I decided to run a switch on my antenna so I could turn off power to the antenna and still be able to listen to my CD's. For times like in a carwash. The main reason I did this is because with it being so cold, the antenna has been known to freeze over and when I power on the radio, the motor clunks trying to get the antenna to go up.
You can mount your switch anywhere, but I mounted my switch on the plastic panel where you pop your trunk and your fuel tank.
This is where the final placement was. I should of drilled it a little bit lower because I had trouble getting the switch to mount. If you do decided to mount a switch there, that spot is the only place where you will have room to bring the wires in. Additionally I used this plastic piece because I could run the wires under the carpet straight into the plastic piece.
Once you get the trim removed to access the antenna motor, there is a yellow wire with a white stripe. When power is put to the motor through that wire, the antenna goes up. When power is shut off to the motor, the antenna goes down.
So cut the yellow wire:
Then you have to run two wires to your switch. This is so you can cut power off to the motor through the switch. I ran a zip cord because the two seperate wires are formed togeather, much easier to run.
Splice in the zip cord:
And run the zip cord to your switch. Hook the switch up, check to see if it works and if it does, put the trim back togeather and your set.
This is the final placement in the car:
So overall, nothing to fancy, but something to help save wear and tear on the antenna.
Let me know if you have any questions
You can mount your switch anywhere, but I mounted my switch on the plastic panel where you pop your trunk and your fuel tank.
This is where the final placement was. I should of drilled it a little bit lower because I had trouble getting the switch to mount. If you do decided to mount a switch there, that spot is the only place where you will have room to bring the wires in. Additionally I used this plastic piece because I could run the wires under the carpet straight into the plastic piece.
Once you get the trim removed to access the antenna motor, there is a yellow wire with a white stripe. When power is put to the motor through that wire, the antenna goes up. When power is shut off to the motor, the antenna goes down.
So cut the yellow wire:
Then you have to run two wires to your switch. This is so you can cut power off to the motor through the switch. I ran a zip cord because the two seperate wires are formed togeather, much easier to run.
Splice in the zip cord:
And run the zip cord to your switch. Hook the switch up, check to see if it works and if it does, put the trim back togeather and your set.
This is the final placement in the car:
So overall, nothing to fancy, but something to help save wear and tear on the antenna.
Let me know if you have any questions