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apple exec to microsoft. "stop airing your commercials"

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    Originally posted by ilovemycb7 View Post
    Dude, it's a laptop. You really can't go beyond ram or HD in any laptop...
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      For what most computer users need from a computer, ANY system can meet their needs. Mac and PC are both user friendly, and offer plenty of easy to use options for email, typing, music, video, pictures, we browsing, and games. Those are the primary needs of 90% of the computer buying crowd. Aside from high-end games, in-depth music and video editing, and heavy graphic design work, a computer from 6 years ago would do the job well enough for most people.

      PCs are like American cars. Inexpesive, sometimes cheaply made, parts are shared throughout many different packages, and they cater to people that love to see spec sheets... PC buyers will go out and drop $1000 for a system that is identical to a $600 system, aside from a little more RAM, a little bigger hard drive, and a graphics card that does... something... they don't know what, but it has to be awesome! Look at the picture on the box!!! OMIGAHHHD!!!

      Macs are like German cars. Overpriced, reliable, and not all that cheap or easy to fix when they break. The people that buy them are convinced that they are 1000000x better than anything else. Many of those people know nothing about computers, don't use those systems for the few things that Apple really IS better for, and the last PC they had in their possession was a state of the art system running Win95, Pentium 166 with 16mb of RAM and a 2 gig hard drive.

      Linux people are like people that build their own cars... they love it, they don't know why everyone else doesn't do it... and everyone else has NO idea what the hell is going on!

      But yeah... if Apple and Microsoft are direct competitors. The closest thing to a monopoly we can legally see in this country is a situation like this... two companies that control 99% of the market. In order to compete, they need to attack each other in their ads. Well, they don't HAVE to... but Apple started it (I'm the hip, cool Mac! look at my dorky buddy PC!) Who's Microsoft going to attack? An anti-Linux campaign won't do anything good for either company... it'll just alert the idiots out there that there's another option!

      To me, PC is better. I'm running the "same" computer that I've had since 2001. I've probably replaced each part 2 or 3 times by now, but it's never been a big expense. New Motherboard/CPU/RAM combo here, new HDD there, etc... I have options, I shop around, and I buy cheap parts that suit my needs. Apple doesn't give me that option.
      Also, when my little Netbook died on me, it didn't break my heart... I can go out and spend $250 on a new one! Although it's a work of art... I won't be replacing my Netbook with a Macbook Air anytime soon.

      Of course, I love my iphone. I've had handheld devices running Windows before, and I don't think I'd convert to a Microsoft based smartphone, even if it was a strong iphone competitor.


        What's your point, ram = memory?

        You can do this upgrade on both a PC and a Mac.
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          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
          Macs are like German cars. Overpriced, reliable, and not all that cheap or easy to fix when they break. The people that buy them are convinced that they are 1000000x better than anything else. Many of those people know nothing about computers, don't use those systems for the few things that Apple really IS better for, and the last PC they had in their possession was a state of the art system running Win95, Pentium 166 with 16mb of RAM and a 2 gig hard drive.
          We all know german cars ARE better!

          I think that's a pretty fair analogy though. Although Macs are pretty maintenance free where PCs are maintenance heavy.

          If only there was a Honda in the PC world.
          Click for my ride thread.


            pcs arent maintenance heavy >_>
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              Originally posted by ric3rboi23 View Post
              pcs arent maintenance heavy >_>
              I had to run anti-spyware often and ran anti virus for peace of mind. I also went through and cleared suspicious looking programs from my Programs folder that somehow magically appeared.

              I haven't done any "maintenance" to my Mac. Granted, it's MUCH newer so slowdowns aren't really as apparent.
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                Originally posted by ilovemycb7 View Post
                I think the MS adds are a little ridiculous b/c they specifically look for models that don't exist in the apple lineup.

                That's like saying hey we're going to go into the ferrari dealership for a family of 7 looking for a car that suits their needs, if they find it, they can buy it! Sure they won't end up with a ferrari...

                but which would you rather have?

                You pay a premium for a nice product. It has always worked that way.
                The apple doesn't justify their premium. Period. Used em, tried em don't think they are worth it.

                MS doesn't go looking for apple faults any more than apple does with MS.
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                  Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                  The apple doesn't justify their premium. Period. Used em, tried em don't think they are worth it.

