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Got Me Tdo5h

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    Got Me Tdo5h

    got it yesterday, very nice, exhaust sides ported as is turbo side, also have my manifold and j pipe.
    minest well say 300-400 more buxs and im there.
    the only thing that might cost the most out of the rest of teh set up is the intercooler...150-180bux
    everything else farely cheap when u look around for good deals.

    so Accord R33, im a need ur help whem it comes time to install.
    i perty much kno everything, only part that has me is the extra holes on the turbo, i kno one is the oil feed slot, the other (directly on the other side) is the oil return slot/hole, but theres 2 other holes across each other that i havent seen anyone mention anything about.
    ill get a pics up in a few minutes...

    That turbo is oil and water cooled. those other two slots are for the water inlet and outlet. With the water cooling u won't need a turbo timer...not sure if u knew. And since when the hell are you going turbo!!!??? Too many ppl going turbo all of a sudden i'm gonna have to supercharge aren't i lol. Anyways let us know what the setup is gonna be and don't buy a sidemount intercooler for more than like $ and are your friends
    Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

    FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


      im not going turbo cause im tired of N2o, doing because im goin all out race, after this is motor build up for both.
      getting another cb7 to drive so this ones only gona be for st8 track.

      plus turbos

      heres the pics, ill tell u all about my set up once i get back, got ot go...

      also, ur gona have to let me kno how to run the water lines, and to where, thanks
      NEED RAP BEATS.....


        Most people take the coolant that goes through the throttle body and route it through the turbo and then back to the throttle body. easy as cake.

        Owner of


          great idea. and if u disable the coolant lines from running through ur tb it'll keep ur intake mani and tb alot cooler. Hopefully u guys already know what i'm talking about tho so i don't have to go into great detail
          Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

          FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


            so how exactly do i run it, what will i need

            the second pick is the holes for the coolant i was talkin about, theres also the same holes on the other side.
            also do i have to use it, can i just use the oil section?

            for my set up is basically a set up for 8-10pounds
            until i get my bottom end build.

            450cc injects
            front mount IC
            charging pipes/hoses
            bov...thinkin HKS or the ebay look alike
            and a oil line kit

            u guys have to tell me more about management (chipping or whatever for the ecu). dont kno to much about it

            but n e ways thanks for the help guys
            Last edited by theone; 08-14-2004, 05:48 PM.
            NEED RAP BEATS.....




              Hey man I don't mean to burst your bubble but I gotta tell you that the turbo you are gonna run is way to small for your motor. I had the same trouble until i did some research. You will be in full spool around 3500 rpm and anything after that will just be alot of excess backpressure on your turbo. You could possibly burn up the turbine wheel. go to and get their # ask for ken and he will give you the low down. I've been through this once and now I'm moving to a BIG 16 G turbo cause it is a direct replacement for the 14b that you are using.
              Quit Droolin and Start Spoolin!


                naw, the 14b will be fine up until around 5200-redline where the power will start to fade. It'll hit 8psi by about 3K or less rpm. If you want proof ask ppl that have actually run the turbo on an f22a. PM me and i'll get u setup with a guy thats run a 13b, 14b, t25, and i believe a small 16g on his f22a1. All spooled to 9psi before 3K rpm.

                As for the chipping...we're not gonna babysit anyone on that. You'll have to suffer reading for weeks just like us lol. But if u have any questions just ask and we'll do our best to answer.


                those are just some of the sites to read up on....and it'll take awhile trust me
                Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

                FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


                  I HAVE run the 14b on an f22a and I will stand by my comment. Maybe some people should also take a look the article in this months MODIFIED MAG. (turbo how to's). Just because it is still spooling doesn't mean its making hp. You got any dyno sheets to prove me wrong? I'm not gonna have to be the one to replace these turbos after they are constantly overheated. Especially after seeing some of the sloppy jobs people have done.
                  Quit Droolin and Start Spoolin!


                    if you use a bigger turbo itd take you forever to get it to spool, the 14b is just fine, starts at 2700ish and full spool at 3500...its all good

                    lookin good bro...

                    my install is just gettin wrapped up and ill post up pics by this weekend

                    Turbo CB7 is Gone ...But I Still Come Around
                    AWD TURBO IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO!!


                      thanks guys preciate ate the help.

                      AznBadAss92LX, please post pics.

                      i love seeing boost, specially on a cb7
                      NEED RAP BEATS.....



                        I'll email you some pics of my turbo kit on my f22a. But just remember who in the hell wants to be in full spool at 3500? All of these guys don't even have their projects done. So who's advice would you take ---- A... someone who has had a working setup for over a year or B... people who have incomplete projects who don't even know how their car is gonna run? Just call 1-877-23-TURBO and ask for KEN. This guy actually deals with turbos everyday.
                        Quit Droolin and Start Spoolin!


                          Ok I was doing my best to keep my mouth shut but u just sparked a nerve right there by making indirect insults.

