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Bad engine mount?

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    Bad engine mount?

    What are some tell tale signs of a bad engine mount, or something going wrong with one?

    On my coupe, I discovered today where my strange chirp/creak noise was coming from when letting out the clutch from a stop.

    The whole time I thought it was something transmission related, such as my throw out bearing.

    Turns out I have narrowed it down to my front engine mount. I had my roommate stop and start the car in the driveway with the hood up while I watched the engine bay.

    When he let out from a stop and the engine torqued, I could hear a chirp that sounded like it was coming from the front engine mount as I watched the mount move with the engine.

    Is this something I can lube, or does the mount need to be replaced, or anything to worry about?

    Trying to sell the car and when you drive it and take off from a stop it makes this chirp noise and makes you think it's coming from the tranny, but it's not.


    Hey mike, when I had the auto tranny in my car the top rubber was completely torn off. This would make the car shake and make a knock/bang type of sound when the car would shift. What does the rubber look like in yours? If it has tear or the metal surrounding the rubber is loose that might make those sounds.

    You can try to spray some lube around the bolts and see if it does any thing, won't hurt to try. And if you got a torn rubber you can always buy the poly inserts, fill it with windshield urethan or buy one of eBay, but that means spending money and since your selling it I don't think it's that important to replace it. I wouldn't worry about it.


      Just get the inserts for about $24 and put that in. Easy fix. For my case, I have an auto. I bought the manual mount put in the inserts motor no more shakie.


        If the mount is broken then buy a new mount. It's good insurance anyway and they are not expensive. If you still want to put inserts in it then do so to a good mount, not a broken one.
        My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!


          I sprayed the mount with WD40 2 days ago and has not made a sound since.


            Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
            I sprayed the mount with WD40 2 days ago and has not made a sound since.
            The mount might have disintegrate since the spray. WD-40 makes rubber real soft.


              It was all I had. Knowing that mount is the issue, it's just something I can replace.

