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Just a reminder...

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    Just a reminder...

    Racial slurs, no matter how casual or malice-free they may be, are NOT acceptable here. People seem to be forgetting this as of late, and they don't quite understand why they're being banned for it. So, just a friendly reminder, a racial slur (even if it shows up as *****) will get you banned. Without question. The ban MAY be permanent, and without warning.

    It's too bad you can't create a little refresher page pop up every "x" amount of times you log in to remind everyone of these things. Instead it will more than likely get read and stay in everyone's mind for a day or two, by then it will be on another page and gone into the off-topic abyss.


      Honestly, it shouldn't even be required to be in the rules, or limited via software censorship. It's common decency (which, like common sense, seems to be far less common than the name implies.)


        Well with media spinning race issue's to get a headline, what do you expect? I think racial tensions within the country are ridiculous right now.

        Media headline: "A white hispanic kills an unarmed black teenager"

        Proper headline: "A neighborhood watchman kills an unarmed teenager"

        Then again I shouldn't say it's just the media, politicians are throwing racial tensions into the elections as well. It's really sad we can no longer have democrat vs republican, it has to be black vs white too. It seems there's only one place you can find unity in this nation and it's either our soldiers at war or our athletes in the Olympics.


          In todays day and age you should know not to say anything like that. Its 2012 for cryin out loud. All it does is piss people off and/or get your ass kicked. Its not welcome on our forum and thats how it should be.
          Last edited by H311RA151N; 07-30-2012, 02:42 PM.


            What of it's in the context of a story, there's such a gray area with that.


              Originally posted by BurtonRiderT6 View Post
              Well with media spinning race issue's to get a headline, what do you expect? I think racial tensions within the country are ridiculous right now.

              Media headline: "A white hispanic kills an unarmed black teenager"

              Proper headline: "A neighborhood watchman kills an unarmed teenager"

              Then again I shouldn't say it's just the media, politicians are throwing racial tensions into the elections as well. It's really sad we can no longer have democrat vs republican, it has to be black vs white too. It seems there's only one place you can find unity in this nation and it's either our soldiers at war or our athletes in the Olympics.
              Agreed. Honestly, it SHOULDN'T be a big deal, but it is. And in a mixed group such as a forum like this one, it's not acceptable.
              Someone may throw slurs around with "their boys", but they bring it to a community like this, and 99.999999% of the members aren't "their boys".

              There is only one specific slur I've allowed, and it is part of someone's username. He had the username for a long time, and I decided to allow him to keep it. He has not been disrespectful in any way, and nobody has ever complained about the name. I'm mentioning that now before someone else does.

              Still, any "friendly" slur can lead to others using such a word (or related word) in an unfriendly way... and that has no place on this forum whatsoever. If you can't express yourself intelligently without using such words, walk. Or you will be shown the door. I just did so with another member that I once respected.


                pretty sad that this thread has to be made..


                  I made this thread while discussing a 2 week ban via IM with a member that dropped a certain N word. He had a problem with his 2 week ban for something that's commonly said among "his boys", and he mentioned "not being able to be himself" on the forum. With that comment, I made his ban permanent. If "being himself" is using such language, we don't need that type.

                  The sad thing is that the offending member wasn't even of the race he was insulting with that word. Not that it's ever an excuse ("oh, I'm such and such, so i can use that word!") but if anyone has the right to use a slur casually, it would be people that actually belong to the group to which said slur refers. Still, if a black member drops the N word in front of me because "he's black, so he's allowed", then I'M offended... because that's essentially saying "you're white, so you're not allowed!"


                    Deevergote- "if a black member drops the N word in front of me because "he's black, so he's allowed", then I'M offended... because that's essentially saying "you're white, so you're not allowed!"

                    Thats how it should be. Period. Not just on here but everywhere. You are a very fair man Deev.


                      that is one thing i will NEVER understand is the double standard with the N word.. if you seriously get so pissed off about that word when other races use it, why the HELL would you bring yourself down to their racist level by using the word yourself?.. i just dont get it


                        The world is a vicious cycle but I believe it should be allowed to a certain degree if your cool with each other on the other hand if it is made ignorantly then no I do not think it should be allowed especially around highly sensitive people.


                          Comments made within a group that accepts them are alright... but in an open community, where you do not know your audience, it's unacceptable.
                          I say things in the company of my friends that I would never say on here. Among my friends, my intentions are known. They know that I don't actually mean an offensive comment. Here, I don't know who is reading what I say. An innocent comment that those close to me know isn't serious could be extremely offensive to someone that doesn't know me.


                            It's really sad you have to remind people to be "PC" about such things....
                            But then again, just look at the world we live in...

                            BB6-><Summer Lover
                            BD6-><Dailey/Future AutoX
                            Mazda 6s-><Wifes


                              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                              I made this thread while discussing a 2 week ban via IM with a member that dropped a certain N word. He had a problem with his 2 week ban for something that's commonly said among "his boys", and he mentioned "not being able to be himself" on the forum. With that comment, I made his ban permanent. If "being himself" is using such language, we don't need that type.

                              The sad thing is that the offending member wasn't even of the race he was insulting with that word. Not that it's ever an excuse ("oh, I'm such and such, so i can use that word!") but if anyone has the right to use a slur casually, it would be people that actually belong to the group to which said slur refers. Still, if a black member drops the N word in front of me because "he's black, so he's allowed", then I'M offended... because that's essentially saying "you're white, so you're not allowed!"

                              I hate it when people say Nike......

                              Anyways yes I agree and here is even a funnier story.

                              I had the pleasure of interviewing some people last thursday and we had this man and he was asked what or how he would deal with giving someone orders who would have a hard time following them.

                              He responded something a long the lines of, when I first started working for my last company the latinos wouldn't do what I asked but eventually they got the point.

                              I'm like WTF?!?!?!?! automatic disqualification.
                              H22 Prelude VTEC 92-96 200 161 10.6:1 87 90 DOHC VTEC 2157 JDM

                              190.3whp 155 wtq - with bolt ons, and a dc header

                              ET=14.457 @ 94mph w/ 2.173 60Fter

