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Quotes that make you go Hmm..

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    Quotes that make you go Hmm..

    "You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." - Adrian Rogers

    Just thought I would share this.

    Need CB7/H22/Turbo parts? i got them..check thread


      We dig the ditch to make the money to pay the other guy to fill it in. Got to love politics.


        Additionally, I feel the people around us are way too concerned about everyone else and complaining about the government and society. With that said I leave this here:

        " It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, by heaven or by hell. "

        - Siddhartha Gautama

        And here's another good one.

        "Ignorance is more expensive than education."

        based off "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." by Benjamin Franklin.


          Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggie" until you find a stick.

          My 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX Thread


            AAA, step on a crack and break ya mothers back


              not impressed...along the same lines of

              Hard at work or hardly working?

              just make a statement...then reverse it...lame


                Work smarter, not harder.

                I ♥/Miss My Coupe


                  Motivation for me when it comes to my finances

                  "Make your money work for you, not the other way around"

                  "Some people are like slinkies; not really good for anything but make you smile when you push them down the stairs!"

                  "Never argue with a fool, they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience"


                    Originally posted by rob_is_legend View Post
                    Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggie" until you find a stick.
                    Diplomacy is a nice way of letting other people have your way.


                      man who go to bed with itchy bum wake up with stinky finger

                      man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day long
                      MY MEMBERS RIDE THREAD


