So I got it to go away for a while now it's back
*92 5-speed*
My car idles like a champ... and I can drive it with a Slow acceleration. But when I need power and I get heavier on the gas *to match the people around me in traffic, I get this slam of a jerk and for a split second watch my rpm drop to 200 and back up. If I try to slowly gain speed it won't happen but it's very annoying.
I was told to
Try a new distributior - new one in
Try a different coil pack- I have tried like three different ones
Get electrical grease and coat the plugs - done
I know the EGR can help kill the car so I changed that as well
And I do have the amazing bouncing tac from hell even though the cluster is replaced as well
It will not throw a check engine light and will Rev all day with out showing any signs
And I can *97% * of the time hold a constant speed without a very slight jerk.
Car runs great otherwise
*92 5-speed*
My car idles like a champ... and I can drive it with a Slow acceleration. But when I need power and I get heavier on the gas *to match the people around me in traffic, I get this slam of a jerk and for a split second watch my rpm drop to 200 and back up. If I try to slowly gain speed it won't happen but it's very annoying.
I was told to
Try a new distributior - new one in
Try a different coil pack- I have tried like three different ones
Get electrical grease and coat the plugs - done
I know the EGR can help kill the car so I changed that as well
And I do have the amazing bouncing tac from hell even though the cluster is replaced as well
It will not throw a check engine light and will Rev all day with out showing any signs
And I can *97% * of the time hold a constant speed without a very slight jerk.
Car runs great otherwise