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Speed sensor issues.....

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    Speed sensor issues.....

    ok, when i did my clutch last weekend, the speed sensor was a bitch to get back in place at 1st.... i popped it in there, only to realize it was crooked and needed to be adjusted.... took it out after some persuasian, and the second time it went str88t in like a glove..... it w3rked fine and everything was normal till about 5 days ago when i was drivin home, and all the sudden the needle dropped to the deck and hasnt read any spead sincde, as well as the tripometer doesnt turn over anymore..... rechecked the connection harness, and double chekked to make sure it was in all the way... everything seems fine, except that my speedo doesnt read.... i mean i'm used to car now 2 the point i kno about how fast i'm going depending on rpms so its not a huggee deal, but its just wierd.... also the illumination bulbs on my dash are out.... i thought they just blew, but every so often they come back on for a lil bit and turn off again... its friggin wierd too.... everything in my dash is great save for the speedo and the illumination.... ecu even reads an issue w/ the speedo so i'm confused... any ideas, and as ussual, sorry 4 the llong ass post....

    You may have to replace the speed sensor. You should be able to find one at the junk yard or you can buy one new. I would just go for the one from the junkyard.


      ok well thats not 2 big a deal considerin i have 2 spare CB7s in my backyard i can steal it from.... haha..... and regards tothe dasdh lighting, i think it might be the dimmer cause whener i mess around with it the lights come bac on.... i'll have to steal a different 1 of those out of 1 of those CBs also....


        Thats happened to me before but a new speed sensor did the trick!
        My CB For Sale


          Yeah Speed senors are touchy little turds....I have replaced mine going on my third

