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Unions Suck, here's why:

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    Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
    Unions are both good and bad, it all depends how they work for you.

    Many cases, they can save your ass. I've never been part of a union, until now, working for the railway, I will become a union member. I've got about $100/mo in union dues now. I haven't had an orientation about the union yet, but that's coming up soon, so I don't have much info on how they work for us.
    Well, like I said before:
    For those who are a part of a union, good for you! I'm sure it's working out well. A nice big safety net and lots of sick days!
    Originally posted by life_shift View Post
    i worked for UPS for a while, the only thing bad i saw with that union job was paying union dues. Other than that, most people were happy and content with what they made and the benefits they received were outstanding. However most jobs within the company were secured because of the union. I don't think they are bad within themselves and I disagree that the union is driving the companies out of the country. I do however believe that because our economy sucks companies are taking into consideration themselves and make the wise decision to hire cheaper labor to continue to make a profit. Yes, its a cold and shady move to our eyes but they are just trying to save themselves and make a profit. As for now we gotta suck it up and live with the jobs we have and make the best of what we have been given.
    Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
    My dad works for Chrysler as a truck driver at the Brampton plant.

    He was involved in a loading dock accident, where the crew didn't follow proper procedure with the dock signals and signing paperwork. They gave him a green signal too early, before the forklift was finished unloading, and they brought him his paperwork before the job was done.

    He signed off on the paperwork, which clears you to leave. He saw the green signal, and started to pull away as the forklift was backing off the trailer. The forklift fell off the trailer between the dock and trailer and landed on the ground, slightly injuring the driver.

    An investigation began and my dad was suspended with pay while they investgated the accident. Because a verdict took 4 weeks, they had no choice but to keep him, as the union states that there is a 2 week maximum for an investgation to reach a verdict. They wanted to terminate my dad for the accident, but the union said the company couldn't because of the 2 week rule. So, in his defense, the union saved his ass. He would have also been wrongfully terminated, as the accident was not his fault. It was the loading dock crew not following procedure, which caused the chain of events.
    These two examples represent decent unions.

    Originally posted by jdm****** View Post
    I think it all depends on which side of the fence you're in. If you guys get a chance watch "Waiting for Superman," its a great film showing how teachers unions are fucking up the education system in this nation.
    I think I will. Actually, since I've started talking about this, I've gotten quite a few movie recommendations. (There's another one going on Facebook)

    Originally posted by h22sparkle View Post
    Well from my experience working with other companies like Ups and such and other government agencies is that each union is different. You have other that are good and others that are not so good.

    If you feel that they arent in good standing in enforcing on what they agreed on the contract par the collective bargaining argreement then get em out.

    You have to allow them to serve their term then leave once the contract is up. You also have to see it form their point of view they have to help the people who they are collecting money off of.

    If they do not to right by the employees and have listened to their side with the story then try to make sure they get the full benefits that their job can offer then guess what get them out of their or seek employment elsewhere.

    Most jobs seek to get the unions out so that they can take advantage of the employee's. Most unions are on their way out since the whole crackdown on the mafia and crime-bosses like Gotti etc.

    Most of them are under the table and just want your money. A majority of the time depending on who is your business agent, they cannot be reached unless they know your on their ass like a heat seeking missle,when they are out of chaff.

    So it pays to be persistant in cases like if you are not being payed your total hours on the bargaining agreement. When they service you up the contract before you talk to the union talk to the person who is responsible first before you make a move on the company.

    But let the union be aware of what you are about to do that way they are in the know to a certain degree. Because once companies know your onto them they will try to do little shit to build a case on you and get you out aswell.

    So if you make a move let the company know hey you know my check says different than what I am supposed to recieve. If they want to try and shun you document and date everything that they said.

    If they are trying to hold you off on little shit here and there to try and block you, thats when you take it a step further. Type up a letter and leave it there for them to please contact you back and discuss whatever you have to discuss with them in person. If they avoid the letters and still try send a letter with confirmation that it has been delivered.
    Helping prove my point.....?

    Originally posted by kelton View Post
    I have no problem with my union. They pay for my schooling and keep my benefits. Help me get into a higher grade job and everything else. Like people said. I think its mostly which union you have.
    Sounds like you have a decent one.

    Originally posted by King James View Post
    No union will be able to protect an employee if they come to work drunk or high.UAW

    Im part of a union....If I fuck up at work the company will piss test/breathalize me....if I fail either its bye bye job....Ive seen numerous co-workers get fired because they had weed in their system from 2 weeks previous.
    I've heard about number 6 so often it's not even funny. Why do you think I made the "american cars suck" thread?

    Originally posted by deevergote View Post
    King James has the right idea... if you have limited facts, your opinions are really just laughable. They are also not really worth creating a division in an otherwise cohesive community.

    The ONLY thing I agree with is your initial statement comparing unions to communism. Great theory, but bad when abused. That goes for just about anything, though.
    It is true that when a union situation is abused, workers can be overcompensated for far too little work (that was a big gripe about the US automotive industry... production workers were making LOTS of money, and doing far too little work, producing sub-par products.) Unions, like the US legal system, can be abused to defend people in situations that would otherwise warrant termination.

