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Tranny ? Maybe?

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    Tranny ? Maybe?

    Ok i have like this Annoying sound that is kinda loud. when i press the gas and am going i hear like this HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE kind of noise. i went on the truway to test it out and pressed the gas kinda hard and it was loud enough. just making a stupid heeeeeeeeeee noise.

    i noicted when i was going to the gas station and i was going pretty slow it was on first gear and it was making the noise and when it swtiched to secound it stop (or not got alot Lower) but i was going really fast when i got to the gas station. ((( my car is Automatic not Stick)))

    does anyone know what this could be? maybe the belts need to be sprayed or anything? has this happened to anyone?

    Thanks alot people!!

    couldn't tell you based on your description of the sound

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      Could you identify where this "heeee" sound was coming from?

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        damn i really cant tell were the sound is coming from. cuz it does it only when am riding. its not like its coming from one sertion side or something. u can just hear it. espically when ur passing parked cars.


          Did you check the colour of the fluid? make sure its not like molasses

          "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
          "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
          "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


            yea please clarify the HEEEEEE noise


              is it a whirring/whining noise, like maybe what you'd expect from an electric car, or golf cart?

              i'm pretty sure i know what you're talking about. mine makes a noise like that while it's in 1st gear. it's not really loud, but yah, i also notice it when driving past parked cars, or a wall, when the sound bounces back at me. and it seems to go away once it shifts. it's been doing it as long as i've had the car (about 6-7 years), but i don't know if it's supposed to. then again, my tranny has almost 300k on it.
              Last edited by gutterslide; 05-30-2006, 06:14 PM.



                my car does it too, ive had it for almost a year, its pretty much only first gear that does it

                My Members Ride Page


                  well its kinda loud. it just started doing it. would dry belts make that noise? or what could i do? what about tanny treatment? the one they sell at autozone and stuff. bottle is like $12.99. i know u only suppose to put in just a little. but how does that work?


                    i doubt it's any belts, probably the tranny. maybe change the fluid. i don't recommend a flush, just a routine fluid change. see if it makes any difference.

                    if you want a flush, i've always read to do it the way Honda recommends... in 3 regular fluid changes. not by taking it to a shop that power flushes it.