                        Confucius not know what to say!
                        Confucius of Borg: Assimilate others who you would want to assimilate you.
                        Confucius say: (with cold) Man who kwitisize moduwator get node bwoke.
                        Confucius say: All blonde not blonde by cracky
                        Confucius say: All men eat, but Fu Manchu.
                        Confucius say: America Good Place to Put Chinese Restuarant.
                        Confucius say: Australia Good Place to Put Chinese Restaurant.
                        Confucius say: Baby ill-conceived in automatic car shiftless bastard.
                        Confucius say: Baseball is wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk!
                        Confucius say: Before becoming master fisherman, must be master baiter.
                        Confucius say: Better to sleep with chicken than to choke it.
                        Confucius say: Bird in hand makes hard to blow nose
                        Confucius say: Blonde who fly upside down have crack up.
                        Confucius say: Boiling water is very hot!
                        Confucius say: Boy & girl go camping together sure to have naughty intent.
                        Confucius say: Boy fool with girl in wrong period get caught red handed.
                        Confucius say: Boy go to bed with sex problem wake up, solution in hand.
                        Confucius say: Boy who diddle little girl do diddly squat.
                        Confucius say: Boy who go to bed with sex problem wake up with solution in hand
                        Confucius say: Boy who play with himself pulls boner.
                        Confucius say: Boy with hole in pocket, feel cocky all day.
                        Confucius say: Cat who walk on keyboard wind up in Chinese wok!
                        Confucius say: Chemist who fall in acid get absorbed in work.
                        Confucius say: Confucius say too damn much!
                        Confucius say: Crowded elevator smell different to midget.
                        Confucius say: Do unto others what you think is funny.
                        Confucius say: Don't judge book by cover, but by how thick it is.
                        Confucius say: Don't quote me with stupid accent.
                        Confucius say: Even the greatest of whales is helpless in middle of desert.
                        Confucius say: Find old man in dark, not hard!
                        Confucius say: Girl at bachelor pad for snack get tidbit
                        Confucius say: Girl laid in tomb may soon become mummy.
                        Confucius say: Girl who douches with vinegar, walks around with sour pussy.
                        Confucius say: Girl who fly upside down have crack up.
                        Confucius say: Girl who go to bachelor pad for snack get tit-bit.
                        Confucius say: Girl who is wallflower at party is dandelion in bed.
                        Confucius say: Girl who lay on ground have piece on earth.
                        Confucius say: Girl who marry detective must kiss dick.
                        Confucius say: Girl who sit on brother-in-law's knee, make hard for sister.
                        Confucius say: Girl who sits on jockey's knee gets hot tip.
                        Confucius say: Girl who slides down banister nude gets splinters by crackey!
                        Confucius say: Girl with back to fire warming whole of her body.
                        Confucius say: Girl's best asset is her `lie' ability.
                        Confucius say: He who chases car will get exhausted.
                        Confucius say: He who dies with the most Taglines, wins.
                        Confucius say: He who eat cookies in bed, will wake up feeling crumby.
                        Confucius say: He who eats ice cream in car is a Sundae Driver
                        Confucius say: He who eats too many prunes, sits on toilet many moons.
                        Confucius say: He who fishes in another man's well often catches crabs.
                        Confucius say: He who masturbates in front of cash register come into money.
                        Confucius say: He who pass gas in church must sit in own pew.
                        Confucius say: He who pull out too fast leave rubber behind.
                        Confucius say: He who puts face in punch bowl get punch in nose.
                        Confucius say: He who refuses to listen is lying.
                        Confucius say: He who sitteth on an upturned tack shall surely rise.
                        Confucius say: He who sniffs Coke, drowns.
                        Confucius say: He who stand on toilet is high on pot.
                        Confucius say: He who stands in corner with hands in pocket, feels nuts.
                        Confucius say: He who stick head in open window gets pane in neck.
                        Confucius say: He who stick head in oven gets baked bean
                        Confucius say: He with no taglines is deprived
                        Confucius say: Hockey player on ice have big stick
                        Confucius say: House without toilet is uncanny.
                        Confucius say: I didn't say that!
                        Confucius say: If chain still swinging seat will be warm.
                        Confucius say: If rooted in confusion, nothing will be well governed.
                        Confucius say: If you park, don't drink, accidents cause people
                        Confucius say: If you turn an oriental around, he become disoriented.
                        Confucius say: If you want pretty nurse, you got to be patient
                        Confucius say: Is good to learn how to masturbate, may come in handy!
                        Confucius say: Is more to running BBS than finding ON.
                        Confucius say: Is stuffy inside fortune cookie.
                        Confucius say: It takes a lot of balls to make a football team.
                        Confucius say: It takes many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it.
                        Confucius say: It's OK to meet girl in park, much better to park meat in girl!
                        Confucius say: Janitor who clean by day clean bidet today.
                        Confucius say: Keeping it in family sure sound incestuous.
                        Confucius say: Kotex not best thing on earth, but next to best thing.
                        Confucius say: Lady who go camping must beware of evil intent.
                        Confucius say: Lady who live in glass house, dress in basement!
                        Confucius say: Look for helping hand on end of own arm.
                        Confucius say: Man and mouse alike, both end up in pussy.
                        Confucius say: Man kicked in testicles, is left holding bags.
                        Confucius say: Man should never straddle barbed wire fences.
                        Confucius say: Man that have sex with hole in ground have piece on earth.
                        Confucius say: Man trapped in pantry have butt in jam.
                        Confucius say: Man trapped in whore house get jerked around
                        Confucius say: Man who abuse his computer get bad bytes!
                        Confucius say: Man who argue with wife all day get no peace at night.
                        Confucius say: Man who buy drowned cat must pay for stinking wet pussy.
                        Confucius say: Man who chase cars get exhausted.
                        Confucius say: Man who drive like hell bound to get there!
                        Confucius say: Man who drop watch in whisky is wasting time.
                        Confucius say: Man who eat jellybean fart in technicolor.
                        Confucius say: Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.
                        Confucius say: Man who eat many prunes, sit on toilet many moons.
                        Confucius say: Man who eats photo of father, soon spitting image of father.
                        Confucius say: Man who fall in vat of molten glass make spectacle of self.
                        Confucius say: Man who fart in church sit in his own pew!
                        Confucius say: Man who fight with wife all day, get no piece at night!
                        Confucius say: Man who finger girl having period may get caught red handed.
                        Confucius say: Man who get hit by car, get that run down feeling.
                        Confucius say: Man who get paid pick up chick.
                        Confucius say: Man who go out with flat chested woman feel shallow.
                        Confucius say: Man who go to bed with itchy butt wake with smelly finger.
                        Confucius say: Man who go to bed with sex on mind wake up with solution in hand
                        Confucius say: Man who has hand down mans pants, not feeling himself today.
                        Confucius say: Man who has woman on ground has piece on earth!
                        Confucius say: Man who have circumcision lose a bit of foresight.
                        Confucius say: Man who jump off cliff jump to conclusion!
                        Confucius say: Man who jump through window screen, strain self.
                        Confucius say: Man who keep feet firmly on ground have trouble putting on pants
                        Confucius say: Man who lay girl on hill not on level.
                        Confucius say: Man who lay woman on ground have peace on earth.
                        Confucius say: Man who lifts stones off woman get rocks off
                        Confucius say: Man who live in glass house should dress in basement.
                        Confucius say: Man who live in glass house W/No Basement, STINKS!
                        Confucius say: Man who lose key to girlfriend's house get no new key.
                        Confucius say: Man who marries a girl with no bust, feel low down.
                        Confucius say: Man who masturbate into cash register, soon come into money.
                        Confucius say: Man who masturbate only screwing himself
                        Confucius say: Man who mess with steamroller flat out lose!
                        Confucius say: Man who polish knob play pocket pool.


