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Highway courtesy

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    Originally posted by MikeW View Post
    I'd also like to add that I noticed that people out West (AZ, NM, CA) understand this concept. The entire time I was there, I never had these issues with people in the wrong lane. They get it. They know how it works. It seems the further East you go, the worse they get.

    Im also not a big fan of 2-lane highways. I like having 3 lanes. Then I can bob'n'weave or Frogger.
    Actually thats false kinda, I know NJ is pretty good about people moving over. I thikn you get ticketed if cruising in the left lane.

    My area on the other hands has folks from all over (military area) that can't drive over a bridge or through a tunnel without counting the tiles. So I tend to drive a lot faster than everyone else so I get as many of them behind me before I get to a tunnel or bridge.


      Originally posted by MikeW View Post
      I'd also like to add that I noticed that people out West (AZ, NM, CA) understand this concept. The entire time I was there, I never had these issues with people in the wrong lane. They get it. They know how it works.
      On the contrary, I feel that California drivers are just as bad as any other US drivers, especially when it comes to left-lane-loitering. Left-lane-loitering is THE most irritating trend I see on the two-lane highways in CA, notably on the stretches between northern and southern California. A vast majority of drivers, in fact, will pass on the right lane, then return to the left lane to loiter.

      It is FAR too easy to acquire a driving license in the US.
      Original-Owner 1991 Honda Accord
      2005 Acura TSX 6MT
      2010 Mazda Miata Grand Touring


        ive passed people in the shoulder before.
        I <3 G60.

        0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


          Originally posted by wed3k View Post
          ive passed people on the shoulder before.
          Ive always wanted to do this.

          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
          Originally posted by Jarrett
          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


            Originally posted by MikeW View Post
            Ive always wanted to do this.
            one time i passed 3 car train in the shoulder on a freeway on ramp and one guy in a bmw pulled up next to me and started taking pictures of the cb7.

            sure beats slamming into the back of someone
            I <3 G60.

            0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


              most of the freeways around here are three or four lanes so i'm always cruising like 65/75mph towards the middle lanes. the only time i'm over in the right is if my exit is coming up and i'm only over in the left if i'm trying to pass up some turtle but then i get back over.


                Speaking of highway courtesy... who washes their windshield at 65mph while driving into the sun? Some dickhole did that to me today. My washers are broken, so I couldn't even wash my own. I was blinded. I cut in front of him just to keep it from happening again! I wish i could have cut his ass off, but then I'd be endangering other people as well as him (and myself...)


                  I was able to test this very well today.

                  I don't want to hear about public roads and yada yada.

                  I was in my moms extra car. 00 Honda Accord. V6.
                  I hit 122 mph. I was able to see who would move very easily.
                  Some moved, some stayed put. But, at that speed, if they had tried to move when I had tried to move I could've hit them. Another way to put it: I was in the fast lane. Guy in front of me didn't move and I went around him at speed. If he had tried to move into the middle lane when I did I would've hit him.

                  Anyone know what the governor is on that car? I thought 120, but then I passed it.
                  37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
                  30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
                  27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

                  Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

                  Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
                  Originally posted by Tippey764
                  I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
                  Originally posted by deevergote
                  sneaky motherfucker


                    Originally posted by GeoffM View Post
                    I hit 122 mph.
                    Based on what you learned through your experiment, I hope you decide against doing this ever again. If you find yourself having to change lanes just to avoid ramming into people going half the speed, you are putting yourself and others at high risk.

                    In my younger days, I did take my father's TSX up to 136 on a traffic-free, straight stretch of the I-5 desert. A single expansion joint scared the living hell out of me upon hitting that speed. So try and take it easy, Geoff.

                    For the sake of staying on topic, 3 out of every 4 cars loitering on my "autobahn-mode" lane did move off upon seeing me approach them from behind.

                    Last edited by Nurega; 04-20-2012, 01:28 AM.
                    Original-Owner 1991 Honda Accord
                    2005 Acura TSX 6MT
                    2010 Mazda Miata Grand Touring


                      Originally posted by GeoffM View Post
                      I was able to test this very well today.

                      I don't want to hear about public roads and yada yada.

