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almost 4.20!

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    Originally posted by bigpoppa694lyfe View Post
    but think about it... jesus did something with his life, presidents serve your countrys, easter bunny brings u candy, and santa spends 364 days beating up midgets who fuck up toys... what do potheads do thats so incredible when their high?
    Yeeaaahhhhh... Good point. lol.

    Originally posted by bigpoppa694lyfe View Post
    and furthermore... how many days do u sit at home and smoke solely by urself? now think of all the days in a year when u and ur friends sit at eachothers houses and smoke. 4-20 is just an excuse

    Its just a good day to get together I guess...


      Originally posted by EJX_Michael View Post

      Its just a good day to get together I guess...
      Word. Why are we hating on the idea of one day to get together and enjoy a toke (hopefully with some buds )

      We're all gonna do what we want to do... Lets just agree to disagree and keep on keepin'



        because people make too much of it and were secretly all hipsters that hate anything thats too popular.
        To-Do List for Today
        Be Awesome


          Originally posted by texasvtak View Post
          because people make too much of it and were secretly all hipsters that hate anything thats too popular.
          Ain't that the truth though with our Honder accords and what not.

          Some times I forget that this is a community of people whose only thing really in common is driving a 17-21 year old car... Such a great place though...
          Last edited by EJX_Michael; 04-02-2011, 02:25 AM.


            There's nothing wrong with a "holiday"... but even the avid smokers have to admit... that guy that says out of nowhere (like while waiting in line at the bank...) "oh man, it's 4-20!" is pretty damn annoying.


              Originally posted by bigpoppa694lyfe View Post
              and at 225lbs... i got some nice
              265 lbs and i give my wife a run for her money everytime we get topless.


                Hahaha... Maybe we should consult with deev about changing ur name to "boobycos"


                  Its ironic too that some potheads are actual important people. I know of a doctor, university professor and many other important, educated, respected people who do pot and they're cool. In fact, you wouldn't never know they did pot. Arguably there's another side of the coin here where there's people who abuse it and others who let it control their lives. Go figure, sounds like alcohol.

                  Personally I always liked pot better. Alcohol gave me headaches, puking, the worst hangovers (especially beer) but I still drank. I can honestly say for years (5-10) I have drank on weekends, etc and at future time in my life I have smoked for years. We all know to not mix them I still think of them as the same; a drug. I still have many friends (and family) who smoke daily. I know people who smoke and drive, and know people who drink and drive. I equally frown upon them both, but they're still good people in society, respectful, kind, etc, etc.

                  Too bad they legally differ so much. In the US history over the decades alcohol at times was illegal. I always thought it was ironic that pot never took close to a similar path, or at least got legalized (fully) at some point in the past. Over the decades the misconceptions and facts of pot have changed and changed again. I'm glad people are finding good purposes for pot too (medical) and others also realizing that too much of any drug can be a bad thing.

                  I almost didn't post this reply as the arguments between pot and booze can argued forever, found on many sites, and even covered by Documentary shows. But I'm not here to debate, no thanks. Just my opinion.

                  The BBC had a documentary called "Should I Smoke Dope" which was really well done. A definite watch for those curious. If anyone seen this, let me know your thoughts.

                  "Immersive journalist Nicky Taylor is off to Amsterdam to investigate. While there, she helps out in a coffee shop selling cannabis and discovers firsthand how the drug affects daily life."

                  But if your going to smoke one up on 4/20-4/20, being a regular or not, try to have a good time and please don't smoke and drive


                    The truth about how weed got illegal actually has more to do with jim crow minded minority control than it being bad for you.

                    Its because of those ^^^ origins that there has been progress into marijuana legalization.

                    Report I did on the origins of marijuana law.

                    I didn't list my sources, but a lot of this info is available through NORML.
                    Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                    That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                      Why do we have to do this shit every year?

