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Oil Catch Can...water in it?

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    Oil Catch Can...water in it?

    So I installed my own catch can

    It's been on for about for about 200 miles. When I popped the hood today to check it out, I had 1/2 teaspoon of chocolate milk.

    I poured it on the hot manifold shield and it is MOSTLY water.

    The oil on the dip stick smells normal, it's not milky at all, no water on it, looks normal.

    Coolant is fine as well.

    Is this normal? I've seen others catch cans and they just have dark oil...I have choco milk.

    condensation maybe? see if there's droplets of water on the inside walls next time


      1/2 teaspoon doesn't sound like much, but it's really a lot considering. Enough to make the oil in there like light chocolate milk looking.

      I don't think it should have any water condensing as it's all sealed but I'll check later on today/tonight just for full diagnosing.

      I'm also guessing on the amount, I filled the catch can with water to the level I thought it was at and measured out 1/2 teaspoon. I poured the original contents on my hot manifold to get an idea of the water content. I don't know how little water it would take to turn the oil that color, but there wasn't much oil on the manifold, but a lot of water steamed off. So i believe it was mostly water.

      This was also only over about 5 days and not the full 200 miles were driven with the catch can installed.


        Originally posted by bcjammerx View Post
        1/2 teaspoon doesn't sound like much, but it's really a lot considering. Enough to make the oil in there like light chocolate milk looking.

        I don't think it should have any water condensing as it's all sealed but I'll check later on today/tonight just for full diagnosing.

        I'm also guessing on the amount, I filled the catch can with water to the level I thought it was at and measured out 1/2 teaspoon. I poured the original contents on my hot manifold to get an idea of the water content. I don't know how little water it would take to turn the oil that color, but there wasn't much oil on the manifold, but a lot of water steamed off. So i believe it was mostly water.

        This was also only over about 5 days and not the full 200 miles were driven with the catch can installed.

        where do you live?

        you should take pics next time it happens


          Sometimes even the smallest hole can cause condensation. It happened to me also when I installed a home made catch can. I had to redo everything to make it seal properly.

          Be special , your car makes instant coklat!


            LOL yeah, well it's very possible it is not fully sealed. You can see the clamps, those are the only ones. I don't think the hose connecting to the v/c on the left is leaking though, very tight fit. However the T connector at the pvc port could be.

            I'll take pics if it fills with water again.

            This was before I altered the canister...before it was gooped shut. But I did a little work to it so now it's kept shut via spring. We'll see if it does it again.

            Course this did come from harbor freight so the canister itself could be leaking...I couldn't find any other ones anywhere else!
            Last edited by bcjammerx; 03-17-2010, 11:25 PM.


              more's more of a cappuccino color...

              ignore the dark black, that was left overs from first sealing attempt.

              I've found 6 other forums, for 6 other cars...the consensus...this is 100% normal no worries.
              Last edited by bcjammerx; 03-18-2010, 12:07 PM.


                Originally posted by bcjammerx View Post
                more's more of a cappuccino color...

                ignore the dark black, that was left overs from first sealing attempt.

                I've found 6 other forums, for 6 other cars...the consensus...this is 100% normal no worries.
                good to know


                  you don't have that steel wool in there to keep the oil from sloshing around?


                    I had the wire in there at first but I don't get much oil/fluid so it isn't a concern right now but only because I'm checking it just about every time I drive the car so it doesn't get full enough to be a concern. Now that I've got it under wraps I'll add the wire back in as I won't be checking it everyday from here on out.

                    I don't get much anymore, so might have been made worse by an air leak or unsecured hose clamp.

                    Last time I looked I had a fraction of the amount of fluid as those pics and it's all oil.

