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    Originally posted by dj_ender View Post
    You made ANOTHER thread??? Nice knowing ya pal.
    Isn't this number 3?
    37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
    30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
    27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

    Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

    Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
    Originally posted by Tippey764
    I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
    Originally posted by deevergote
    sneaky motherfucker


      still refuse to believe you are 50+ and if you don't think age has anything to do with this, it does

      but back on topic


        Originally posted by deevergote View Post
        Tomi, if I hadn't known you since 2003, you'd have been banned permanently for this.

        Apparently my blatant disapproval for a discussion that was causing unnecessary tension on my forum is unacceptable to you, so you feel the need to insult me by making yet ANOTHER thread... and essentially telling me that my rules don't matter.

        I don't appreciate it.

        Carry on. I won't lock this one. If it gets out of hand, all involved in the conversation will be permanently banned. This is a site for 90-93 Honda Accords, not a forum for heated political debate. The last two threads showed very clearly that this topic, and those that choose to discuss it, are incapable of having a mature discussion.
        Anyone who doesn't want to be permanently banned from this site, delete your posts in this thread now, and remove yourself from it. There are a lot of people in this thread that I actually consider to be my friends... and I won't hesitate to ban every last one of you. Disrespect is something I will not tolerate on my own forum. Being a nice guy seems to give people the impression that they can show such disrespect. That is far from the truth.
        I assure you more then words could convey .. I mean no disrespect in any way shape or form!
        If I offended anyone, I profusely apologise for being a bit over the top!

        I don't think I have to tell you Deev, or anyone else here who knows me, just how much I value CB7T,
        not to mention it's members, especially those that I've had the pleasure of meeting over the years.

        Which is one of the reasons I started this .. it's a community whereby I've always been received well.
        I thought for sure that an issue such as this, albeit as sensitive as it may be ..
        would certainly be for good discussion. I'll admit, my first thread involved alot of animosity and repugnace.
        Those of you who know me, know this isn't my style. I blew a fuse.

        If you feel the need to delete this Deev, I won't argue. I just hope everyone understands.
        It simply infuriates me to watch what this administraion gets away with slowly but surely.

        Downright disgusts me. Nevertheless, I'll always respect this community. As you know I always have.

        My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


          Originally posted by PakaloloHonda View Post
          Tippey and Deev seem to think that deleteing or closing a thread over this issue
          and "talking about accords" is far more important then giving up certain constitutional rights.

          I have said what will happen. Participate in this discussion at your own risk. Remove yourself from it (or remove the thread) if you do not feel it is worth the risk.

          As for the topic... the "administration" isn't involved in anything. This is Michelle Obama's own personal cause, to attempt to address childhood obesity (which IS a problem in this country.) She is not representing our government in any way by her actions. She is essentially operating as a celebrity, not as a politician. She has no official political power in this matter. The first lady is not part of our government.


            Originally posted by HondaB18 View Post

            and if you don't think age has anything to do with this, it does
            You should elaborate. I've felt the same way since I was your age.
            The Nixon administration? Wow! And he was impeached! Know how young I was then?
            My values may have changed, as most of ours do upon growing older, and wiser!
            But my political beliefs, opinions, and general overall conviction for all that I thought we stood for,
            as a country, as a people, is surely a topic for all the ages concerned.

            Or so I've always thought ..

            My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


              MMMMM.....LUNCH!!!!I like lunch....


                37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
                30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
                27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

                Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

                Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
                Originally posted by Tippey764
                I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
                Originally posted by deevergote
                sneaky motherfucker


                  maybe someone would care about what your talking about if you did it in a intelligen & respectful manner. all i see it as "i hate obama and his wife", your call this woman a fat ass and other BS. IMO she looks to be in better shape than any former first lady.

                  one question tho........did you vote for bush in his first or second term


                    Originally posted by sulimed View Post

                    one question tho........did you vote for bush in his first or second term
                    nope .. and nope

                    edit: and if it's of any concern to anyone, I sure wish Collin Powell never backed away from running for office!!
                    He woulda kicked some a$$!
                    Last edited by PakaloloHonda; 02-16-2012, 11:35 AM.

