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Highway courtesy

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    Highway courtesy

    Lately I've noticed 2 things on the highway:
    1. I've been going a steady 90 mph. I know exactly why I'm doing it, I'm just surprised at how well it's going.
    2. This is really surprising to me. People see me rolling up behind them and GTFO of my way. Usually fairly quickly. When they don't move, I'll creep up on them until they do, or pass them. But, an astonishing amount of them are moving. This never happened at 80 or 70.

    Is #2 happening to anyone else lately? I'm ok with it, it's just striking me as odd.
    37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
    30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
    27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

    Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

    Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
    Originally posted by Tippey764
    I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
    Originally posted by deevergote
    sneaky motherfucker

    When you approach quickly, people are definitely more inclined to get out of your way. I've noticed that myself. Some people just figure if you're going that much faster than they are, then they should let you by. Others don't know one car from another, and they move because you could be a cop.

    Then there are the people that think it's their job to enforce the law. Those people suck... even though I'll do it myself occasionally.


      Originally posted by deevergote View Post
      When you approach quickly, people are definitely more inclined to get out of your way. I've noticed that myself. Some people just figure if you're going that much faster than they are, then they should let you by. Others don't know one car from another, and they move because you could be a cop.

      Then there are the people that think it's their job to enforce the law. Those people suck... even though I'll do it myself occasionally.
      I've actually had a few encounters like that. I'm coming up very quickly on them and go to pass in cool guy fashion. As soon as I turn on my blinker and move to get over they do, so I'm forced to quickly get back over.

      I've never flicked my brights at someone, and never had them flicked at me. I think it's because I'm habitually going faster than everyone else. The only reason I know it exists is because it happened to my friend when he was driving us to a concert.
      37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
      30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
      27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

      Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

      Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
      Originally posted by Tippey764
      I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
      Originally posted by deevergote
      sneaky motherfucker


        I HATE when people do that. Usually, they're doing that on purpose. Those are the self-proclaimed enforcers.
        Of course, I don't care to pass on the right, as it's not the safe thing to do. If the guy in the left lane in front of me is going the speed limit or faster, and he's passing the people in the lanes to the right, I'll stay behind him and deal with it. If he's going slower than the guys in the right lanes, I'll charge him (not dangerously... just a fast approach) and he usually moves. If not, I'll safely pass with the traffic in the right lanes that are already passing him.

        I NEVER flick my high beams, and if someone does it to me, I slow down. ESPECIALLY if I'm already exceeding the limit (which I usually am in the left lane, normally by about 10mph over... it's what everyone seems to do.) I think it's rude. If I'm going slow, fine... but if I'm already speeding, fuck you!

        I almost killed a dumbass on a crotch rocket the other day because he shot out from behind the car behind me, and tried to pass me on the right... as I was changing into that lane. I had my signal on, and I saw his buddies (passing on the left), so I knew to keep an eye out for the one idiot... there's ALWAYS one idiot in a group of bikers!

        Today, I was behind a slow truck at a light. He was slow to start, and a right lane had just appeared as the road widened, so I signaled to get into it to pass him. There was PLENTY of room between me and the car 4 cars back that was doing the same thing as me. However, when the other car saw my signal, he gunned it. I changed lanes anyway (my signal is a declaration of intent, not a request!) Dude got on my ass and flashed his high beams at me. I let off the gas and pinned him next to the truck. The truck ran him into the shoulder.
        People suck.


          I have a lead foot, but within reason. In 10 years of driving, I've had 2 speeding tickets. One was a doozy, and the other was on the road behind my house for 10kmh over. I've been let off for speeding about 4 times, and one time ticketed for another minor offense instead of speeding.

          Anyways, here in Alberta, people are the most oblivious and worst drivers I have ever encountered. I have driven in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan, and Alberta is BY FAR the worst.

          I'm usually the guy driving (slightly) faster than everyone else. Been in a few situations where I've flashed to pass and they don't move over because they're oblivious. Or I'm so close to their ass they can't see my lights lol.

          I do admit I'm a VERY aggressive driver. I can be a downright asshole sometimes. There's one road that I drive home on every day, and it's 2 lanes one way, and the inside lane has an exit to an onramp. The inside lane always gets backed up because there's about 3 or 4 blocks of traffic lights, while traffic in the left lane is usually going straight through, but there's always those assholes who come flying up the left lane just to signal and cut in at the last second to get the ramp.

