By no means am I an experienced body man. Keep in mind this may not be the best or fastest way to do this but it worked for me.
Required tools/supplies
Copper tube
Air Compressor
Right angle grinder with 80 grit
Sanding block with 80 and 320 grit
Hood Stand
Ratchet with 10mm socket
Body filler
paint gun
Since the holes are still fairly small, I decided to just build up weld on top of weld to fill the holes. I think it is better to drill out the holes with a step bit and make round filler pieces to weld in but I wasn't that motivated.
First take off the hood and place on stand
Grind off the paint around the squirters
Place copper under the hole to weld against as well take some heat away. We used a copper tube flattened on one end.
Slowly tack weld the hole intermittently blowing air across to keep it cool. Do not overheat the metal or it will warp.
Grind the weld smooth then check the weld for pinholes and unfused areas. Do not overheat the metal when grinding. Reweld as needed.
Grind smooth again and sand out the area in preparation for body filler
Apply body filler. I used Rage Gold
Sand smooth with 80 grit
Primer the hood. I used FeatherFill G2. No more holes
Required tools/supplies
Copper tube
Air Compressor
Right angle grinder with 80 grit
Sanding block with 80 and 320 grit
Hood Stand
Ratchet with 10mm socket
Body filler
paint gun
Since the holes are still fairly small, I decided to just build up weld on top of weld to fill the holes. I think it is better to drill out the holes with a step bit and make round filler pieces to weld in but I wasn't that motivated.
First take off the hood and place on stand
Grind off the paint around the squirters
Place copper under the hole to weld against as well take some heat away. We used a copper tube flattened on one end.
Slowly tack weld the hole intermittently blowing air across to keep it cool. Do not overheat the metal or it will warp.
Grind the weld smooth then check the weld for pinholes and unfused areas. Do not overheat the metal when grinding. Reweld as needed.
Grind smooth again and sand out the area in preparation for body filler
Apply body filler. I used Rage Gold
Sand smooth with 80 grit
Primer the hood. I used FeatherFill G2. No more holes