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Grumpys93 : 1993 Accord LX

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  • Grumpys93
    I always enjoy getting parts for my build from my wife. This Christmas she got me a valve adjustment tool, turbo to mani gasket, and 38mm wastegate gaskets. Nothing exciting but all necessary parts to get the turbo motor all put together. Hopefully Blake got all the piping needed this week to start and finish the downpipe and wastegate dump.

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  • Grumpys93
    So I have no clue how to embed videos nor do I know how to work any social media.

    But I wanted to share this video of Blake showing how the manifold he built for me works properly. Meaning as exhaust goes in one port is scavenges the remaining exhaust out of the other ports. Thus building a good collector. I’m assuming the theory behind it is that with the suction the turbine will constantly have some force coming down on it. I could be completely wrong. But all in all cool video.

    If a mod knows how to embed it that would be awesome and much appreciated.
    Last edited by Grumpys93; 12-14-2018, 12:50 AM.

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  • Grumpys93
    Not as sexy as the new manifold but received my AEM X-Series Oil pressure gauge today in the mail:

    I was going to go cheap on the oil pressure gauge, but after reading reviews of sensors going out with the cheap gauge I decided that I haven't gone cheap with this built and I shouldn't start now. Especially since this gauge could possibly indicate something going wrong and give me the time I need to shut it down.

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  • Grumpys93
    Originally posted by Raf99 View Post
    Jesus Joseph & Mary.............. i almost have no words! Man that looks amazing! You going to paint the block up too?
    The block is pretty clean already, So I may just do a wipe down on it. I do want to do something with the valve cover. I’m either going to powder coat it or hydrodip it. I am not sure if I powdercoatrd it what color I would want and if I hydrodip what pattern I’d want.

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  • Raf99
    Jesus Joseph & Mary.............. i almost have no words! Man that looks amazing! You going to paint the block up too?

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  • Grumpys93
    Blake today kicked ass and finished up the manifold and I am super excited to see this in person soon. He was going to start on the Downpipe and Dump tube but realized that he needs to order more piping. So that will be on hold probably until next week.

    I also was planning on purchasing a turbo blanket to keep temps down in the bay especially with the turbo sitting right by the oil pan. However seeing the surface rust on the turbine housing made me look for ways to clean it and prevent it from happening, which ultimately led me to Jet-Hot ceramic coating.

    After doing some research I believe I am going to go this route, with the ceramic coating, not only does it treat and help prevent corrosion, it does an excellent job keeping the temps down, and its pretty much permanent. So unlike the blanket which only keeps temps down, if I need to remove the turbo for any reason I don't have to worry about breaking apart the blanket, as the housing will be sealed.

    The coating costs pretty much the same as the blanket but with more benefits. I'm curious if anyone out there has experimented with this. I am also thinking of doing it to the manifold as well.

    Anyways enough of me rambling here are some updated pics of the finished manifold:

    Manifold all welded up and turbo mounted(surface rust ), now just have to cut and weld in wastegate flange:

    Wastegate flange tacked into place:

    Finished product:

    For the turbine housing I plan to go satin black and on the manifold, if I get it coated will be the classic polish in case ya'll were wondering.

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  • NH-503P-3

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  • Rilas
    That is some car porn for sure right there. Man that thing is beautiful.

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  • Grumpys93
    Originally posted by Raf99 View Post
    That's car porn right there..
    Here is some more porn for you:

    First runner welded up:

    All welded up, minus the wastegate and turbo flange:

    So next step is for Blake to decide where he wants the wastegate. He was thinking possibly putting it coming out under the #3 & #4 runners.

    Once he has that all done, he will move on to fabbing up the downpipe and WG dumptube.

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  • Raf99
    That's car porn right there..

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  • Grumpys93
    I recently took the accord off the insurance since it will be sitting for a couple months while I do work on it. So to keep the engine nicely lubed and all fluids flowing I decided to pull it out of the garage and idle for 10 mins. While it was idling I looked around for any leaks or odd things that may have happened.

    Well I noticed the exhaust note sounded differently when I hit a trough in the road trying to avoid someone about to hit me and heard a loud thud. Anyways I looked around the header and found this.....

    If you look where 3&4 merge that weld has a clean break.

    In this picture you can see the exhaust blowing out where the runner meets the collector:

    I'm pretty sure this was a cheap ebay header, so I am not upset. This just makes me eager to finish the turbo build and pull the H.

    Now to the exciting stuff:

    Blake is back on the manifold and sent me some awesome progress pics today. As you can see he made some small changes on it, he changed the routing of #1 and 4 runner to bring all the runners to within an inch in length of each other. So it looks like it will be pretty damn close to equal length and bottom mount.

    Hit him up for his manifold guys. He is a master of his craft!

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  • Jarrett
    Yeah, the company that makes them is just down the street from my friend's house in Austin. They have an amazing product, and they know it. I'm assuming they have the market heavily cornered because it Chinese company could have come in and copied them already.

    I considered buying a couple of sizes and then starting a rental service. What do you think about something like that, Blake? Maybe make some of your money back.

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  • 98vtec
    Originally posted by CyborgGT View Post
    Very nice! I'd love one of those modeling kits, but they're stupidly expensive considering they're little more than childrens' block toys.
    They are incredibly helpful for me as a fabricator. I dont have to do anything thinking. Just build like I am a kid again.

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  • CyborgGT
    Very nice! I'd love one of those modeling kits, but they're stupidly expensive considering they're little more than childrens' block toys.

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  • 98vtec
    prototype design for Nicks build. Cylinder 4 actually got a slight change to make it longer and closer to equal length. I dig it.

    One of my machinist getting the flange drawn up. I didn't have the time to proof my drawing so he took care of it.

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