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jdm_inspired : 1993 Accord EX

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  • jdm_inspired
    Being semi-buzzed and reading this, I am in total heart-melt. This is what keeps me sharpened like a pencil.

    Thanks for the re-motivation all!

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  • texas_cb7
    keep ur head up bro...we going cross are finger hope for the best

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  • motobmx105
    Ant, ive been in your situation before and im gunna say keep her and finish it! if you end up parting her out it would be torture! it may be costly to finish her but isnt that why we work and make money so we can have things to be proud of? so keep the CB and finish it and it will be a great feeling when you start it up and know that its takin everything you had to finsh the dream CB. just do it for you good luck bro!
    p.s im still rockin your ws2 system!
    Last edited by motobmx105; 01-08-2012, 08:41 PM.

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  • P5ylance
    NO. DO NOT. QUIT ON THIS CAR. :| You will see this car to the end because to complete something you worked so hard on and put so much effort into will be more than worth the measly 2k you'll invest to get it running. You are not a quitter, I never knew you to be, and I don't think it's in your blood at all to even consider stopping when you are so close to completion and finishing your vision for your car.

    I DIDN'T BUY YOUR COMPOSITION JACKET AND HAT FOR NOTHING! LOL That was to go towards your car building funds

    so yeah. we all would love to see your car finished. It keeps us all motivated to see a god among humans.

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  • SanJoCaF22DrAcc
    Damn, it's been a while since I last saw you post any updates. I agree with everyone else. My vote goes along with you finishing and keeping her. Finish her up and bring it to the meets. It would be awesome to see it first hand. I personally appreciate all the work that you have done. You are one of the few that have taken the CB7 chassis to it's fullest potential. I have definitely been inspired.

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  • Darkcloud
    Yo Ant you gotta finish it man, you inpsired me to keep mine and build it.

    I say keep it to finish it and see how you feel after that.

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  • Hostile
    Get her done Ant. This is a car that needs to be in Honda Tuning and representing at Eibach. Finish it off.

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  • SPLCB7
    Your car is worth every penny you've put into it heck I'd even make the trip to come see it in person. I love how it flows. I hope you do finish it take it to shows meets ect. And get the respect you deserve for building a jaw dropping car. Don't give up on her! Get her running you'll see your car in a different veiw once you drive her. Next thing to do is finish her and enjoy her.

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  • jdm_inspired
    Dang it looks like a lot of posts got deleted after the site crash.

    Anyway for my update.

    Hello all. It has been very long since I've been on here. I, to be completely be honest, hardly visit this site anymore. I have been too busy with work and other problems/situations that needed my full attention. For one, I no longer have my BMW. I now own a 2011 Accord Coupe since August. They both have it's pro's and con's about each other. But I have to say, losing my baller-look status for a more fuel economical, roomier, newer car with less to no problems is a definite plus in my book.

    Now for my dilemma. I have had my CB for maybe 4-5 years now. I am proud of my accomplishments that I have built with this car, making it a one of a kind coupe on this site. However, being that it is old, I am also losing passion for it since I am getting old-er myself. I have no true reason to keep the car other than the fact of how much money I have invested into it. I am totaling over 13k at this point. It has very sentimental value to me as well. I have built this car from the ground up. It has it's own personal "swag" and I will probably never find another car that will define myself in car form.

    As of now, it still stands on jackstands. I will try to get my friend to tackle my idling problem. It may be a small fix and it may be an expensive fix. The thought of having to spend another 2k to get it at its prime is mind-fucking for me. I intend to make big moves this year. This includes cutting my credit card debt (which I can accomplish soon), and also move out of the parental's house and add the "in" to "dependent". I just really need to make smart decisions this year and really start picking up on my life.

    In reality, this car has no gain for me, other than accomplishment. I no longer need a fast car, or a head turner. I'm realizing these things as I age like wine. I did however build this car for me. And it is tastefully built, if you agree or not.

    I talked to a very close friend of mine and he said if it's the last big payment I'm going to make on it then I should finish it. I would be very hard on myself and never forgive myself if I gave up. This is one of those dream come true types of things. Being acknowledged for your work. It's just really hard to justify me paying that chunk.

    I just need re-motivation. If I ever do give up on this, best believe it will not be sold whole. I will never let anyone take credibility for something I built.

    I love this site and all the help I gained from here. I just need someone to help point me in the right direction. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks guys.
    Last edited by jdm_inspired; 01-07-2012, 05:20 AM.

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  • jdm_inspired
    I just want to tell you all, I look nothing like any of the Far East Movement members.

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  • aww_shiet
    Originally posted by TheNextAZN View Post
    Sober girls around us they be acting like they drunk
    They be actin like they drunk, actin-actin like they drunk ...

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  • TheNextAZN
    Originally posted by aww_shiet View Post
    I guess I'll be #4? lol
    Sober girls around us they be acting like they drunk

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  • aww_shiet
    Originally posted by TheNextAZN View Post
    3rd ones right here

    I guess I'll be #4? lol

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  • TheNextAZN
    Originally posted by tommi View Post
    there's 4 members in far east movement...
    3rd ones right here


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  • wed3k
    check map sensor and the hose that goes to it. make sure it has vacuum and not ported vacuum.

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