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Brake woes and whines

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    Brake woes and whines

    My brakes make super-high pitched squealing noises going forward, and increasingly loud groaning noises going in reverse. They also shake when I brake from speeds above 50mph...this problem started last week and got worse very quickly. To further complicate things, I just found out I have wheel locks on the car, but alas, no keys to unlock it looks like I'm gonna need new hubs, possibly new rotors, definitely new pads, and if my luck is good new calipers too. I'm taking it in to be fixed tomorrow, so should I ask them if I can get 1st gen Legend brakes? What do you think the problem is? Right now my car stops worse than my mom's RX300, which is a major problem...

    Originally posted by lordoja
    im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral

    Hey if its that bad it could be noises that could be the brakes change indicator letting you know they need changing at some point when the material is getting somewhat near the end it will let you knwo its going to need changing by brief squeels when coming to a complete stop.

    But if you hear grinding noises as well you may have damaged your rotor real bad any damage is goint to need changing you cant put the new brakes back on a fucked rotor its just gonna eat the brakes defeating the whole puprose.

    The best thing I can tell you is take the wheel off and inspect the braked very carefully the outside as well as inside all four of em if you see little mettal shavings that could be a sign too of a grinded down rotor. Like i said and ill say it again people maintenance ,maintenance,maintenance . Take care of your car and shell treat you like a king.


      moved to brake performance
      What makes me laugh about forums, is that no matter how much you try to help someone, they dont take the advice. Go ahead and do it the hard way.

      You got to respect what you drive, and appreciate what you have, making the best of what you got. and if that means putting CAI, HID's, a phat stereo system, and a idiot in the drivers seat...then so be it!



      I love nooBs...They make me look good

