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bottle warmer....wiring question

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    bottle warmer....wiring question

    i have to wire up my bottle warmer for the nitrous.
    only thing i got is a bottle warmer and 2 wires coming from it, 1 for 12v. and the other ground.

    do u all think i can run the 12v to a fused wire (wire with fuse) then to a toggle switch then to the warmer and ground the other wire, that should work right?

    so it only will come on if i hit the switch.

    what do u all think?

    i had this before do it the right way bro it will work but try to fuse it seperately cause if one blows so will the other .


      Fuse the positive before the switch as close to the battery source as possible.

      Which warmer did you get? Make sure it has a termostat because if you leave it on and it builds to much pressure the safety valve will dump all the N2O. Also it wouldn't be a bad idea to connect the Warmers power source to a switched ignition source. That will minimize the chance of it running to long.
      My unupdate website, lol. <click here>.


        damn, i forgot the name, i was looking at it last night
        but its some company in texas.

        i was thinking about runing a fused wire to a 12v sorce that only comings on when the car its turned on then running that to the toggle switch then to the warmer. sorta like the arming switch for the nitrous

        and then im thinking about just buying a zex bottle warmer.
        i thought the one i brought was gona come with everything i needed
        NEED RAP BEATS.....


          zex is your friend ask 5speed integra


            Texas is probably Nitrous Xpress (NX). Should have come with a thermostat though.

            The Zex bottle warmer comes with everything built in so it's a pretty nice unit I think. I have one.
            My unupdate website, lol. <click here>.


              damn, i should have got it then.

              i wired mines up havent completed it just yet. i have a fused wire uning to one side of a on/off switch then the other side runs to the bottle warmer. then the other wire on the warmers gona be grounded.
              so all i have to do is wire the other end of the fused wire to a 12v source and hopefully it will work

              Busted, i boosted it up to 65shot. even with pressure low i felt a hell of a gain. cant wait to get the pressure up right.
              in april im gona get a heavy duty Act street clutch, then im gona boost it to 75. the gears come up so fast glad i have a shift light.
              Last edited by theone; 02-24-2004, 09:58 AM.
              NEED RAP BEATS.....



                lol yeah N20 is pretty entertaining
                My unupdate website, lol. <click here>.


                  well figured out how im gona wire it.

                  i ran my test wiring and the wire i had it ran to did not provide enuff current to make it warm up. it would get a little warm in one area and then just stop. so..........

                  i check everything to make sure it was wired right, and check the grounded, everything was fine, so i thought maybe the bottle warmer is defective. so to test this i just ran it right to the car battery and it heated up in like 3 seconds.

                  so i knew it was the current.

                  im gona run it to the battery, the same way i was doing it to the wire.

                  positive from the battery, negative from the battery.
                  negative to the bottle warmer.
                  positive to a fused wire.
                  fused wire + positive to switch
                  other terminal from switch to bottle warmer.

                  and see what i get, i need to get a stronger switch, something that handles 300watts. one i had only handle 150
                  NEED RAP BEATS.....



                    bottle warmer is installed and works perfect. it was the switch.
                    i need to find a toggle switch that can handle 12volts DC.
                    got it from warlmart, and hooked everything up in the parking
                    last night after having the bottle warmer on for like 20minutes, i raised the pressure from 590psi to 850psi, so thats good and the nitrous felt stronger.
                    to 30-35 minutes (because of the cold weather) of the warmer being on should raise the pressure to around 900psi.

                    i will take pics of the set up this weekend. i have my nitrous arming switch and bottle warmer switch on the gear consol, right where the e-brake is facing it, one switch on both sides.
                    NEED RAP BEATS.....


