domestic 2 Imported
6. What is your favorite brand of beer? __________________
7. Which brand of beer do you purchase most often? ___________________
8. If your answers to questions 6 and 7 are different, please provide a reason. ______________________
9. What roles do each of the following play when making your beer purchase decision?
(1)Not influential at all (2)Somewhat Influential (3)Very Influential
My appearance/image at social gatherings 1 2 3
What other people would think of me 1 2 3
Place of use (home/bar/etc.) 1 2 3
Price of beer 1 2 3
Quality of beer 1 2 3
Brand of beer 1 2 3
Taste of beer 1 2 3
The following classification questions are for statistical purposes only.
10. Your age: 1 21-30
2 31-40
3 41-50
4 51-60
5 Above 60
11. Your education:
1 some or no high school
2 high school graduate
3 some college
4 college graduate
12. What was the estimated total income of your household before taxes last year?
1 Under $15,000
2 $15,000 - $29,999
3 $ 30,000 - $44,999
.4 $45,000 - $59,999
.5 $60,000 - $84,999
.6 $85,000 or more
13. What is your employment status?
.1 Full-time employment
2 Part-time employment
3 Unemployed/Retired
4 Student