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    Originally posted by mndude07 View Post
    Quit arguing about spring compressors. You aren't helping the original poster. Yes, it is true that the OEM spring/shock combo is relatively harmless without a spring compressor, however the practice in general is considered unsafe. Just because you can get away with it on a stock CB doesn't mean you can on every other car out there....and lowering spring/shock combos, forget it. Get a spring compressor. The shocks have much higher rebound forces and the springs have much higher spring rates.
    yeah I bought some did the rear suspension and then they wouldn't fit in between the front coils, so i used a hammer to jam them in and its still not coming along to well right now. I'm about to get a damn chainsaw and just cut the coil in half.

    EDIT: Got it lol. Put everything together and front looked exact same as default, rear looked like maybe an inch lower... then I find out I'm not supposed to put the backstops on them *sigh*. Now I've got to take them allllll off and re-start from scratch. I should have just had a shop do it and save my time and pain and monies I paid for the tools anyways. Saved $100 for 6 hours of work pfft not worth it.
    Last edited by StreetNewb; 08-28-2010, 11:04 PM.

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