

Please DO NOT Post In The General Section

From this point on until otherwise briefed, posting in the general section of Performance Tech is prohibited. The only thing to remain here will be the stickies. We would just delete this section, but that would cause unintended results.

The majority of the threads created can appropriately be placed in one of the Performance Tech sub-forums or Technical; and the posting of them here is detrimental to the activity of said forums. If you have any questions about where you need to place your thread PM me or one of the other mods.

For the most part you all have caught on without this post, but there have been a few habitual offenders that forced me to say this.

Everyone will get a couple of warnings from here on out, after that I just start deleting threads.

Again if you have any questions, PM me or one of the other mods.
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    Alright, My AC doesnt work, and personally i dont feel like spending the money to get it fixed just to have it break again, and besides it doesnt get that warm where i live. So i think im just going to take it all out and save weight and what not. But i had heard something about that by taking it out, it increases hp because it is less force for the motor to turn or somthing along the lines of that. Im not sure, it was just what someone told me. is this true? Either way im taking it out, but it would be cool to get a bonus by it. And also, how do i, or where can i get a belt for an h22a that doesnt include the ac?

    Simply removing the AC doesn't gain you much hp. The pulley just spins freely when you're not using it. You'll gain some weight reduction tho.

    As for a belt, just measure the approximate length and get a belt with the right number of ribs.


      alright thanks

