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WTF ? Clutch pedal sticks and Oil Light Flashes

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    WTF ? Clutch pedal sticks and Oil Light Flashes

    Hey there all. Well as the title states, the other day my clutch pedal stuck to the floor when i was in first gear and i couldnt get it off. Eventually my car stalled like i tried taking off in first without giving it any gas. So i turned the key off, put my foot behind the clutch pedal and tried to raise it off the floor. It came off the floor pretty easy , but when i went to start my car up again my check engine light came on and the oil light started flashing and i turned my hazards on so i could pull over.With all these lights on in my dash it looked like freakin Christmas, except i wasnt expexting to find a jolly fat man under my hood . Checked all the fluids which seemed to be normal so WTF? Could this possibly be air in my clutch lines , or even old fluid in there. Any suggestions would help. Thanks again.


    it sounds like you broke the linkage cable. did you check that .

    A man that keeps looking back can't see whats in front of him.


      linkage cable? but isnt the clutch hydraulic ?


        Clutch - Either the master or slave cylinder is leaking, have you checked the clutch fluid level?
        You can confirm this by checking the slave cylinder boot and seeing if it is wet inside, and the master cylinder by checking inside the car by the firewall for fluid leaking down.

        Oil light - If the oil level is correct, I would suspect the oil pressure switch is faulty.
        Check the oil pressure with a gauge to confirm that the pressure is within spec, then replace the oil pressure switch.

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        If at first you don't succeed, Try again. Don't give up too easily, persistance pays off in the end.


          Thanks for the info, i definatly gonna look into this on wednesday also i think I'm leakin just a drop or two of oil from the oil pressure swith. Time to replace that anway I guess


            What code did it throw?



              as for the code that it was throwing im thinking that it was CEL #43 that it was throwing a little earlier this month, but i already fixed that with a new Denso O2 sensor from Rockauto. So i checked the clutch master cylinder and the slave cylinder. There was no signs of leakage from the master , but the slave did have a little grease under the boot. now my new question is should there be any grease at all on the slave cylinder? thanks in advance



                are you loosing clutch fluid by any chance, thishappened to me before, my clutch hose was nipped on the side by the tranny linkage when i was changing gears, easy fix, aldo to the op slave cylinder can be bad, also check for fluid around and under master cylinder
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