After months of cooling/heating and surging idle issues, I finally have located the issue.. After warm up at idle (idles at 2500RPM btw), my car leaks hella coolant. Had several mechanics check it out that have all bs me around (one changed some hose which apparently wasn't the one leaking). So today I went under the car myself after the leak started and noticed the leak on the left underside of the intake manifold or throttle body. I will go ahead and assume that is also why I've had the extremely high idle. In the pic, the pink arrows point to the hose that is actually leaking at the clamp. The two smaller hoses to the side of it (green arrow) show no signs of leaking but I wouldn't mind having those changed also. The yellow arrow points to the hose in which the coolant has been leaking down on. The darkest (newest) hose behind the arrow is the hose that the shop changed. Can anybody tell me exactly which hoses I need to ask for to replace these? I would really appreciate it.