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How can I get the most money?

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    How can I get the most money?

    Cliffs: I have a job at Autozone. My old job might make me an offer. How do I
    go back and forth between the two to get the most money?

    Story: April of 2011 I started working at Office Depot. I started at minimum
    wage($7.40, 6.36 after tax), which was supposed to be supplemented with a
    sales percentage from services on computers. It never happened, mostly
    due to them changing the rules on how commision was made. The job was
    boring, and MAX I could get about 32 hours a week. The biggest paycheck I
    got was (IIRC) about $400 for two weeks. Towards the end of the summer, a
    ton of drama began at the job. I quit, but realistically I was about 20
    minutes away from being fired.

    Sounds all bad. I met my current girlfriend there, and made a few friends, but
    it left many sour memories. The people who caused the drama left shortly
    after (mostly).

    A few months after, I started work at Autozone. They offered me $8.25 an
    hour, and I took it. I like the job quite a bit more. With one or two
    exceptions, there is no drama whatsoever. It's all work and good humored
    fun. The downside? It's in the Ghetto, so it's
    a) About a 20 minute drive. OD is 3 minutes. That's a LOT more in gas.
    b) In the Ghetto. Say what you want, but our clientele are stinky obnoxious
    pieces of shit. I can't understand what they say half the time, either
    because it's a loud black guy speaking in tongues, or it's a Mexican. They
    are the worst part of my job.

    After a record week ($54k) we've bottomed out. My hours have been cut
    quite a bit recently.

    So, to sum it up:

    Office Depot
    Pros: Very close to home
    Girlfriend works there
    Better customers

    I was fired
    Boss is still there, doing similar shit to a buddy that works there
    Minimum wage (read on though)

    Pros: Fun to work at
    Better pay
    Discount on parts

    Cons: Far away (more on gas)
    Customers are shit
    Possible drop in hours

    So, why did I type all this up? Well, the manager at OD is having such a
    difficult time finding tech people that know what they're doing one of the
    assistants is proposing hiring me back.
    I was a little shocked to hear this at first, but it makes sense.
    (Somewhat important to add here: While I did do some bad things to burn
    bridges when I left, I did them in such a way that no one knows it was me)
    The proposing manager said she'd be able to hire me back above their
    starting pay (min) and likely what I make now, or more.

    I've talked it over with my GF (still works there). I'm mulling it over in my
    head and thought I'd ask here. I'd like to stay at Autozone, it's funner and
    IMO a better job. But OD is closer and my GF works there.

    My three options as I see them:
    1. Stay at Autozone and avoid the drama, try to mention this and get a raise
    2. Switch over to OD and make more or the same.
    3. Try to manage both jobs. Possibly see if I could get a raise at both?

    I'm very tired so I hope all this makes sense. Thanks for reading
    37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
    30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
    27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

    Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

    Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
    Originally posted by Tippey764
    I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
    Originally posted by deevergote
    sneaky motherfucker

    stay at AZ and don't let the customers bother you


      You're 21 years old and reasonable intelligent... what are you doing with minimum wage jobs? Seriously man... you can do better than that! Screw em both, and get a job that pays!


        Originally posted by deevergote View Post
        You're 21 years old and reasonable intelligent... what are you doing with minimum wage jobs? Seriously man... you can do better than that! Screw em both, and get a job that pays!
        My reasoning for staying with them was a flexible schedule to deal with school.
        I guess if I'm willing to work 2 jobs or 40 hours at one of them I should have
        time for a real one. I'll start looking around. Thanks!
        37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
        30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
        27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

        Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

        Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
        Originally posted by Tippey764
        I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
        Originally posted by deevergote
        sneaky motherfucker


          Look into being a waiter. It's absolute shit work, but you'll make good money. Most restaurants are used to dealing with school schedules.

          I worked as a waiter in a seriously shitty restaurant while I was in school... and for 2 of those years, I managed to pay a mortgage at the same time.


            i work at autozone in the ghetto, best job ever i get paid what managers do, get all the hours i can, they work around my school and everyone is so cool, but i agree im in the ghetto and hobos, trannys, homos, and anything in between could walk through the door at any time. Thankfully i speak mexican and they love it cause they dont waste my time asking stuoid shittyy question, they find out what they want and spend the cash. Mexicans are the highest spenders, the blacks are not at all. The blacks usually are pretty cool with me cause i grew up in the "hood" but when ever a customer has a problem its usually an ignorant ghetto mamma that wants something free. They know if they act horrible they get anything they wany. smdh

            keep the job at AZ. and score another one.


              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
              Look into being a waiter. It's absolute shit work, but you'll make good money. Most restaurants are used to dealing with school schedules.

              I worked as a waiter in a seriously shitty restaurant while I was in school... and for 2 of those years, I managed to pay a mortgage at the same time.
              how many hours and how much would you bring home?? and im sure kissing ass all day sucks but thats what i do at AZ any way


                Try and be a driver at autozone. Its much less work, and the pay is slightly better. I was a driver 7 years ago, and I think I was making 9 bucks an hour. But I didnt have to do HALF the crap that the employees did. Didnt even have to come into the mettings =).

                or apply at another auto store and see.
                What makes me laugh about forums, is that no matter how much you try to help someone, they dont take the advice. Go ahead and do it the hard way.

                You got to respect what you drive, and appreciate what you have, making the best of what you got. and if that means putting CAI, HID's, a phat stereo system, and a idiot in the drivers seat...then so be it!



                I love nooBs...They make me look good


                  Originally posted by accordztech View Post
                  Try and be a driver at autozone. Its much less work, and the pay is slightly better. I was a driver 7 years ago, and I think I was making 9 bucks an hour. But I didnt have to do HALF the crap that the employees did. Didnt even have to come into the mettings =).

                  or apply at another auto store and see.
                  You get to drive a company vehicle right? I'll drive around for 9 bucks an hour.


                    Do you have to fill up the company vehicle with your own money?
                    1993 accord lx coupe 5 speed f22a1 all stock for now.


                      Originally posted by Leung View Post
                      You get to drive a company vehicle right? I'll drive around for 9 bucks an hour.
                      hell yeah

                      Originally posted by 92cbmil View Post
                      Do you have to fill up the company vehicle with your own money?
                      hell no, if any company made me shell out for their company car id leave.
                      What makes me laugh about forums, is that no matter how much you try to help someone, they dont take the advice. Go ahead and do it the hard way.

                      You got to respect what you drive, and appreciate what you have, making the best of what you got. and if that means putting CAI, HID's, a phat stereo system, and a idiot in the drivers seat...then so be it!



                      I love nooBs...They make me look good


                        I would stay where you are at.

                        But seriously, how do you even think about living on that kind of money? Get a better jobby friend!

                        Where I live you can make better money than that delivering pizza's or working at Mcdonalds.
                        Originally posted by wed3k
                        im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                          Originally posted by 8ball View Post
                          how many hours and how much would you bring home?? and im sure kissing ass all day sucks but thats what i do at AZ any way
                          I worked maybe 4 nights a week? There really aren't "hours" in the restaurant business. If they're dead, you get sent home early with no money. If they're busy, you're there until they close. On average, I guess I worked maybe 30 hours most weeks, and made about $25,000/yr. Not good money at all, but it was a REALLY crappy restaurant (Bennigan's). My final year of serving was at Outback, and I made over $30,000 easily.
                          My friend delivered pizza for Papa John's, and he made about the same. It does kill your car, though, which is why I didn't suggest that. I killed my first car doing pizza delivery.


                            This is my personal opinion and it may not be the same there.

                            Look for an apprenticeship.

                            I joined one here at my local shipyard. Started at 19 yrs old making $10.24/ hr in 2003. I'm currently at $24.65/hr and make $36.98/hr for anything worked over 40 hours (which is every week). Most I've made in a year was $77k. I don't have a degree either. Currently working on getting one though.

                            The Apprenticeship I joined here also has college sports: Football, Basketball (mens and womens), Baseball, Wrestling, and Golf. You get paid if any games/tournaments are during the week as well.

                            Again, it's just a thought. I let anyone who is lost for a career/job know about my choice. Many people transfer from out of state as well, just to join. They are currently working towards dorms and making it a full 4 year school.

                            I'm not downing the military but you're not trapped in most apprenticeships either like if you sign papers to join the military. They practically own you for the length of enlistment you agreed on.


                              Hey man i feel that you are in the same boat as me. I was working in the warehouse at a medical company, left because i burnt the bridge with my manager who was stealing and i made it known. No one did anything or cared, because he knew the owner personally.
                              I left went to work at a True Value because i always liked to be busy and liked dealing with people. I actually took a paycut to work there, 1 dollar less but it was untaxed so in the long run made about the same.

                              Now i am back at the medical company because they saw what i could do and what i was going to school for. I now work in AP/AR for them (accounts payable/account receivable). The accounting department knew me from before so they gave me a chance and im loving what i do. It is just a stepping stone until i get my BA and possibly go for masters after.

                              So man i would try and look for a job that is directed towards what you are learning in school. Then you will like what you do and it makes sense because you are doing it 24/7.(being in school and working) But good luck man i hope everything works out for you.