                          Confucius say: Man who pull out too fast leave rubber.
                          Confucius say: Man who pull out too soon get hit in rear end.
                          Confucius say: Man who pushes piano down mine shaft get A flat miner.
                          Confucius say: Man who put cock on stove have hot rod.
                          Confucius say: Man who put cream in tart, not really a baker.
                          Confucius say: Man who put face in punchbowl get punch in nose.
                          Confucius say: Man who put foot in mouth get athlete's tongue.
                          Confucius say: Man who put hand in pocket feels cocky all day
                          Confucius say: Man who put head in dryer bound to get sock in the mouth!
                          Confucius say: Man who put head on railroad track get splitting headache.
                          Confucius say: Man who put rooster in freezer over night have frozen cock.
                          Confucius say: man who read woman like book, prefer braille!
                          Confucius say: Man who run behind car get exhausted.
                          Confucius say: Man who scratch butt should not bite fingernails!
                          Confucius say: Man who screw girl on hillside not on level.
                          Confucius say: Man who sink into woman's arms soon have arms in woman's sink
                          Confucius say: Man who sit on hot stove will rise again.
                          Confucius say: Man who sit on tack get point!
                          Confucius say: Man who sleep in cathouse by day, sleep in doghouse by night
                          Confucius say: Man who sleeps with old hen finds it's better than pullet.
                          Confucius say: Man who smoke pot choke on handle.
                          Confucius say: Man who sneezes without hanky takes matters into his own hands.
                          Confucius say: Man who speaks with forked tongue should not kiss baloons.
                          Confucius say: Man who stands on toilet seat is high on pot.
                          Confucius say: Man who step in it often say it.
                          Confucius say: Man who stick face in punchbowl get punch in nose.
                          Confucius say: Man who sucks nipples makes clean breast of things.
                          Confucius say: Man who take lady on camping trip have one intent.
                          Confucius say: Man who tell one too many light bulb jokes soon burn out!
                          Confucius say: Man who walk through door sideways is going to Bangkok.
                          Confucius say: Man who who put cock on stove have hot rod.
                          Confucius say: Man with an unchecked parachute will jump to conclusion.
                          Confucius say: Man with athletic finger make broad jump.
                          Confucius say: Man with forked tongue not need chop sticks.
                          Confucius say: Man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs.
                          Confucius say: Man with hole in both pockets not feel too cocky!
                          Confucius say: Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day.
                          Confucius say: Man with holes in pockets feels nuts.
                          Confucius say: Man with no legs bums around.
                          Confucius say: Man with one chopstick go hungry.
                          Confucius say: Man with tool in woman's mouth, not necessarily a dentist.
                          Confucius say: Many men smoke but Fu Manchu.
                          Confucius say: Mind's journey begins with a single Why?
                          Confucius say: Never raise hands to angry child, it leave groin exposed.
                          Confucius say: Never trust men with short legs, brains too near the bottom.
                          Confucius say: Never trust woman who uses phrase eager beaver
                          Confucius say: No difference between man and mouse. Both end up in pussy.
                          Confucius say: Nothing. Because he's dead!
                          Confucius say: OK for schoolboy to masturbate long as not against Principal.
                          Confucius say: Panties not best thing on earth, but next to it
                          Confucius say: Passionate kiss like spider web, lead to undoing of fly.
                          Confucius say: Pentocostal who pass out get laid in church
                          Confucius say: People having gift for gab know not how to wrap it up.
                          Confucius say: People who quote me are fools!
                          Confucius say: Place to look for helping hand is end of own arm.
                          Confucius say: Preserve wildlife - pickle a hedgehog!
                          Confucius say: Put rooster in freezer to get a stiff cock
                          Confucius say: Quit quoting me, you blubbering twit!
                          Confucius say: Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
                          Confucius say: Ring on her finger = Ring in your nose
                          Confucius say: Rook before you reap!
                          Confucius say: Rotten wood cannot be carved.
                          Confucius say: Sailor who gets discharged from navy leave buddies behind.
                          Confucius say: Secretary becomes permanent fixture when screwed on desk.
                          Confucius say: Show off always shown up in showdown.
