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Need help asap.

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    Need help asap.

    Ok I was driving out on v-day and i was going about 65 and did a little drift action turn and slammed into a curb no my drive side tire has really bad pull and is kind of leaning my steering wheel also got turned in a 90 deg. angle does any one have any idea what it will take to fix.. my dad said it was the wheel bearing but i am thinking is might be more ... ineed help!!!!!!!!11

    try gettin a line ment check first before anything


      Originally posted by 'Fuxxx
      try gettin a line ment check first before anything
      im guessing his cars not drive able at da moment


        Yeah, take it to a shop, we cant diagnose it over the internet. Also remember that FWD cars arent made for drifting, and the search button would get you a few threads with the same problem and possible solutions.

        Originally posted by 'fuxxx
        try gettin a line ment check first before anything
        Originally posted by 'A-Spec
        im guessing his cars not drive able at da moment
        Do ya usually talk to yourself?


          Originally posted by rickyduckworth
          who the fuck else can understand him if he spells like that
          lol.. true, just said it since they look to be the same person

          both new.. both with asterisks.. both speakin silly..


            Please next time drive a bit more respectively I hope you learn from this kinda mistake drifting should be done a bit more respectively and not with your own personal ride. If your gonna drift do it with a no risk expense impo


              LMAO at "a line ment check"! We better all check our "line ments"...

              Now, if your dad thinks its the wheel bearing, and you sound all of about 17, I STRONGLY suggest you take your car to a QUALIFIED mechanic before you do more damage by trying to fix it yourself. By the way, even though you fucked your car yourself, this isn't a DIY.

              ^^ Clicky for Members Ride! ^^