                  MS doesn't go looking for apple faults any more than apple does with MS.
                  Fair enough, it's a personal thing just like every other purchase.

                  Someone can sit there and tell me the corvette z06 is absolutely amazing. And on paper it is, and I'm sure driving them is incredible too. But I hate them for some reason.
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                    Originally posted by ilovemycb7 View Post
                    The thinner and lighter weight is worth something too. The quality of the case, a product that doesn't feel cheap and get squeaky with age.

                    Sure the straight performance can be had for less in a PC. However, the little things that a lot of people might not think about come into play when using a computer day in and day out.

                    I'm not arguing that Mac's are some outstanding bang for your buck. However, they are nice and if you can afford one I think they are worth it. The OS really is lovely.

                    There is something different out there for everyone. Internet debates about personal preferences only go in circles. Some people will tell you that their american car is just as reliable as your honda. You'll never convince them otherwise.
                    Thinner and lighter weight is not exclusive to Apple. You are approaching this conversation as if PC is a product or company. It is not. The wonderful thing about PC is you don't have to buy what some company thinks you should. As a PC, you are free to be developed, marketed and sold as some independent company thinks you are. There are large and varied differences between Dell, Toshiba, HP, and the literally hundreds of other companies that sell and market PC's.

                    One thing that Mac users can't seem to get through their head (I guess it is because Apple doesn't do it this way), is that the PC itself, and the operating system are two completely different things. The fact that most of them are sold with Microsoft, is simply good business on Microsoft's part. It has nothing to do with the hardware, the quality of the hardware, the durability etc.

                    And for the record, your Mac is made by I believe Acer, which also markets PC laptops, so one would question whether or not your "case" is really any better. I have seen Dells and HP's as well as other brands that give up nothing in terms of durability over a Mac.
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                      I've had my iphone crash on me twice since I bought it. My PC has crashed once (and that wasn't even a crash... it was an unexpected update that caused a restart...)

                      Granted, individual experiences are worthless in the overall market, until you really count them up.

                      Yes, PCs are "maintenance heavy"... as I have said, I've replaced many a part on my own in the past decade. However, by the time my cheapie parts give out, it's time to upgrade anyway! When your Mac is outdated, you can't go online and choose from thousands of replacement parts, ranging from insanely cheap to astoundingly expensive, to upgrade the one area that failed on you.

                      Just like I told someone in the noob forum about his CB7... and it applies to this as well... He asked if his old Accord is worth fixing up, when he could just go get an e36 M3. I told him that he can fix the Accord 3x over for the price that the M3 would command at the repair shop!
                      So why get an M3? Other than bragging rights, having a "superior" vehicle, and having something that kicks ass while it's unbroken... sure. Otherwise, I'll take my CB7. And my PC.


                        Acer made my Netbook. Lasted me 9 months. They made my laptop... it's going strong... and i HATE it.

                        I'll be buying another Acer netbook.


                          Originally posted by kamaccord View Post
                          You are truly one of the few that has not had problems a PC. I have owned several PCs and had several problems with each. I have 4 Apples and never had an issue with any of them. No freezing, no viruses, no problems. As far as service, I'm about 10 minutes from an Apple store that does in-house repairs.
                          You are failing to seperate the "PC" from Microsoft. They are NOT the same thing. Microsoft does not build and sell PC's like Apple does with Macs. Windows is a program that the builder of the PC CHOOSES to install on the computer. They are not forced to, and there are other options available. That is just what most PC users want. And that is really why the PC almost creamed Apple in the first place. Users had a CHOICE about what they wanted, and how they wanted to do it.

                          The only reason Apple is still around, is because Microsoft got too big for their britches, and made Windows 98, which was so horrendous, that many stopped using PC's altogether. Even in the dedicated graphics arena, video production etc, the PC was tearing Mac up and very quickly replacing it as the standard of the industry. But with Windows 98, they lost it because big production houses can't afford to put up with that kind of shit. Had Windows XP been the next step after 95, or had NT been more widespread, that may not have been the case.

                          As far as XP goes, I know quite a number of machines and large networks that are running it with very few issues, and have been for years. However, one of the things I liked about the company that built my computer was that they had a history of having very stable, high performance machines, whereas companies like HP and to a large extent lower end dells have made the PC cheap by using crap that was left over and didn't necessarily work as well together. That also contributed a lot to the issues associated with Windows.