                      I was in my moms extra car. 00 Honda Accord. V6.
                      I hit 122 mph. I was able to see who would move very easily.
                      Some moved, some stayed put. But, at that speed, if they had tried to move when I had tried to move I could've hit them. Another way to put it: I was in the fast lane. Guy in front of me didn't move and I went around him at speed. If he had tried to move into the middle lane when I did I would've hit him.

                      Anyone know what the governor is on that car? I thought 120, but then I passed it.
                      At that speed, by the time the guy in front sees you coming up fast and decides to move over, you will have already hit him, and he won't even know.

                      Ever tried to do a quick out/in/out lane change at that speed?

                      Car Safety / General Servicing Checks --------Basic suspension checks

                      My 5.7 LS1 Holden Ute

                      A "Finished" project car is never finished until its been sold.

                      If at first you don't succeed, Try again. Don't give up too easily, persistance pays off in the end.


                        Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                        Speaking of highway courtesy... who washes their windshield at 65mph while driving into the sun? Some dickhole did that to me today. My washers are broken, so I couldn't even wash my own. I was blinded. I cut in front of him just to keep it from happening again! I wish i could have cut his ass off, but then I'd be endangering other people as well as him (and myself...)
                        driving with broken washers isnt a great idea to begin with. i've run out of fluid in slushy winter highway big-rig conditions and that was scary enough.

                        My Cars: 2006 Ford Freestyle - 1990 Accord EX - 2001 Accord EXV6 Coupe - 1967 Impala "Metallicar" (for the wife)


                          Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
                          I have a lead foot, but within reason. In 10 years of driving, I've had 2 speeding tickets. One was a doozy, and the other was on the road behind my house for 10kmh over. I've been let off for speeding about 4 times, and one time ticketed for another minor offense instead of speeding.

                          Anyways, here in Alberta, people are the most oblivious and worst drivers I have ever encountered. I have driven in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan, and Alberta is BY FAR the worst.

                          I'm usually the guy driving (slightly) faster than everyone else. Been in a few situations where I've flashed to pass and they don't move over because they're oblivious. Or I'm so close to their ass they can't see my lights lol.

                          I do admit I'm a VERY aggressive driver. I can be a downright asshole sometimes. There's one road that I drive home on every day, and it's 2 lanes one way, and the inside lane has an exit to an onramp. The inside lane always gets backed up because there's about 3 or 4 blocks of traffic lights, while traffic in the left lane is usually going straight through, but there's always those assholes who come flying up the left lane just to signal and cut in at the last second to get the ramp.

                          I've blocked off about 3 people trying to cut in like that, either by speeding up or slowing down to block them, or getting closer to the car infront od me not giving them room to cut in. It's like "screw you, why should you be so special to cut infront of everyone else, while we all waited in the proper lane for the exit?" I'm just a dick in general when driving here because I get so frustrated with how fucking retarded people are here.

                          I'm actually considering installing train horns in my car, because I frequently use my horn and middle fingers, and yell at people for being retards.

                          The worst is when I'm driving the shuttle car at work. I have to bite my tongue, and I can't react cuz I'm driving a company car.

                          But yeah, I find driving here stressful due to the amount of complete idiots who have no clue how to drive. I'm a very good driver, my only downfall is how aggressive I am, and my quick temper for road rage. I get frustrated and pissed off too easily when I'm behind the wheel.

                          I could rant on forever about how I hate driving here.
                          You sound just like me! I do all that except in the greater Toronto area with more traffic and retards on the roads, absolutely hate left lane huggers and even more when its an 18 wheeler for long stretches. Worst incident I had: I was on a 2 lane oneway part of the highway the other day and i was coming up the left at maybe 120 and some jackass saw me and decided to jump in front of me at like 90 (max...had to be less then that) in his corolla to get around a truck in front of him. then he wouldnt get out of the lane so i started to get close and start weaving behind him and dude came to a full stop almost all of a sudden to get me to ram him from the back and i was swerving in my lane behind him when i seen that car stop i was like WTH then he got up to 130 and slammed the brakes again like an asshole, i saw an opening come up and pass him and see his psycho middle-aged russian guy cursing his head off at me...Long story short i passed him eventually but he found my car again after about 10 minutes and he was still cussing and signaling to pull over so he can kick my ass...After about 25 minutes of having him follow me i was starting to get a little worried but i lost him on my offramp.