                      And a month early to boot. Fuck. Can't even wait until the day of? What are you guys? Wal-Mart?

                      First, nobody gives a shit.

                      Second, MJ has the same negative properties as alchohol. It chemically alters your brain function and impairs your judgement/motorskills. Companies don't drug test and fire for it because it is illegal, they drug test and fire for it, because if you get hurt on the job, it costs them beaucoup money. Especially when every douche that ever gets hurt on the job suddenly wants millions of dollars, workman's comp, and a free pass for life. Even those who don't still have a tremendous amount of medical bills that have to be picked up by the employer.

                      Alcohol also temporarily impairs you. I find it funny how the supposed justification for weed is that "alcohol is worse" when in actuallity, someone who abuses either product has noticable and long term medical problems. Ever seen someone who is baked all the time for years and then quits? You can still tell, because it has a distinct, measurable and long term effect on their brain. Chemicals do that, that is why we use them. that is also why most of them are controlled by prescription. Also, saying "I know a doctor who does it, so it must be OK" is just silly. I know doctors who require no medical problem to prescribe heavy drugs because they make a little side cash off ot if. Does that make it a good thing? Nope.

                      Third, there is absolutely ZERO evidence to suggest that there is no medical downside to pot. We go through this shit every year, and every year all the stoners and potheads on here refuse to listen, because it challenges their pre-concieved notions about the fact that they should be justified to smoke pot whenever they want because it isn't "bad." The REALITY is that the medical community (the actual SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL COMMUNITY) says that at best, they don't KNOW what issues it causes because it needs to have more research done because they haven't been able to do enough on it due to its illegal nature. However, nearly any medical resource worth shit will tell you up front that there ARE long term and short term issues with using it.

                      Watch a drunk person and tell me you can't tell when they are drunk. I've got news for you, the exact same thing happens when a sober person observes a stoned pothead. It does affect you.

                      Just remember, if it is OK for you to do stuff high, then it should be OK for me to do them drunk. Think about that the next time you step into the cabin of an airplane, and your pilot just might have gotten his drink on prior to flying...
                      Last edited by owequitit; 04-03-2011, 02:30 PM.
                      The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                        Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                        Why do we have to do this shit every year?

                        And a month early to boot. Fuck. Can't even wait until the day of? What are you guys? Wal-Mart?

                        First, nobody gives a shit.

                        Second, MJ has the same negative properties as alchohol. It chemically alters your brain function and impairs your judgement/motorskills. Companies don't drug test and fire for it because it is illegal, they drug test and fire for it, because if you get hurt on the job, it costs them beaucoup money. Especially when every douche that ever gets hurt on the job suddenly wants millions of dollars, workman's comp, and a free pass for life. Even those who don't still have a tremendous amount of medical bills that have to be picked up by the employer.

                        Alcohol also temporarily impairs you. I find it funny how the supposed justification for weed is that "alcohol is worse" when in actuallity, someone who abuses either product has noticable and long term medical problems. Ever seen someone who is baked all the time for years and then quits? You can still tell, because it has a distinct, measurable and long term effect on their brain. Chemicals do that, that is why we use them. that is also why most of them are controlled by prescription. Also, saying "I know a doctor who does it, so it must be OK" is just silly. I know doctors who require no medical problem to prescribe heavy drugs because they make a little side cash off ot if. Does that make it a good thing? Nope.

                        Third, there is absolutely ZERO evidence to suggest that there is no medical downside to pot. We go through this shit every year, and every year all the stoners and potheads on here refuse to listen, because it challenges their pre-concieved notions about the fact that they should be justified to smoke pot whenever they want because it isn't "bad." The REALITY is that the medical community (the actual SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL COMMUNITY) says that at best, they don't KNOW what issues it causes because it needs to have more research done because they haven't been able to do enough on it due to its illegal nature. However, nearly any medical resource worth shit will tell you up front that there ARE long term and short term issues with using it.

