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F22A Bisimoto Header Detailed Photos

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    Some people are so stupid they shouldn't be breathing.


      Originally posted by oyajicool View Post
      Some people are so stupid they shouldn't be breathing.

      Originally posted by wed3k
      im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


        You realize that that population includes a lot of people on this forum also. Might want to keep it down or they'll hear you.
        My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!


          I didn't have any one or any group in particular in my mind when I said that. But in your case you are singling out some of us in this forum by saying what you said. So if you ask me, I know who needs to keep it down.


          And another thing that upsets me is that the resident sales rep of Bisi on this forum is so keen and quick to jump on a thread if he can smell sales. But he has deaf ear when it comes to shi* like this.

          So much for good business model and crap if you ask me.
          Last edited by oyajicool; 02-15-2013, 02:08 PM.


            So toycar, are you saying the problems from dude's headers are due to user error?

            A header is not hard to make. OBX, Megan Racing, these companies do not have the engineering prowess of Bisi, and they cater to an even lower subsection of the enthusiast market due to their lower price point. And yet none of their headers have the problems that Bisi's do. The only person who's being an idiot here is you, sucking the dick of a dude who you met once that makes a living screwing people over.

            Bisi's headers are his... he claims to have done the engineering, and he put his name on it so its assumed he takes ownership of the product's quality. The product sucks, and he LAUGHS at people who call him on it. You don't think that is a reflection of his personality? You don't think people who screw other people over and laugh about it shouldn't be subject to anger and judgment? Come on man

            Originally posted by lordoja
            im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


              Originally posted by gloryaccordy View Post
              So toycar, are you saying the problems from dude's headers are due to user error?

              A header is not hard to make. OBX, Megan Racing, these companies do not have the engineering prowess of Bisi, and they cater to an even lower subsection of the enthusiast market due to their lower price point. And yet none of their headers have the problems that Bisi's do. The only person who's being an idiot here is you, sucking the dick of a dude who you met once that makes a living screwing people over.

              Bisi's headers are his... he claims to have done the engineering, and he put his name on it so its assumed he takes ownership of the product's quality. The product sucks, and he LAUGHS at people who call him on it. You don't think that is a reflection of his personality? You don't think people who screw other people over and laugh about it shouldn't be subject to anger and judgment? Come on man

              You know I am going to respond to this as though you are not trying to be insulting, but, it should be pointed out that you are acting like a bitch in this thread.

              Sucking someones dick? You think I am jocking Bisi?

              All I will say is this;

              If you have never fabbed a header, you have no idea what you are talking about. If you have fabbed a header, you wouldn't say it is SOOOO easy. You want to compare a product like Bisi sells to OBX or some other BS. Seriously. Bisi isn't even that expensive for a header in the real world.

              The pic of the header in this thread is obviously a fab issue. Some people probably ARE too stupid to properly install a header with slip joints. Plain and simple. Its not always the fab work or companies fault.

              You are seriously trying to act like the header defines the company. It is 1 product of many that they offer. Most of their products are great in quality, and NOBODY disputes that.

              Have you ever even personally met Bisi?

              If not, I think that the personal attacks are bullshit. Having nothing other than 2nd or 3rd hand information to base an attack upon is stupid.

              Did he personally fuck you over? Seems like he must have as passionate as you are about slandering the guy.

              So, whats the deal here? You got burned? Lets hear it. I would like to know what gives YOU as a person the right to be so upset that you think you can continue to slander the guy.

              Thats my biggest beef. So many people have 0 issues, its hard to write the guy off as a complete POS. Pair that with my personal experience and I just don't buy it.

              Sure, there is room for improvement in his header fab process. No denying that. Also, no denying that the header makes power on the F series engine and is constructed of quality parts.

              Question the quality of the header all you want. Does that somehow mean BISI as a person is a douche?

              I don't think so, and I think its bullshit that anyone on here can both say bisi is responsible for shotty craftsmanship and then talk shit on bisi for outsourced work. Which one is it?

              He already admitted the issues in the outsourced work. He didn't fab it himself. What exactly is the angle here? Why does it reflect on him as a person, rather than Bisimoto engineering as a company?

              You guys act like you would want to fist fight over this shit if you happened to cross paths. I know I would punch you in the mouth if you talked to me in person like you have in this thread. I can assure you when the altercation was all said and done, you wouldn't approach me again talking the same shit.

              Why should he entertain your bullshit anymore than you should entertain his?

              You are acting like a bitch, running your mouth and talking shit. Why should he be professional with people such as yourself who probably have never bought anything from him, and most likely aren't even an avid racer?
              Originally posted by wed3k
              im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                This thread has gotten to the point where it needs to be closed as well. A few of us, myself included, have not been able to keep a mature perspective on the situation and it's entirely not what this thread was about originally.
                Macaqueisstrong, feel free to contact me if you need to update this in any way.

                Oyajicool, if you want to make your own thread chronicling the different milestones of the process you're currently in, go right ahead.

                Glory, that was extremely uncalled for and I have next to zero idea how you got that impression. He made it very clear that he was compartmentalizing his feelings on the subject to personal vs. business. You have shown yourself to be overly upset when I don't even think you own/owned one of these headers. If you did I apologize, but either way the comments were offensive.

                This thread is closed.
                My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!