                    My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                      I feel like its stupid the gov thinks they have this kind of reach.

                      I dont really disagree with kids needing to eat better and be healthier, but its the reach of the gov that makes me uncomfortable.

                      They already discontinued the incandescent light bulb. Whats next? Hot dogs?

                      I dont pay taxes to have someone direct traffic like that in my life. I respect my freedom, and the ability to make my own decisions. That being said, my kids eat right and have a healthy lunch and I agree that there are too many fat kids.

                      The gov should find a way to better harbor an enviornment for health though rather then creating policy that violates peoples feeling of freedom.


                      For a decade now I have felt like tax payers should get free fitness gyms similar to 24 hour fitness.


                      Prisons have nice gyms, and its paid for by tax payer dollars. So, if tax payers can buy felons nice facilities, why cant we provide that for ourselves as well?

                      1/5 of all of us are fat as fuck, like fucking huge. Another 15-20% of us are border line biggest loser candidate. They estimate the cost associated with obesity to health insurance providers to be in the hundreds of billions.

                      If they want to throw money at the problem, they should do it for the people rather then taking away. Give people a break on fruits and veggies. Also, why should you have to pay a deposit for your bottle of WATER? Drinking water should be cheaper, no deposits or taxes-NOTHING. Vegetables, much cheaper. Incentives to eat better and take better are of yourself I guess is what Im saying.

                      Spend the money inspiring people, rather then controlling them.

                      Thats how I feel anyways.
                      Last edited by toycar; 02-16-2012, 11:23 AM.
                      Originally posted by wed3k
                      im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                        So someone explain this to me: What is Michelle Obama's role in our government? What power does she have?

                        The topic at hand is childhood obesity. Providing gym facilities isn't going to do a damn thing for children (although i do agree with it for adults). Controlling what schools feed the kids is a good way to do it. Inspecting home-packed lunches is a bit extreme, but I truly don't think that is exactly common practice. It is being blown WAY out of proportion.
                        If you're going to participate in the discussion (this is a general statement, not focused on any person in particular), do yourself a favor... do your own research, and don't assume that the OP's words are unbiased facts.


                          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                          So someone explain this to me: What is Michelle Obama's role in our government? What power does she have?

                          I bet she worked REAL HARD to get where she is in life.
                          Originally posted by wed3k
                          im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                            *these are just my opinions and Im not trying to sway your mind into thinking that maybe just maybe things are not always what they seem*

                            I wish I could prove with research but this information is a bit hard to find.
                            Way back in the day like 1900's ish the world had 1.2 million (i think) different veggies. Now not completely different than what we have now but with much more variation.
                            There is a seed bank deep underground where seeds are kept of ALL TYPES of plants (incase nuclear war happens).
                            Well what I'm getting at here guys is that we've been fucked out of almost all the veggies(only like 20,000 left) and the farmers dont get paid to well and they have to pay to buy these seeds.
                            Any grocery store you go to has the SAME veggies. Is'nt this why IRELAND failed? Cause it had the SAME plant?
                            No only that but they zap the food with some strong x-ray type thing. So when we eat the food it already comes ready to give us cancer.
                            Ok now moving on I hope you understand what Im about to say. If you get cancer, that is actually a GOOD thing. Only for the 1% because you are worthless and should pay for drugs.
                            THis is why the FDA/DEA are bed fellows. You eat shit for food. You get sick. You pay for your drugs. Its one in the same
                            Same reason we eat our of plastic and men have boobs and young women are getting fatter asses and bigger tahtahs there is estrogen in the plastic.

                            Just "food" for thought people. Shits real. I do not understand how America wants people to stay loyal if they are constantly fucking its people.


