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Plans to destroy a pedophile, need feedback

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    Raping someone ONCE can potentially be considered a mistake. A lapse in judgement and self control. Perhaps even a situation that was interpreted differently by the victim.

    But repeatedly? And with prior incidents? The man is sick, and should never be allowed in sight of another child again!
    Honestly, he needs to go back to prison, and his new friends there need to be informed of WHY he is there.


      Im just curious and I didn't catch it if you posted and if you don't want to I totally understand but how old was your friend when she was stalked/abused by this man?

      The fact that he stalked and assaulted her for years is like a story right out of Law & Order SVU.

      That's fucking insane.

      So he raped 3 kids AND assaulted your friend AND a little girl while on Active Duty in the Navy and he is walking around like he's hot shit?

      See I don't understand shit like this.

      How do these guys fall through the cracks?

      THIS is why our justice system should be more like Europe where it is a collection of Judges who KNOW the law and do it for a living.....not 12 people who are half retarded, can't remember what floor the jury room is on, and don't give a fuck about this country or the case.


        A US judge CAN overrule a jury's decision. It's rare, but it's within the judge's power to do so.

        If the girl was 17 or younger, she was a minor... making the man a pedophile. A 17 year old girl may look like an adult, maybe even act like an adult... but according to the law, she is not an adult.


          1. Get a baseball bat
          2. ????
          3. Don't get caught in step 2
          4. His farts are silent forever.
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          Originally posted by Tippey764
          I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
          Originally posted by deevergote
          sneaky motherfucker


            Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
            Im just curious and I didn't catch it if you posted and if you don't want to I totally understand but how old was your friend when she was stalked/abused by this man?

            The fact that he stalked and assaulted her for years is like a story right out of Law & Order SVU.

            That's fucking insane.

            So he raped 3 kids AND assaulted your friend AND a little girl while on Active Duty in the Navy and he is walking around like he's hot shit?

            See I don't understand shit like this.

            How do these guys fall through the cracks?

            THIS is why our justice system should be more like Europe where it is a collection of Judges who KNOW the law and do it for a living.....not 12 people who are half retarded, can't remember what floor the jury room is on, and don't give a fuck about this country or the case.
            She was 14 when it started, 17 when it stopped due to moving out. It was about 3 years later she finally came forward and told someone after he had been accused of molesting some other kid.

            Nothing came out of that, but it did provoke her to come forward out of guilt. She felt like if she had done something sooner, maybe this other girl wouldn't have been molested.

            He has been convicted 3 seperate times, including my friend.

            Prior to that, he had a tribunal/discharge for raping a little girl in the Phillipines. That girl was rumored to be young, like 5-6 but nobody knows that factually. His brother talked about it once in a while is the way I understand it.

            Ive never personally met the guy, and the military record is not public record. For that particular offense I am repeating repeated information. For the other 3, I have personally held and read the police reports and it is sickening.

            In 1980 he raped a 9 yr old girl that was a girlfriends daughter. In the report it says it happened twice. The second incident was just like the 3rd. It happened with a young girl, 11 yrs old and it carried on for 2+ yrs.

            He controlled her with threats just the same as my friend.

            In my opinion, these kind of people should be put to death and there should be no other option for the jury.

            Innocent, or DEATH.

            What really just makes me want to puke is the stories my friend tells about her mom.

            Mom never stopped wearing the wedding ring, protected his belongings while he was in prison and kept his 401k for him so when he got out he would have something. She still has their wedding stuff in the china hutch.

            Its seriously a very fucked up situation.
            Originally posted by wed3k
            im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


              Originally posted by toycar View Post
              She was 14 when it started, 17 when it stopped due to moving out. It was about 3 years later she finally came forward and told someone after he had been accused of molesting some other kid.

              Nothing came out of that, but it did provoke her to come forward out of guilt. She felt like if she had done something sooner, maybe this other girl wouldn't have been molested.

              He has been convicted 3 seperate times, including my friend.

              Prior to that, he had a tribunal/discharge for raping a little girl in the Phillipines. That girl was rumored to be young, like 5-6 but nobody knows that factually. His brother talked about it once in a while is the way I understand it.

              Ive never personally met the guy, and the military record is not public record. For that particular offense I am repeating repeated information. For the other 3, I have personally held and read the police reports and it is sickening.

              In 1980 he raped a 9 yr old girl that was a girlfriends daughter. In the report it says it happened twice. The second incident was just like the 3rd. It happened with a young girl, 11 yrs old and it carried on for 2+ yrs.

              He controlled her with threats just the same as my friend.

              In my opinion, these kind of people should be put to death and there should be no other option for the jury.

              Innocent, or DEATH.

              What really just makes me want to puke is the stories my friend tells about her mom.

              Mom never stopped wearing the wedding ring, protected his belongings while he was in prison and kept his 401k for him so when he got out he would have something. She still has their wedding stuff in the china hutch.

              Its seriously a very fucked up situation.

              Was the mother abused?

              Sometimes they "side" with their abuser.

              Its like a mental coping device.

              It is very hard to break out of.

              She know's it's wrong....and eventually the weight of the guilt that she enabled this man to do these things or even just allowing him back into their lives will break her and she will walk away.


                Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                Was the mother abused?

                Sometimes they "side" with their abuser.

                Its like a mental coping device.

                It is very hard to break out of.

                She know's it's wrong....and eventually the weight of the guilt that she enabled this man to do these things or even just allowing him back into their lives will break her and she will walk away.
                Moms got a drug problem and some mental issues from what I gather. I have met her several times. She works at a gas station in the ghetto and certainly fits the bill for someone that would have such a career.