                          Back to the OP...I didn't see where you live but I just drove down from Toronto to Pittsburgh and as soon as I crossed the border and in the State of New York I absolutely loved how Americans leave that lane open for passing and if they see a car approaching fast 9/10 would move out the way. It could have been because the white Malibu rental coming up fast might look like a cop, not sure how much it was in mph cause this car didnt have the mph under the kmh on the dash but it was generally 130-145kmh. Only cars that wouldnt move out the way were usually the usual Ontario idiots who'd come down for the long weekend. Also, I noticed NY had a lot more speed traps, its like PA didn't really care about speeding down their roads?


                            Originally posted by sanJ_01 View Post
                            You sound just like me! I do all that except in the greater Toronto area with more traffic and retards on the roads, absolutely hate left lane huggers and even more when its an 18 wheeler for long stretches. Worst incident I had: I was on a 2 lane oneway part of the highway the other day and i was coming up the left at maybe 120 and some jackass saw me and decided to jump in front of me at like 90 (max...had to be less then that) in his corolla to get around a truck in front of him. then he wouldnt get out of the lane so i started to get close and start weaving behind him and dude came to a full stop almost all of a sudden to get me to ram him from the back and i was swerving in my lane behind him when i seen that car stop i was like WTH then he got up to 130 and slammed the brakes again like an asshole, i saw an opening come up and pass him and see his psycho middle-aged russian guy cursing his head off at me...Long story short i passed him eventually but he found my car again after about 10 minutes and he was still cussing and signaling to pull over so he can kick my ass...After about 25 minutes of having him follow me i was starting to get a little worried but i lost him on my offramp.

                            Back to the OP...I didn't see where you live but I just drove down from Toronto to Pittsburgh and as soon as I crossed the border and in the State of New York I absolutely loved how Americans leave that lane open for passing and if they see a car approaching fast 9/10 would move out the way. It could have been because the white Malibu rental coming up fast might look like a cop, not sure how much it was in mph cause this car didnt have the mph under the kmh on the dash but it was generally 130-145kmh. Only cars that wouldnt move out the way were usually the usual Ontario idiots who'd come down for the long weekend. Also, I noticed NY had a lot more speed traps, its like PA didn't really care about speeding down their roads?
                            Next time someone follows you and tries to get you to pull over go ahead and pull over, let them get out of the car and as they get right at your rear go ahead and take off and leave them standing there like an idiot. It's even better if you have a drink (like a fast food cup with removable lids) in the car because then you can throw it at them too and drive off. Just never leave your car and make sure you don't litter.


                              Originally posted by stevediraddo View Post
                              driving with broken washers isnt a great idea to begin with. i've run out of fluid in slushy winter highway big-rig conditions and that was scary enough.
                              Yeah, I know. Especially in wintertime when there's salt on the roads!
                              I don't have any cars with working washers. My 02 GTP's washers never worked, and then I replaced that with my Fit. The Fit took a bump to the front, and the washer hasn't worked since. I had it looked at briefly by my friend that works at Honda, but nothing in-depth.


                                on my hour trip to Ocala today to get my mom's pay check NO ONE had "highway courtesy" today. the one behind me trying to drive up my tail pipe while the one in front of me WOULDN'T GO and i had no way to get around them. people trying to clip off my front and back bumpers by shoving in and missing me by mere INCHES. me sitting at a red light watching someone RACING up to the red light behind me making me think they are fixing to slam into me and then stop inches from my back bumper. slow people living in both lanes instead of getting over to let those by going faster, they force you to slow down to their speed unless you want to take a trip into a turn lane or median to get around them. morons not getting out of the way of a ambulance or fire truck when i get all the way off the road and then when they have gone by won't let me back out unless i FORCE my way back out.

                                /end rant. sorry a very frustrating day behind the wheel today.
                                1997 Ford Explorer V-6 AT (what a piece of junk)
                                1993 Nissan Sentra M/T (front end damage, off road for now)
                                1999 Mercury Mountaineer V-8 A/T - RIP (rolled: totaled)
                                1992 Honda Accord A/T EX - RIP (transmission shot: sold to junkyard)

