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What's your favorite music video? NSFW

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    What's your favorite music video? NSFW

    I've been getting into watching music videos lately, mainly to study filmmaking styles and stuff, but I've found a few that are really interesting/funny. It doesn't matter if you like the music or not, a good video is a good video.

    what are your favorites?

    I'll start off. You can't go wrong with Christopher Walken.

    Last edited by dj_ender; 12-14-2012, 02:50 AM.

    Click for my Member's Ride Thread
    Originally posted by Stephen Fry
    'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
    Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:


    BB6-><Summer Lover
    BD6-><Dailey/Future AutoX
    Mazda 6s-><Wifes


      Tool - Sober
      I don't even like their music much anymore, but that's the best video ever!




          My all time favorite video ,,,Land of Confusion by Genesis


          A man that keeps looking back can't see whats in front of him.


            Originally posted by deevergote View Post
            Tool - Sober
            I don't even like their music much anymore, but that's the best video ever!
            Hell yeah that's a good video! But sadly the most over played tool song on the radio..
            I listen to all of Maynard's music. (Pucsifer/aperfectcircle) good stuffs

            BB6-><Summer Lover
            BD6-><Dailey/Future AutoX
            Mazda 6s-><Wifes


              Prepare yourself, epic fucking video ahead.

              Originally posted by Mishakol129
              Do not disrespect my intelligence. I am the smartest person I know : )


                BlockHead: The music scene (best watched after smoking herb)

                visit vgruk


                  Originally posted by dj_ender View Post
                  Prepare yourself, epic fucking video ahead.

                  I should have put NSFW in the title. I didnt think Youtube allowed tits.

                  Click for my Member's Ride Thread
                  Originally posted by Stephen Fry
                  'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
                  Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:


                    lol, I forgot they were in there too. Fixed.
                    Originally posted by Mishakol129
                    Do not disrespect my intelligence. I am the smartest person I know : )



                      and this one

                      clearly these are not favorites, but videos I'm watching at the moment I thought good enough to share.

                      I'm not sure I have a favorite music video; I listen to music for the instruments, no doubt. I like progressive rock, melodic death metal, reggae... the list goes on. I suppose I haven't given music videos a chance, having grown up in the era in which MTV and the like were absolute crap. Just give the music and I'll be happy; I don't need to see your lips move, your fingers strumming, or your feet and hands beating away; I can imagine all of that just as well by listening to the glorious music.
                      Last edited by reklipz; 12-14-2012, 04:39 AM.


                        love the song, love the video

                        every summer theres a tight n bright party that takes hundreds of guys n girls out into the ocean up the coast line n back from like 7pm - 3am. me and friends have done it every year almost and its all nothing but trance and house music and to 40`s

                        MY MEMBERS RIDE THREAD


                          most of my favorite videos are all DNB lol

                          and in case you like to watch fat people dance around:


                            Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                            Tool - Sober
                            I don't even like their music much anymore, but that's the best video ever!
                            Tool is my fav band of all time! I have all of their videos on a CD just for a backup



