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still stranded electrical problem???

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    still stranded electrical problem???

    ok my car died the other night at a light after being drivin for like 20 min or so... and well now it wont start... along with that here are the other thing not working..
    CLOCK (at second key turn)
    windows(at second key turn)

    and what does work still..

    dash lights

    please i need my car back ASAP
    from f22 to H22. still love the cb7.

    bump please help me out... n e input please
    from f22 to H22. still love the cb7.


      Did you check all the fuses and also check the factory relays. -damien


        check your main relay high under dash ,left of colmn . that is the relay that goes out most common


          Try Ignition Switch


            Originally posted by DAVIDJENNIFER
            Try Ignition Switch
            im swinging in that area...

            now u cant start your car right.....turn the key very very little, and i bet your clock and stuff will come on. if not then there may be a dead spot in the ignition switch.

            i had that issue...everything would fade and then turn off...the only way the car turned on was if the key was almost in the "start" posistion and if i held it there.

            if fuses and stuff is ok, look into it...its like 45 bucks or so, about 30 minutes to replace with beer.
            What makes me laugh about forums, is that no matter how much you try to help someone, they dont take the advice. Go ahead and do it the hard way.

            You got to respect what you drive, and appreciate what you have, making the best of what you got. and if that means putting CAI, HID's, a phat stereo system, and a idiot in the drivers seat...then so be it!



            I love nooBs...They make me look good


              thanks for the replys everyone... fast as usual.... the realays were fine... im deffinetlly gunna look into the ignition switch.. just would that stop all the other stuff from workin too...
              from f22 to H22. still love the cb7.


                what were you doing to the car under the hood to before it began the sympoms? One thing that people usually forget to mention when it comes to problems like this is...

                In the engine bay right behind the headlights there are these 2 little boxes that are bolted to the side of the bay. they are about an inch and a half square and half inch thick. theres a bunch of wires that go into the box. these are main grounds for the majority of systems in the car and if they are removed some things will work some wont much like the issue you are having. i would unbolt both and clean up the grounds and bolt them back down.

                I learn the hard way when i was cleaning up the wiring in my engine bay what unbolting these things does.

                My Wiretuck/ Insane engine bay
                member ride thread
                11.86@120mph T66 turbo 612hp F22A
                People can hate all they want, my f22 is faster than yours.
                I have literally been on this site for 10 years, I know what i am talking about!
                John 10:18 "No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. "


                  If the car dies while driving there is a good chance that it is your alternator, i went through two batteries like an idiot before i figured that out. >.<, so get that checked out, and dont do the shitty load test they offer at autozone or where ever you go. Take the alternator out itself and take it in [if thats what you believe that problem is] thats my 2 cents.

                  "you know what a neo-conservative's someone who watches the matrix and believes it's real" - lewis black.

                  ohio cb7's #9


                    thanks n e ways guys... but i couldne figure it out soo i got it towed to a local honda acura fix shop.. should pick it up tomorrow
                    from f22 to H22. still love the cb7.

