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Timing Belt Jumped

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    Timing Belt Jumped

    Hey fellas,

    Was getting off the highway yesterday and lost all power. While waiting on AAA I found that my timing belt jumped off the cam gear and is sitting tooth-on-tooth. I don think it went any more than a tooth and the belt/tensioner/pump are all about 6 months old, so I'm ust wondering how tough it would be to reset the belt back on the gear and tighten the tensioner, as least invasively as possible. PO stated that he had his mechanic advance timing one tooth for "more top end" so I'm not sure if that could've been a part of the problem.

    Thanks in advance.

    I would do a compression test first. Check to see if it bent a valve. If the PO set the belt a tooth off, that's not okay.


      Originally posted by F22Chris View Post
      I would do a compression test first. Check to see if it bent a valve. If the PO set the belt a tooth off, that's not okay.
      In all honesty, he wasn't the brightest and he said his friend did it, so he could've very well misunderstood himself and could've meant the ignition timing was advanced. The only reason I said it was off a tooth was because it's a non-adjustable cam gear and that would be the only way he would be able to advance it. I didn't notice the belt was off until after cranking it a couple times but between the fail and the cranks there were no noises indicating internal damage but I guess I won't really know until doing a compression test. I just figured if there was an easy way to reseat/retime/retension the belt real quick it would be apparent if I had a cylinder or 2 with a bent valve.

      Also, I refuse to crank it at all until I reseat the belt and make sure timing is set, so no compression test until I get that done first.
      Last edited by ShotgunFacelift; 11-02-2015, 06:48 PM.


        Don't do a compression test, do a leak down test.
        sold! But here's my build thread for those interested.


          Well there's no easier way I can think of man. Just set the crank and cam to TDC and make SURE your flywheel lines up as well so you know you're on Cyl.1. And yeah leak down is what I meant sorry


            Originally posted by lbus9168 View Post
            Don't do a compression test, do a leak down test.

            Originally posted by F22Chris View Post
            Well there's no easier way I can think of man. Just set the crank and cam to TDC and make SURE your flywheel lines up as well so you know you're on Cyl.1. And yeah leak down is what I meant sorry
            I understand. I've just never really messed with these engines and was just wondering if anyone had any tips for retensioning the belt easily without going through all the bullshit in the R&R thread.


              You can def. fix your cam timing issue all from the top and leaving the lower cover+ crank pulley on. Just remove the upper cover and loosen the tensioner acorn nut. While at #1 TDC, slide the belt off the cam gear and turn cam accordingly to where it should be. Then slide belt back on and re-tension. Hope everything works out for ya! I had my tensioner loosen up on me years ago on my F22A6, jumped 2 teeth and didn't have any damage occur.


                The CR on f222ax's is pretty low so usually jumping a tooth or two is fine, its just when the belt breaks that you'll have issues. Sometimes if youre really lucky you can even break the belt and not bend it.
                sold! But here's my build thread for those interested.



                  Originally posted by Granite CB7 View Post
                  You can def. fix your cam timing issue all from the top and leaving the lower cover+ crank pulley on. Just remove the upper cover and loosen the tensioner acorn nut. While at #1 TDC, slide the belt off the cam gear and turn cam accordingly to where it should be. Then slide belt back on and re-tension. Hope everything works out for ya! I had my tensioner loosen up on me years ago on my F22A6, jumped 2 teeth and didn't have any damage occur.
                  Awesome, just what I was looking for, thanks! After talking with a buddy of mine, he said he thinks the tensioner or water pump seized, which I was suspecting was leaking for the past week or so, so it's not too inconceivable. I'll take a better look at her tomorrow when I have some light. Thanks again!

                  Originally posted by lbus9168 View Post
                  The CR on f222ax's is pretty low so usually jumping a tooth or two is fine, its just when the belt breaks that you'll have issues. Sometimes if youre really lucky you can even break the belt and not bend it.
                  I was pretty confident that there isn't any internal damage but thanks for confirming my suspicion.