                She is a real piece of shit.
                Originally posted by wed3k
                im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                  I can't imagine how a mother would allow a man to remain in her life after he abused her daughter... ESPECIALLY if that man isn't even the girl's father. I mean, the father would be even more disturbing, but a father can "lay claim" to a child... whereas any man that isn't the father has NO claim whatsoever. That girl is her mother's child, not this monster's.
                  The mother must surely have mental issues...

                  I can't believe he got such a light sentence with prior convictions. I'm actually amazed he didn't get torn to shreds in prison. His reason for being there must've been hidden. Inmates have kids on the outside as well... and I would imagine that any inmate that's a parent would tear a pedophile limb from limb. And any prison guard that has kids would likely turn a blind eye. I know I sure as hell would, and I have no kids!


                    Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                    THIS is why our justice system should be more like Europe where it is a collection of Judges who KNOW the law and do it for a living.....not 12 people who are half retarded, can't remember what floor the jury room is on, and don't give a fuck about this country or the case.
                    But isnt the judge the one who does the sentencing? So the jury did their job of convicting him it was the judge who decided the punishment? I could be wrong.

                    Toycar good luck with your endevours(spel?) Hopefully you and your friend find peace in whatever comes about. I too dislike pedo's and rapist i think they are scum but i try not to judge especially if i am going off word of mouth. But i am all for full justice to be served.

                    Its kinda like how a drug dealer can go away for life for caring a shit load of coke. But a murderer only goes to jail for 3 years with possiblilty of parole. Doesnt make sense but thats how the world is.
                    Last edited by Grumpys93; 04-27-2012, 11:10 AM.
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                      Originally posted by Grumpys93 View Post
                      But isnt the judge the one who does the sentencing? So the jury did their job of convicting him it was the judge who decided the punishment? I could be wrong.

                      Toycar good luck with your endevours(spel?) Hopefully you and your friend find peace in whatever comes about. I too dislike pedo's and rapist i think they are scum but i try not to judge especially if i am going off word of mouth. But i am all for full justice to be served.

                      Its kinda like how a drug dealer can go away for life for caring a shit load of coke. But a murderer only goes to jail for 3 years with possiblilty of parole. Doesnt make sense but thats how the world is.
                      The only word of mouth Im going off of is about the phillipines incident when he was in the military.

                      I know factually about the 3 other times he was caught and admitted his guilt in exchange for a reduced sentence.

                      I do agree that drug dealers get a raw deal compared to murderers and sex offenders.
                      Originally posted by wed3k
                      im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.



                        1 fucking year this guy got for touching a young boy, because he pleaded no contest....

                        Originally posted by wed3k
                        im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                          Was New Zealand part of that whole prison colony as well? Or do you have the luxury of separating yourselves from the Aussies when stuff like that comes up? Much like Canada and the US do whenever there's an embarrassing fact brought to light about one or the other, since we're so very similar in most ways (except for those French Canadians... it's like they're from another country or something! How's that for an ignorant American statement!)
                          We were separate from Aussie with that.
                          Back then if the British had let convicts loose in NZ, The Native Maoris would have dealt to them personally!!

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                            Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                            Was the mother abused?

                            Sometimes they "side" with their abuser.

                            Its like a mental coping device.

                            It is very hard to break out of.

                            She know's it's wrong....and eventually the weight of the guilt that she enabled this man to do these things or even just allowing him back into their lives will break her and she will walk away.
                            It's not a coping device, it's a mental imbalance. Most notably, the Chaos Theory. More than likely, she was abused as a child and that's all she knows, are abusers. To her, normal guys who dont abuse(people or substances) are boring and she doesnt find them attractive or stimulating. She needs that chaos; that abuse. It really is sad.

                            It's the reason she allowed it to happen, it's the reason she probably didnt believe the daughter when she told her and it's the reason she still "loves" this man.

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                            Originally posted by Jarrett
                            Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                              Originally posted by SilverShadow View Post
                              Let me put you into a real situation and you tell me if I should treat you like OP and some of you will.
                              All your life, people get on you. You're told you are stupid, fat, dumb, ugly. A few times in the places where you lived, you never get to meet girls. But when you do, they shine you on and give you blue balls. Then out of frustration you walk in front of kids and expose your dick... you go to jail Then another time you almost force yourself on a date. You get put in a mental jail and get no help from Dr.'s. a year later, your out and move to another state to forget it all and start new. you meet a girl with kids...two brat boys and an teen older sister. The father of them is dead from cancer. You live all together and try to make it. You go to discipline the boys and they don't like it and they call police. They tell police you masturbated them and the police see your record. Now your sent away for 12 years!
                              After you get out you want nothing better to do than get on with your life. You need to re-establish a Drivers license, and a place to live and a way to eat! But some fucks won't stop passing out flyers and shit! You did 12 years and that was what society asked for punishment. But these fucks are like rabid out of control animals..nothing ...will please them. You just want to be left alone. didn't even know a school was nearby and you didn't because you did something 12 years ago! How could it matter now? (No it's not about me) Just when is punishment over?
                              I don't care if your a fat dumb ass with blue balls with too high of standards. Whipping your cock out for a child is wrong. There's ugly fat chicks that will give it up. How is this any different then the almost in the click kid that got no play from the preppy chicks?? He could always go ride a moped if it got that bad


                                Mike's advice must come from a perfect world...

                                I work with kids and I'll tell you something, I am all for whatever you do to make this guy's life a living hell.

                                Dean For President.

