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H22A custom turbo: What parts are needed?

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    H22A custom turbo: What parts are needed?

    Once again I'm trying to get my plans in order for when I boost. Since they don't make kits for hybrid Accords, I figure I'll just build my own system. However, my knowledge is fairly limited... So, I have a question for you guys!

    What exactly will I need? I know it's a lot to ask, but could someone provide a complete list of EVERY part needed to boost an H22 CB7? I'll be your best friend!
    Seriously though, trying to plan a turbo project with the scraps of info I can come up with online (and in various books) is tough. I've learned what types of turbo will be best (T3 for fast spooling, T3/T4 hybrid for managable power, etc...) I also know that expensive engine management systems are a great idea... Still, the boring little details that make all the difference seem to elude me... Fuel pump, injectors, pipe length and diameter...
    The site fizzbob7 recommended was a huge help, but I want to make sure that I can apply everything there to my JDM H22 setup.

    I'm thinking that I might try boosting my stock engine at about 4psi... I'll build it up later, and up the boost (12-15psi is the eventual goal). I've been told that this is a great idea by some, and a terrible idea by others. It's not going to happen anytime soon, so I still have plenty of time to decide! This is just my research period (and so far it has been fairly frustrating!)

    Where should I look for some of these things? I know that some extremely high quality parts wouldn't do that much better than less expensive parts (tuned turbo header vs. cast iron log manifold, for example) I'd love to compile a list of sites that have good prices for decent parts.

    I forgot the 3rd question was, since I typed so damn much! I gues I'm asking for enough for now, so I'll leave it at that! Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to give me what I'm asking for!

    ill be looking over ur shoulder......... (ive got the T3 waiting in my room)

    No projects at the moment... danm

    For sale Demon+ tunerview RD2 Make offer brand new in box


      Man... I thought someone was gonna give me some answers!

      I'm thinking T3 too... they're supposed to be pretty small for the H22A, but I don't plan on making HUGE amounts of power to start. I'd rather have a quick-spooling little thing to play with on the street. I'll get a ceramic ball bearing T3/T4 combo going later on, when I want to push as much power out as I can.

      Have you checked out the link fizzbob7 put in the sticky post?

      That helped me a lot... I still feel like I need a little more guidance before I attempt anything!


        i checked the post, but it's a litle Basic, and is good for learning if u don't know the basics.

        i'm currently trying to make the exhoust manni.... it's difficult though.... check the 3d i'm currently making of it (in ACAD 2k4)
        Attached Files

        No projects at the moment... danm

        For sale Demon+ tunerview RD2 Make offer brand new in box


          here is a better one

          pm me if someone wants the .dwg file
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Dutchaccord; 12-22-2003, 05:35 PM.

          No projects at the moment... danm

          For sale Demon+ tunerview RD2 Make offer brand new in box


            a few other vieuws
            Attached Files

            No projects at the moment... danm

            For sale Demon+ tunerview RD2 Make offer brand new in box


              You gonna have that mani made custom ofor you? Or are you just toying with the idea? Either way, it looks nice. Different than most I've seen. Equal length?


                i'm gonna make that mannifold myself, it's almost equal length.

                check the lovebab sst



                No projects at the moment... danm

                For sale Demon+ tunerview RD2 Make offer brand new in box

