Well that's fine but I really think the problem is in how you express yourself on here. Instead of asking where hell is geographicly why not "I'm interested what's your zip"? It just sounds more appropriate then the later.
In any case I'm not going to heckle you because it seems like everyone is ok with you doing what you do regardless of the consequences and as I'm no mod or admin, just a dedicated member, then I can only coexist so no hard feelings. Sometimes certain members have personalities that have to find their place on here. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
In any case I'm not going to heckle you because it seems like everyone is ok with you doing what you do regardless of the consequences and as I'm no mod or admin, just a dedicated member, then I can only coexist so no hard feelings. Sometimes certain members have personalities that have to find their place on here. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.