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Driver side door problem.

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    Driver side door problem.

    just quick one for you guys... So I closed my drivers side door now it wont open from the inside or outside of the car.. The power lock still works but thats about it... is there any way of opening my door with out a slim-jim? would he door opening linkage just break like that where both inside and out side handles wont open the door?


    it could be that one of the rods fell off that opens the door or worse, your door latch has failed internally. either way you have to remove the door panel to inspect.

    i've had latch failure twice. here's a thread i made on how to fix it:

    taking off the door panel while the door is stuck shut sounds difficut, but it really isn't bad. there's only one door panel clip you can't get to, but when you start pulling the panel off, it pops out. some people remove the driver seat to make it easier to work. later.
    Avoiding dirt at all costs


      wow thanks.. seems just like my problem... any place you recommend to get new a latch from??? I don't have a worthy junk yard to go to..



        you can try a dealership, ebay, or the classifieds. i got mine from a guy here that was parting out his car.

        you can order it new here, but you might have to re-submit some information because i guessed you have a 90' 4door lx for the search:
        Avoiding dirt at all costs


          thanks again.


            yeah, it's the door latch going is my guess. It could be the rod thing too i guess.

            i have the same problem sometimes, mostly on the passenger side for some reason. replacing it is an option. but i've just adapted and worked around it. At some point I'll have to replace, I'm sure.

            this happens to me if the door handle (inside or outside) doesn't return all the way to the closed position after you let it go. Somehow that messes up with the latch and in my experience you can usually "reset" the latch:

            Try this: you are going to do everything humanly possible to get the internal door latch, the door lock, and the handle mechanisms back in alignment with each other and working freely together:

            1) roll the window down so you can reach inside.

            make sure the inside door handle is fully closed by working it a couple/few times.

            Now, standing on the outside, pull the outside door handle all the way up, then while it's up push the manual door lock thingie that's next to the window glass up and down several times, stopping when it's in the unlocked position. (ps. if this whole sequence that I'm outlining doesn't work after a couple tries, try it on this step leaving the door lock in the locked position. I usually do this by gut and feel, so I'm just trying to describe it by memory).

            drop the handle all the way down now and try to open the door.

            if the door doesn't open,

            push the door handle all the way to the closed position now, and do the door lock thing a couple more times.

            open the door.

            repeat until annoyed.

            mess around with it like that a little.

            it usually works for me.

            2) since you have power locks, you can also try doing the same thing, pressing the power lock on and off while holding the door handle up, then down, instead of doing it manually. ( I wouldn't know how this works from personal experience ,as car is what I like to call "fully manual"--nothing but the engine is powered!!)

            3) another thing that can work is, do the stuff i'm suggesting above and get the door handle down and the door lock in the locked position.

            now put the key in the door and use the key to turn the lock open. Turn the key closed and open a few times, then try the door handle. In some cases the key will unfreeze the mechanism where the door handle thing alone won't.
            Last edited by batever; 09-18-2008, 11:52 AM.


              oOoOo wow i cant help y0ou there...mine had the same thing and i just kicked it open from the inside lol

              Purchased from: 90-JDMCB7, cb95spd, 92_dr_p, ukaccord92, slammed4thgen, 93a-lude, h22anow, cb7addicted, H22WAGON93, tonymontana1204, agol, Joshy

              Sold to: di2accord