                        Watch a drunk person and tell me you can't tell when they are drunk. I've got news for you, the exact same thing happens when a sober person observes a stoned pothead. It does affect you.

                        Just remember, if it is OK for you to do stuff high, then it should be OK for me to do them drunk. Think about that the next time you step into the cabin of an airplane, and your pilot just might have gotten his drink on prior to flying...
                        I thought the primary side effect of Alcohol was long term liver damage, and pot was side effect free?
                        Btw, I'm on the alcohol side of the "argument". Just wanted to see if ^^ that was true.
                        37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
                        30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
                        27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

                        Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

                        Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
                        Originally posted by Tippey764
                        I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
                        Originally posted by deevergote
                        sneaky motherfucker


                          Nobody is really defending pot based on it's ability to impair you, and not comparing the impairment to that of alcohol (at least if someone in this thread is talking about that, I have chosen to ignore it.)

                          Alcohol causes liver damage. That is one of the most dangerous side effects of long-term alcohol abuse. Another is that it can be chemically addictive.
                          Long term marijuana abuse does indeed have some effects on memory (though those effects have been blown out of proportion in most cases, according to studies I read about 7 years ago in college.) If you smoke marijuana regularly, it can do serious damage to your lungs. Occasional smoking will do little damage, because the lungs CAN repair themselves to a certain extent. Consuming marijuana/THC by other methods has considerably less long term negative impact on the body, at least by what research has been done (and there is quite a bit of research being done.) Marijuana has no chemically addictive properties. Any addiction is purely psychological. You may crave it because you like it, but you will not crave it because your body believes you NEED it.

                          Aside from the negative effects of inhaling smoke, marijuana is less harmful to the body than alcohol.
                          Does that mean it's good? No. Does that mean that alcohol is good because it's legal? No. That's one reason why the US government attempted to ban alcohol... they just didn't succeed. Plus, alcohol can be EXTREMELY dangerous when not controlled by certain regulations (drinking improperly made moonshine can kill you.)
                          Marijuana has no need to be government-controlled, because it's a plant. Grown, dried, and consumed. Nobody is going to hurt themselves by growing some weed in their back yard and smoking it themselves.

                          I'm not a smoker, but I will defend it to a point... simply because it really is NOT as harmful as many people assume. It really should be removed from the "drug" category. While it is a drug, it should be viewed more along the lines of nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol.

                          I do agree that the impairment is no less of a concern than when drunk. It may not be the same type of impairment, but it still results in a decrease in awareness and response time. Doing anything while drunk OR high that requires focus for the safety of others is a bad idea.


                            Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                            (drinking alcohol can kill you.)
                            37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
                            30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
                            27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

                            Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

                            Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
                            Originally posted by Tippey764
                            I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
                            Originally posted by deevergote
                            sneaky motherfucker


                              Sure. But you missed my point. Are you going to actually understand the words that are being said here, or are you just going to waste our time trying to be clever?

                              Driving a car can kill you. Having sex can kill you. Living WILL kill you.
                              That is all irrelevant to my argument here.

                              My point was that alcohol is subject to strict government regulations, and is regulated in production (in most instances... beer and wine are permitted, but high proof liquor that is made and distributed outside of certain regulations is illegal, because it can be extremely harmful or deadly, even in an "assumed safe dose".)
                              Marijuana, on the other hand... can be grown by anyone. You can't screw up and grow it wrong, and accidentally create a plant that will kill you. Not unless you grow a totally different plant...


                                I understood. But I didn't know that improperly produced alcohol could kill you. I always thought it was regulated to control sales to minors and for taxing purposes.
                                If it's regulated because making it wrong can kill you, what makes the home brewing kits ok? Not just the beer ones either. I've seen them for liquor as well.
                                37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
                                30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
                                27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

                                Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

                                Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
                                Originally posted by Tippey764
                                I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
                                Originally posted by deevergote
                                sneaky motherfucker

