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What's More important..?

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    I don't try to impress anyone, it's futile.


      I probably sound like a douche saying this, but I have high expectations/standards.

      I try to impress myself.
      Originally posted by wed3k
      im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


        Originally posted by toycar View Post
        i Probably Sound Like A Douche Saying This, But I Have High Expectations/standards.

        I Try To Impress Myself.


          Camaraderie is all I'm looking for. I'm happily married to my lovely wife, so I just need like minded people to talk to about cars with.

          BB6-><Summer Lover
          BD6-><Dailey/Future AutoX
          Mazda 6s-><Wifes


            I never try to impress anybody.


              Originally posted by Leung View Post
              I don't try to impress anyone, it's futile.
              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
              I never try to impress anybody.
              I don't try to impress anyone either. What's the point?..........
              1997 Ford Explorer V-6 AT (what a piece of junk)
              1993 Nissan Sentra M/T (front end damage, off road for now)
              1999 Mercury Mountaineer V-8 A/T - RIP (rolled: totaled)
              1992 Honda Accord A/T EX - RIP (transmission shot: sold to junkyard)


                this question sounds like it should be directed to the younger single crowd, am i correct?
                (sold to h22wagon93, granite cb7 $1000.00) and c91bse7 cash with trade, jdmfreak, thanks guys!


                  Not necessarily. Many people feel that it's important to look cool in front of their friends, or the opposite sex in general.

                  Actually, I suppose I do try to impress... but I think I'm more concerned with impressing myself by doing things that other people SHOULD find impressive. Like my CTS-V. Yes, part of my reasons for wanting that car was because it was "impressive", much more so than, say, a GTO or Camaro. The V8 was to impress me, but the shiny Cadillac was to impress those that see me. The funny thing is, though... I don't drive around expecting anyone to be impressed. If they act impressed, I say "it's just a 2006 with 100k miles on it... needs some work."
                  I don't really care to impress anyone, though I'm pleased if I do. The last date I took out in the CTS-V bashed my shifting... so SHE wasn't impressed!


                    There is deference in caring what people think and trying to impress people.

                    I overlooked that fact in my earlier post. I do care what people think but I don’t go out of my way to try to impress anyone.

                    Someone who doesn’t care what people think will have no shame in taking a dump in the isle at Wal-Mart.

                    With that being said we all have been impressed by others at some point. People do get impressed by the actions of others. But if you run around trying to impress people all the time thats kinda lame IMO.


                      I agree with that. Like, I went out today to get some food... sick as a dog, unshowered, probably stinking to all hell. I was a little uneasy about getting anywhere near people, in case I really DO smell (I'm all stuffed up, so I have no clue. )
                      I'm not trying to impress anyone, but I'd rather not purposely offend, either.


                        Why would i want to "impress" the same sex? I could care less what joe blow thinks of me, my style, or my car. As for the females, i'm not going to dress, speak, or change my personal preference/style to "impress" them. Either you have game or you dont.
                        Last edited by mugencivic4dr; 12-28-2012, 06:15 PM.
                        DONT LET
                        ROLL ON


                          Originally posted by i want my cb9 View Post
                          this question sounds like it should be directed to the younger single crowd, am i correct?
                          i agree, after a certain age this looses importance. Unless its for a job, then i'll do what it takes to impress lol
                          Last edited by mugencivic4dr; 12-28-2012, 06:22 PM.
                          DONT LET
                          ROLL ON


                            Originally posted by mugencivic4dr View Post
                            Why would i want to "impress" the same sex? I could care less what joe blow thinks of me, my style, or my car.
                            What Joe Blow thinks of you and impressing Joe Blow are two different things. If you don’t care what Joe Blow thinks go up to him with your wiener tucked between your legs and pretend you’re a little girl.

                            Everyone cares what people think to a degree. Period. The amount that people care is determined by pride.


                              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                              Not necessarily. Many people feel that it's important to look cool in front of their friends, or the opposite sex in general.
                              But that's stupid your friends should think your cool for who you are. Keep it real.

                              I know this guy, I guess you could call us friends. We've basically grown up together, or around each other. But I never felt comfortable hanging out with him. Hes a biter and doesn't have his own personality. Like I will say something that he thinks is funny or cool and he'll say the exact same thing like an hour later. Acting oblivious like he never heard me say it.

                              Or he buys the same clothes as me and my friends, I have stickers on the mirror in my room so he does it, my friend riley has posters in his room so he gets the same posters. He even got two leapord geckos because I have one (they died after a few weeks) crap like that.
                              Hes just a poser.

                              Thats kind of the reason my group doesn't do stuff our invite him places.
                              Last edited by Quashish; 12-28-2012, 06:33 PM.

                              C-3PO's MRT USDM yo!

                              then i see my baby, suddenly I'm not crazy,
                              It all makes sense when i look into her eyes


                                Originally posted by Quashish View Post
                                But that's stupid your friends should think your cool for who you are. Keep it real.

