I've gotten into chickens here in the last month, I enjoy it as a hobby and working on cars day in an day out I kinda get burnt out on me an chcikens are cheaper. Anyway I was just wondering if any of Y'all was into them as we'll?
So far we have...
Our rooster Popeye a black copper maran/Easter egged mix.
Thelma an Louise our first laying hens.
Little bam bam she's a Dutch bantam.
Ruby which is an Easter egger.
Zena our blue steel full sized cochin.
Elsa our pure breed silkie.
Also got some chicks a few weeks ago in hopes of breeding some of the rare breeds and some great egg layers.
Swedish flowers.
Jubilee orps.
And the layers are welsummers.
So far we have...
Our rooster Popeye a black copper maran/Easter egged mix.
Thelma an Louise our first laying hens.
Little bam bam she's a Dutch bantam.
Ruby which is an Easter egger.
Zena our blue steel full sized cochin.
Elsa our pure breed silkie.
Also got some chicks a few weeks ago in hopes of breeding some of the rare breeds and some great egg layers.
Swedish flowers.
Jubilee orps.
And the layers are welsummers.