                          Originally posted by boost_92
                          Originally posted by boost_92
                          I HAVE run the 14b on an f22a and I will stand by my comment.
                          First off, I was not referring to you when I said “ask ppl that have run the turbo on the f22a.” I was referring to the Ken u keep mentioning. How would he specifically know that the turbo is too small? Has he run the same turbo setup as theone is going to do on the same motor? Take forinstance this scenario…If the automatic gst’s use the little tiny 13b (or 13g I can never remember the letter) on a 2.0L and the Big 16G is used on the same 4G63 2.0L engine then your theories ( and they are theories mind you) say that the 13b would have too much backpressure and overheat, correct? If there is a Big 16G that is a more “correct size”, a small 16G, a 14b, the T-25, and the littlest of all the 13b. Then surely the 13b would be too small right?…then why are all of these turbos used on the same engine minus compression ratios being the only difference?

                          Originally posted by boost_92
                          I'm not gonna have to be the one to replace these turbos after they are constantly overheated.
                          The extra .2 liters that the f22 has is not enough to literally eat a turbo like your making it out to be. The turbo on SRT-4 about the same size as the 14b and it’s a 2.4L.

                          Originally posted by boost_92
                          You will be in full spool around 3500 rpm and anything after that will just be alot of excess backpressure on your turbo.
                          I’ll do my best not to read this out of context but it sounds like ur trying to say that it will hit full boost by 3500rpm and anything after that point is just too much heat and pressure on the turbine wheel? What backpressure are you talking about? Backpressure between what the engine, turbo, and the exhaust? Well if theres so much supposive “backpressure” then why not just get a slightly bigger exhaust? The turbine blade stays at about the same rpm from the moment of full boost till about redline because the wastegate bleeds off the excess exhaust that would cause the turbo to overboost and over exert itself. The turbo is not going to blow up running 8-9psi if its supposed to run about 10-14psi on the motor it was intended for.

                          Originally posted by boost_92
                          Just because it is still spooling doesn't mean its making hp. You got any dyno sheets to prove me wrong?
                          DUH! Even if the turbo is still spinning its the engine that makes hp not the turbo. If the engine can only take in so much air charge at one given time then trying pushing more air into it will do nothing. An engine naturally drops off in power as the rpms go over the engines power apex.

                          Originally posted by boost_92
                          Maybe some people should also take a look the article in this months MODIFIED MAG. (turbo how to's).
                          I’m very sorry to say this but I DO NOT need a magazine to tell me how turbo’s work and when and where they are inefficient. I will simply find the compressor map for the turbo…or maybe the magazine hadn’t told you about compressor maps yet. There is a point on the map where the turbo is just blowing hot air into the engine because it has far surpassed its sweet spot or “island.” That’s how u can tell if a turbo will be the correct size for the motor. Calculate the engine size, rpm, compression ratio, turbo size, desired psi, efficiency of the engine, efficiency of the turbo, and etc.

                          Originally posted by boost_92
                          But just remember who in the hell wants to be in full spool at 3500?
                          Too much power too soon will roast your tires is why. The higher u can launch safely the faster u can get out of first gear and into gears that are slow enough to let the turbo do its job.

                          Originally posted by boost_92
                          So who's advice would you take ---- A... someone who has had a working setup for over a year
                          For someone who has had a turbo for over a year u sure are dumb. Ken honed in on it and sold himself a Big 16G easily.
                          Originally posted by boost_92
                          B... people who have incomplete projects who don't even know how their car is gonna run?
                          Didn’t u blow your engine? Naw that couldn’t of been you. You know nothing more about our setups or lives than what we’ve listed. You have no clue about any personal things or matters any of us have had to endure during the installs do you? And whats all this talk about Ken anyways? Sounds like ur taking everything he says in and not even challenging it to find out if its true or not. U make it sound like you’ve found some kind of underground secret information that no one knows about. Its not. So get off ur knees, stand up, and stop swallowing the gizz Ken is shooting without even thinking twice about it.

                          You’re a very smart person to get into a physics battle with an Aerospace Engineer major…congradulations and best of luck.
                          Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

                          FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


                            how could i miss this.. bleh... too bad im internet less ill respond later hehe.. midnite pretty much got it down packed..

                            Praise The Lowered...


                              All I have to say is do what you want SMART GUY. But just remember this that without experiance you are nothing. Your to young to have enough experiance to amount to anything. You and your bulldike of a girl can keep using the strap on and quit flaming. If you don't like comments written about you then stop acting like you know it all. Your car isn't even turboed yet so holla at me when it has been running for at least 3 months sucessfully and you can prove me wrong. I'm just a little shop owner who does this stuff on his spare time and I learn things through experiance not text books. Oh by the way I am a civil engineer who designs bridges for the state of Pennsylvania just to pass the day away. Your not the only one who went to college. Oh one more thing turbo cars aren't the only thing I screw up. I also work on crotch rockets, quads, etc..... we also just completed a 12sec. all motor civic for my bro. I guess I'll just stick to my day job and you stay in school.
                              Quit Droolin and Start Spoolin!