                          Confucius say: Soldier who goes to bed horny wakes up with discharge in hand.
                          Confucius say: Squirrel who runs up woman's leg not find nuts.
                          Confucius say: Stop quoting me!
                          Confucius say: Support bacteria; it's the only culture some people have!
                          Confucius say: The early worm has a death wish...
                          Confucius say: The essence of knowledge is, having it, to use it.
                          Confucius say: The hand that turneth the knob, opens the door.
                          Confucius say: Those who make love in strawberry patch have butt in jam.
                          Confucius say: Those who quote me are fools
                          Confucius say: To prevent hangover stay drunk!
                          Confucius say: Too darn much!
                          Confucius say: Virgin with thimble on finger never feel prick.
                          Confucius say: Virginity like balloon, one prick, all gone.
                          Confucius say: Wallflower at party is dandelion in bed.
                          Confucius say: War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.
                          Confucius say: Wash your face in the morning, neck at night.
                          Confucius say: Watched Tandy Never Boots!
                          Confucius say: What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.
                          Confucius say: When baby cry, give bust in face.
                          Confucius say: When in doubt, whip it out
                          Confucius say: When lady say maybe, she mean yes.
                          Confucius say: When lady say no, she mean maybe.
                          Confucius say: When lady say yes, she no lady.
                          Confucius say: While others are inside sitting down, you will be outstanding.
                          Confucius say: Why did Confucius always speak in English?
                          Confucius say: Why do Chinese philosophers always try to Confucius?
                          Confucius say: Wife for life is better than wife for strife
                          Confucius say: Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house.
                          Confucius say: Woman cook carrots and peas in same pot not sanitary.
                          Confucius say: Woman is like jazz music, 3/4 jazz time and 1/4 rag time.
                          Confucius say: Woman run faster with skirt up, than Man with pants down.
                          Confucius say: Woman seek equality with man - no ambition.
                          Confucius say: Woman who cook carrots and peas in same pot not sanitary!
                          Confucius say: Woman who dance wearing jock strap have make believe ballroom.
                          Confucius say: Woman who douches with vinegar have sour puss.
                          Confucius say: Woman who eat banana get cream in mouth
                          Confucius say: Woman who flies upside down always has crack up.
                          Confucius say: Woman who pounce on dead rooster go down on limp cock.
                          Confucius say: Woman who put detergent on top shelf, Jump for Joy.
                          Confucius say: Woman who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat-house.
                          Confucius say: Woman who shaves legs have no hair, by cracky.
                          Confucius say: Woman who sit on jockey's lap get hot tip.
                          Confucius say: Woman who sit on judge's lap get honorable discharge.
                          Confucius say: Woman who slide down bannister make monkey shine.
                          Confucius say: Woman who spend much time on bedspring have offspring.
                          Confucius say: Woman who turn back on lover get screwed over.
                          Confucius say: Woman who wear G-string, high on crack!
                          Confucius say: Woman with cold hands have fire under skirt.
                          Confucius say: Women and elephants never forget an injury.
                          Confucius say: Women fake orgasm, Men fake foreplay.
                          Confucius say: Work to become, not to acquire


                            Confucius say a lot... (no I didn't come up with those... but they ARE funny... some of them.)


                              Originally posted by Bullhorn7 View Post
                              "You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." - Adrian Rogers

                              Just thought I would share this.
                              very important, and eloquently put. thanks

                              - 1993 Accord LX - White sedan (sold)
                              - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (wrecked)
                              - 1991 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
                              - 1990 Accord EX - Grey sedan (sold)
                              - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
                              - 1992 Accord EX - White coupe (sold)
                              - 1993 Accord EX - Grey coupe (stolen)
                              - 1993 Accord SE - Gold coupe (sold)
                              Current cars:
                              - 2005 Subaru Legacy GT Wagon - Daily driver
                              - 2004 Chevrolet Express AWD - Camper conversion