                          In Microsoft's defense, I would like to see Apple make an OS that was bulletproof even though it had to accomodate literally millions of hardware configurations.

                          Most people don't understand that the hardware, and the software are two entirely different things. There are several good options for PC users, and we will see if Google Chrome steals any of Microsoft's or Apple's thunder.
                          Last edited by owequitit; 07-20-2009, 08:59 PM.
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                            I would like to see Microsoft develop a system in-house that is designed to run Windows as well as Apple's run their OS.

                            PC components are built by 3rd parties to work with Microsoft's software. Some do it well, others do not. Some conflict with other 3rd party components.

                            In fact, most "brand name" PCs are just collections of parts from other companies. Open up a Dell, and you'll find... well... probably a lot of no-name crap unless you pay for "upgrades"... But you'll find an Intel processor, an NVidia graphics card (or system integrated into the motherboard), a Seagate hard drive (just throwing names out there...)

                            Chrome will hurt Microsoft more, I think. The concept is still going to be PC, unless they develop their own hardware as well. Modular units surrounding a single operating system are Microsoft's bread and butter.


                              the part that bothers me, is that 90% of the complaints about PCs are from people who dont REALLY, HONESTLY know how to really USE them.

                              they know how to use them, and quickly break them, and then get upset that there isnt a "pc repair store" in the local mall.

                              personally, ive been a general COMPUTER user since they came out way back in the day (before internet... before graphics screens... before HARD DRIVES or internal memory) and with all of my experience starting with a few years of MAC usage (and programming!! basic.. logo.. gwb...) and through every choice ive made (im no "normal" user) ive found PCs to be BY FAR a much better choice.

                              apples are worth the price if you want SPECIFIC audio/video/image software... but i can never willingly pay twice the price just to get the package pre assembled for me - i get to pick every detail down to every spec, save half the money, and still have it be tailored exactly to my desires. and still have thousands of options for upgrades, tweaks, and thousands of hardware and software customizations. who DOESNT want that? people who dont feel like dealing with it - and thats definitely not me.

                              p.s. the mac OS interface completely blows.
                              Last edited by cp[mike]; 07-20-2009, 08:54 PM.

                              - 1993 Accord LX - White sedan (sold)
                              - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (wrecked)
                              - 1991 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
                              - 1990 Accord EX - Grey sedan (sold)
                              - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
                              - 1992 Accord EX - White coupe (sold)
                              - 1993 Accord EX - Grey coupe (stolen)
                              - 1993 Accord SE - Gold coupe (sold)
                              Current cars:
                              - 2005 Subaru Legacy GT Wagon - Daily driver
                              - 2004 Chevrolet Express AWD - Camper conversion


                                Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                                Thinner and lighter weight is not exclusive to Apple. You are approaching this conversation as if PC is a product or company. It is not. The wonderful thing about PC is you don't have to buy what some company thinks you should. As a PC, you are free to be developed, marketed and sold as some independent company thinks you are. There are large and varied differences between Dell, Toshiba, HP, and the literally hundreds of other companies that sell and market PC's.

                                One thing that Mac users can't seem to get through their head (I guess it is because Apple doesn't do it this way), is that the PC itself, and the operating system are two completely different things. The fact that most of them are sold with Microsoft, is simply good business on Microsoft's part. It has nothing to do with the hardware, the quality of the hardware, the durability etc.

                                And for the record, your Mac is made by I believe Acer, which also markets PC laptops, so one would question whether or not your "case" is really any better. I have seen Dells and HP's as well as other brands that give up nothing in terms of durability over a Mac.
                                I was not aware that Acer made unibody laptop cases. In fact, I believe that's completely false. Perhaps they make the plastic casings. The unibody Macbook Pros are a pretty different case design, with a solid casing and no inner frame work. It is thinner and lighter this way. And I believe it should be more durable as it's a solid piece of aluminum that is carved into the laptop casing. I'm not an environment guy, but it's also one of the most, if not the most, environmentally friendly designs. Down to the screens used. So that commands a price these days as well.

                                (plastic macbooks are not durable, imo)

                                And the thinner and lighter PCs are usually lacking in features or cost as much as the Macs. Just like the "premium" price of a mac the "premium" PC's can cost a lot as well. At least from what I was looking at when I received my macbook pro for college around the december time. (when the unibodies were released)
                                Click for my ride thread.