          I've blocked off about 3 people trying to cut in like that, either by speeding up or slowing down to block them, or getting closer to the car infront od me not giving them room to cut in. It's like "screw you, why should you be so special to cut infront of everyone else, while we all waited in the proper lane for the exit?" I'm just a dick in general when driving here because I get so frustrated with how fucking retarded people are here.

          I'm actually considering installing train horns in my car, because I frequently use my horn and middle fingers, and yell at people for being retards.

          The worst is when I'm driving the shuttle car at work. I have to bite my tongue, and I can't react cuz I'm driving a company car.

          But yeah, I find driving here stressful due to the amount of complete idiots who have no clue how to drive. I'm a very good driver, my only downfall is how aggressive I am, and my quick temper for road rage. I get frustrated and pissed off too easily when I'm behind the wheel.

          I could rant on forever about how I hate driving here.


            Oh, and that one time this stupid bitch ran a red light and was literally inches from possibly killing me if she had t-boned me. I actually turned around and chased her down and yelled every possible expletive at her, including throwing a water bottle at her window, while she ignored me, continuing to text on her phone.

            Fucking cunt.


              Sometimes I'll get out of people way. Recently I was on my way to work and I was driving on a one lane high way where the speed limit is 55. I'm driving the speed limit. A woman in a toyota was tail gating me, so I drove faster. Still doing it. Now I'm doing 65. Still tail gating. It honestly felt as if this was meant to make me drive faster for her benefit. So I just tapped my brakes three times and started to slow down to the speed limit afterwards. I don't let other people dictate how I'll drive. In other circumstances, I don't care for holding my ground and take the adult way out.

              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
              . I changed lanes anyway (my signal is a declaration of intent, not a request!) [...]
              So true to an extent. If you have the space why not. When people need to change lanes ,high traffic or not, I let them through. Still, when I want to get away from behind a truck, slow moving vehicle, tractor, etc, this usually happens to me. I'm ready to move to the next lane and the person behind me tries to beat me to the punch even though I was already on the move.

              ||91 Accord EX|| All of my images are hosted courtesy of
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              RICE = Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancement.
              "The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said." - unknown
              "That's the funny thing about parts that break... they're never broken until they are!" -deevergote


                none existant anymore. people are as rude as they come nowadays. at least thats what ive been seeing more and more around my area.

                (129)Transactions and counting


                  screw passing on the right...just get inbetween em lol

                  this is a local video...of a kid riding his bike uninsured...without a licence...hes on a sport bike forum known as busa boy...

                  MY MEMBERS RIDE THREAD


                    Originally posted by stewie View Post
                    screw passing on the right...just get inbetween em lol

                    this is a local video...of a kid riding his bike uninsured...without a licence...hes on a sport bike forum known as busa boy...

                    that boy is going to get himself killed one day.. man i could only watch like half of that because it was so dangerous.


                      i agree with tommi, there is no more "highway courtesy" people are more concerned about themselves then anyone else on the road, no matter the cost.

                      Originally posted by Leung View Post
                      that boy is going to get himself killed one day.. man i could only watch like half of that because it was so dangerous.
                      ^^^that's exactly what i was thinking the whole time i watched the video.
                      1997 Ford Explorer V-6 AT (what a piece of junk)
                      1993 Nissan Sentra M/T (front end damage, off road for now)
                      1999 Mercury Mountaineer V-8 A/T - RIP (rolled: totaled)
                      1992 Honda Accord A/T EX - RIP (transmission shot: sold to junkyard)


                        Originally posted by Leung View Post
                        that boy is going to get himself killed one day.. man i could only watch like half of that because it was so dangerous.
                        yea someone was doing that around here and hooked an 18-wheeler changing lanes.... what was left over hardly resembled a bike or a human being.


                          Motor Bike = 4x more likely to have a fatal crash than in a car. I don't like those odds, and what this guy is doing increases those odds even more.


                            I hate that people think the left lane is for cruising!

                            I say, if you're gonna do under 77mph, stay in the right lane. If you're gonna be going faster than that; the left lane is for you.

                            I hate it when there's someone coming up behind me and they're going like 2mph faster than I am. I get over, hoping they'll pass and instead, they run me into the car in front of me so im forced to brake hard and get back behind them.

                            KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                            Originally posted by Jarrett
                            Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                              I'd also like to add that I noticed that people out West (AZ, NM, CA) understand this concept. The entire time I was there, I never had these issues with people in the wrong lane. They get it. They know how it works. It seems the further East you go, the worse they get.

                              Im also not a big fan of 2-lane highways. I like having 3 lanes. Then I can bob'n'weave or Frogger.

                              KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                              Originally posted by Jarrett
                              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?