    Crazymikey's story about his father shows the value of a union. However, that same situation could have played out where it WAS his father's fault, and he could have escaped all repercussions of it by simply playing the system to his advantage.

    Do unions suck? No. Do people that use such things to an unfair advantage suck? Yes. There is a difference.
    The difference between unions and a comunist government are that the unions are not an absolute power. A union can go on strike, and there can be workers put in place to perform their jobs.
    Well, like I said above it seems there are good unions and bad unions. When I wrote this I was thinking mostly about the UAW, which is a joke.

    Originally posted by stewie View Post
    like others have said, it depends on how strong your union is.

    mine for example is extremely strong, if we come to work drunk/high, they can not fire you, they must offer you get a free vacation to rehab...

    as long as im able to say "i have an alcohol problem" or "i have a drug addiction problem" before they can give me a termination letter....they cannot fire me.

    i can see smaller unions not doing so well..but bigger ones are stronger and will let you get away with waaaaaay more shit.
    My points have been proven?

    Originally posted by King James View Post
    I'm a a strong union...and I do agree to an extent...and I guess it depends what job you do

    For me, as a conductor, it's now a law if I show up to work high or drunk I get criminally charged with DUI...and if I get a DUI I loose my certification as a conductor (Im told anyways)....before you could easily get away with doin what you said...but it's becoming increasingly difficult to use that as an excuse to get away with it...for me anyways

    But to that point...I've worked jobs with no union where people use that as an excuse to keep their job...I think it's more to do with legislation than a union allowing that to be acceptable
    That's a little bit different. The bolded part makes sense, because you're essentially driving everyday. I think the laws are in place because:
    1. Lots of train accidents these past few years
    2. Possible your union wasn't strong enough to successfully lobby congress?

    Edit: Just saw you were in Canada. There's an equivalent of congress up there, right?
    37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
    30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
    27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

    Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

    Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
    Originally posted by Tippey764
    I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
    Originally posted by deevergote
    sneaky motherfucker


      In SC we do not have unions and we need them here. I have been wrongfully terminated at least 5 times in the past 4 years and it has enabled me to get a job and now I have to go to school and draw unemployment I was barely able to get.


        Originally posted by Skeet Skeet View Post
        In SC we do not have unions and we need them here. I have been wrongfully terminated at least 5 times in the past 4 years and it has enabled me to get a job and now I have to go to school and draw unemployment I was barely able to get.
        So you have been wrongfully terminated and thats allowed you to get a job?
        IMO, you should have gone to school in the first place. Without a degree (or 2) the only jobs you'll be able to get are unskilled manual labor. Unions won't help with that.
        37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
        30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
        27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

        Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

        Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
        Originally posted by Tippey764
        I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
        Originally posted by deevergote
        sneaky motherfucker


          disney's union isnt that bad

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            cliff note- Unions rock. Canada is more serious about their Unions. Managers do not like unions while employees do.


              Originally posted by Ralphie View Post

              cliff note- Unions rock. Canada is more serious about their Unions. Managers do not like unions while employees do.
              Cliffs of entire thread:

              Employees like Unions, managers and owners don't.
              Also, I was thinking of pretty much only the UAW when I wrote this.
              37.5 MPG, AC on, cruising at 80.
              30.0 MPG, AC on, aggressively driving around 90.
              27.5 MPG, no AC, cruising at 90 with occasional gridlock. 40 degrees Fahrenheit

              Lots of DIY videos specifically for our car

              Get some awesome wipers! <-- It's a DIY
              Originally posted by Tippey764
              I think driving your car naked will cause the engine to overheat
              Originally posted by deevergote
              sneaky motherfucker


                Originally posted by GeoffMisiak View Post

                That's a little bit different. The bolded part makes sense, because you're essentially driving everyday. I think the laws are in place because:
                1. Lots of train accidents these past few years
                2. Possible your union wasn't strong enough to successfully lobby congress?

                Edit: Just saw you were in Canada. There's an equivalent of congress up there, right?
                Have you ever heard of the teamsters union?.....if you havent then you really shouldnt make this thread

                Also I dont have statistics (but rarely do you so were even) but Id bet train accidents are probably as low as they have ever been.

                And nope....Canada doesnt have a congress.....we have free reign to do whatever we want up here.....youve proven how limited you are in your knowledge of please just stop

                What you gotta realize is the UAW (which apparently is hte only union in the world) got what the company gave up over the years.....Would you turn down benefits and wages that you dont entirely reflect the work being performed.....its not as if the union went in one day and us 35 dollars an hour to tighten a bolt...its all a gradual thing....these issues have only become issues the last few years.....and thats only because the imports came over here and started to eat away at the domestics profits....had that never happened the big three would still be making money hand over fist and the rate they pay wouldnt have been as big of an issue.

                I just went through a collective bargaining this last fall....and I can tell you we had to fight tooth and nail to even get a status quo agreement.....Companies may hate unions but that is only because they cant go all walmart on us because of them....and even with my union the company still breaks our agreement on a daily basis.....major corporations arent no angels either
                Last edited by King James; 03-10-2011, 05:15 PM.

                Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life