                              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                              So someone explain this to me: What is Michelle Obama's role in our government? What power does she have?
                              Apparently, and I may be wrong on this, but from the research I've done,
                              she's taken this from a US Department of Agriculture to a state level issue ..
                              I understand she holds NO seat in office, but is only known as "First Lady."
                              Nevertheless, she obviously holds SOME power, because of her "order" "suggestion" ..
                              ok, her "ideas"? have made it from the white house, all the way down to state levels ...
                              What her "role" is .. is First Lady .. somehow, somewhere, she's managed to have had a bill passed.
                              I know I surely didn't VOTE on this. Not only has this bill passed (I don't even know what to call it)
                              so, I use "bill" as a common term. Could have been an idea .. might have been a suggestion ..
                              Who knows, perhaps it was an ORDER! I still don't know how it came to fruition.

                              Nevertheless, there it is. It's now somehow, some way, become a "rule".
                              Parents are being told that certain foods, fruits, and or veggies must be present in school lunches.

                              As a child, I was hiiiighly allergic to some foods. Mostly certain cheeze.
                              My mom packed a lunch that consisted of things I was "OK" with.
                              Now, if at that time, the school, the first lady, the Dept of Agriculture .. you name it ...
                              if any one of those entitys or individuals, INCLUDING a state appointed food inspector,
                              or a "gov. agent" as it's been termed in some articles, deems MY child's lunch "inappropiate" ..
                              THEN, SUBsitutes her lunch with what THEY believe to be appropiate .. and ...

                              she gets sick? (I would VOMIT because of certain foods as a child) or worse yet .............. dies?
                              OK .. it's an extreme but nevertheless .. who would be responsible? Who would be held accountable?

                              My x-girlfriend has CFS .. she can't eat certain breads, certain grains .. etc ..
                              If she does, she COULD become SO sick, that yes .. it COULD kill her!

                              Read this:
                              CALLER: Greetings from the People's Republic of North Carolina.

                              RUSH: Thank you, sir.

                              CALLER: About eight months ago my wife and I decided to enroll our son in daycare here in North Carolina, and I got this huge packet of sheets that I had to fill out, and they, you know, field trip permission slip, take your photo permission slip, and one of them was, "By signing this you agree that you'll meet the state's requirements for a preschool lunch," even though I'm packing it. And it says I have to have six ounces of milk or a milk substitute, four ounces of meat or a meat substitute, three ounces of grain, three ounces of vegetable, three ounces of fruit, and goes on and on and on. And I did not sign it and I fought about it with them and they pointed me to the state official that I could talk to, and they told me that, "If your son doesn't like milk just pack it anyway and we'll dump it out for you and then you can pack something else." And I said, "Do you know how much a gallon of milk costs?" And they said, "Well, that's the rules and you have to follow 'em if you want to be in daycare." So now I've got the government telling me that I'm not smart enough to feed my own child.:
                              People should be outraged about this .. "pack the milk anyway?" just because it's a "rule?"
                              "We'll DUMP it out for you?" So in effect .. they're saying .. "lets waste food and YOUR money?"

                              This is what has me sooo .. so outraged .. confused .. so incensed!
                              As one poster has already stated .. "first the incandescent light bulb" .. "what's next?"
                              How far is this administration going? "Don't drive your CB7 .. drive electric"
                              How much as a parent .. and an AMERICAN, are you willing to take?
                              When is enough .. going to be TOO much?
                              Last edited by PakaloloHonda; 02-16-2012, 12:39 PM.

                              My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                                Originally posted by Ralphie

                                Mike your 100% correct that the First Lady holds no power. She is not an elected official and really is not part of our government....
                                So .. where does she get the power FROM? Who .. gave her the "right"?
                                Does sitting to the right of any elected official DEEM that individual a law-maker?
                                Making a NEW rule is one thing .. what happens when an elected official's spouse
                                decides to change a rule, a law, or *GASP* .. re-write portions of the constitution?

                                My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:

