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This is new to me.... (sorry its crazy long)

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    This is new to me.... (sorry its crazy long)

    I cannot express how distraught i am right now because this shit is boggling my mind. This is gunna be longgg so grab some snacks and get comfy...

    Heres my deal, i was on my way up to soysaucecb7s crib (john) to work on tuning the whip, as you saw in our other thread... i had just picked up a few gallons of 93 octane and was about 2 blocks away from the station... I made a right on the main road toward the highway, and as soon as i hit 2nd gear, about 2000rpms the engine literally died and came back to life in a split second, so i thought oh shit maybe i just hit the clutch accidentaly and kept on driving... 3rd gear, 2000rpms, same shit happens and as soon as i put her in 3rd, she started boggin like CRAZZYYY!! soo pig rich my AEM UEGO couldnt even read it and i couldnt even get past 1500 rpms and i barely made it home doin like 20mph in 4th gear lol.... john came over the crib after like 10 min and we got to the troubleshooting. One of the 1st things i checked was all the connections to the ECU and to reload the maps... did absolutely nothing... made sure my cam gear didnt loosen up and throw the timing off... made sure my missing link valve had the filter still in tact, cause it does the same type of thing when thats missing but that was fine... about this time, we realized the vacuum was fucked... she normally idles at around -20in/hg, and she was sitting at about -13-15 in/hg... still crazzy pig rich.... we replaced the injector o rings as we found a small vacuum leak and hoped that was our problem... no luck, same shit, but we did fix that leak so thats 1 plus lol.... we also found yet another fucking oil leak, when i thought i put enough goddamn time and effort and money into fixing oil leaks for the past 2 years... next we checked the timing, which was slightly off somehow, even though timing was dead on up till this point where the motor decided to crap the fuck out on me... readjusted the timing and that got the motor to idle for more than 30 sec before it stalled... we decided to check compression just in case i might have blew a ringland or some shit... that was flawless at anywhere from 190-200psi throughout... found a slight leak in one of the vacuum lines that the boost gauge and wastegate are hooked into, so we decided to unplug and seal up that nipple just to see if that effects it, and that made it worse... it was steady ab around -5-7 in/hg now, and was idling 10x rougher and bareeelyyyyyy staying alive at like 450-600 rpms... we thought, hey maybe, just maybe the map sensor could be fucked... we snatched the black box outa one of my other cbs and hooked that up and hooked up all the vacuum lines and still... the same... fucking... thing... uel pressure is great, oil pressure is great, oil pressure into the turbo is great... still technically runing on the same fuel that i been running the entire past week cause i had about 1/8 tank left before i filled up so its deff. not the fuel... we even unplugged my nology wires and put in my old ngk blues JUST IN CASE, and no difference at ALLLL!!!!

    i GUES its posssiibblleeee that the ECU could be defective, but how would that be effecting the vacuum at idle? i'lv NEVER seen anything wrong with my car before effecting the vacuum at idle, i'lv only seen the idle get really rough and such... and alll the tweaking and tuning and reloading of the map we did, it did NOT effect the car at ALLLL... its almost as if my ostrich just crapped out on me or some shit... i checked and replaced the 3 aaa batteries even, in case that was an issue and NOTHING.... tried to plug in an older ECU i "attempted" to chip myself and that had the same effect... I emailed Craig at cause it deffinitely seems possible to me that the Ostrich couldve somehow crapped out and just lost the data and maps i had loaded, so it basically brought it back to its factory setting...

    If you guys have ANY ideas at ALLLL as to what it could be, let me know. My head hurts sooo bad right now from trying different things over and over again with NO progress other than backwards progress... any help is mucchh appreciated guys, thanks.


    i thought u had a chip burner? I've run into the problem of the ostrich maps suddenly going corrupt. Its happened twice actually.I can't explain it, but i'm usually able tofix it by loading a stock map from like the ls or gsr depending on what i'm tuning, take the map i'm supposed to be on and copy and paste the fuel, ign, rev limits, and fuel mods onto the stock gsr/ls map. Basically it seems like that bin has somehow gone corrupt. Did u have the laptop hooked up the ostrich at the time? I've only ever ridden on the ostrich for a couple of hours...i usually just adjust with the ostrich, take that map and burn it to a chip. Remember reading my tuning journal? Where i said i somehow found this limbo area in between uberdata and the stock ecu? Guess where you are

    Thats my guess so far till u can get back to us
    Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

    FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


      i had my laptop hooked up, but uberdata wasnt even open... i just had it charging... Thats happened to you before while you were just driving like that? cause i was driving on the exact map overnight and at least a good 20 miles without ANY issues... just seems wierd why it would all the sudden just drop the data like that.... also one thing i forgot to mention that might not necesareilly have anything to do with it....

      Yestersay i replaed the ostrich batteries with 3 brand new duracells.... even tested them to see how much power they had remaining and all 3 were over 3/4 power.... today i went to test em just in case that was my issue and 2 of the 3 had less than 1/4 power and the other was a lil less than 2/3 power.... seems kinda odd why the batteries would be drained that fast so there might be somerthing electrical going wrong there like a short or some shit... but i dunno.... i'll see if Craig gets back to me on that....


        why did u take out the original batteries? They're said to outlast the car itself.
        Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

        FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


          Originally posted by ChroNicBoosT
          made sure my missing link valve had the filter still in tact, cause it does the same type of thing when thats missing but that was fine...
          im not 100% sure what your setup is like, but why do you have a missing link if your using uberdata? or are you talking about something else...

          Owner of


            oh shit i forgot to ask that, it ran through my mind when i read over it but i got side tracked
            Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

            FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


              wait wait wait.... with uberdata, i can let the MAP sensor see boost?? shit thats news to me... okay sweet, one less thing i need to worry about lol... and i replaced them cause i wanted to make sure the batteries were fresh.... there were some no name shits in there anyways...


                haha, yea the lack of the missing link was one of the perks of doing everything through the ecu. Not even truely sure how u were supposed to tune correctly with it hooked up lol. Let us know when u get a fresh map on there.
                Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

                FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


                  Originally posted by ChroNicBoosT
                  wait wait wait.... with uberdata, i can let the MAP sensor see boost?? shit thats news to me... okay sweet, one less thing i need to worry about lol... and i replaced them cause i wanted to make sure the batteries were fresh.... there were some no name shits in there anyways...
                  if the MAP sensor doesnt see the boost...uberdata isnt doing anything! its a good thing your car died out and didnt blow up
                  Last edited by Accord R33; 03-27-2006, 12:35 AM.

                  Owner of


                    WOW... what a fuckin noob!! hahahaha... well tell you the truth, i didnt even realize that, and when i was boostin a lil bit a cpuple times here and there, it was running lovely at like 11.6-12.0.... shit, good thing i posted that and yall let me know the deal.... lol...

                    you think that check valve has to do with her runnig like that? i mean i wasnt booostin at all today, i was just crtuisin and it just started boggin before i could even get past 3000 anyway.... i tell ya, it was wierd because at partial throttle, like less than 20%, my boost gauge would be reading 0 as if i was dipping almost halfway into the throttle or more.... and that was at like 1500 and up.... WIERD!


                      Originally posted by Accord R33
                      if the MAP sensor see the boost...uberdata isnt doing anything! its a good thing your car died out and didnt blow up
                      you got a huge misunderstanding, hes running the link, the ecu never saw any boost. we were tuning off of external vacum/boost gauge so we didnt depend on the MAP sensor. He does have the missing link on the car. just to clear things up
                      To have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all #CB7Life


                        Originally posted by SoySauceCb7
                        you got a huge misunderstanding, hes running the link, the ecu never saw any boost. we were tuning off of external vacum/boost gauge so we didnt depend on the MAP sensor. He does have the missing link on the car. just to clear things up
                        it doesnt matter what your looking at..if the ECU isnt seeing the positive pressure..its not reading the boost columns. there is no way around it. I dont know what you were tuning, but it definitly wasnt the ECUs boost values

                        Owner of


                          i never touched any of the boost tables. friday we got as far as -5 in/HG tables. i wasnt present for any boost tuning
                          To have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all #CB7Life


                            yeah that was all my dumbass tryin to attemp to tune boost without the ecu even seeing past 0 vacuum hahahaha!!

                            I'm gunna attemp to do what you said antione, and reload a fresh bin with my old values and see if that helps at all... and yes, i will get rid of my ML valve lol.... i reeaalllyyyyyy hope its as simple a solution as that... i hope to God, cause what the hell could it be?


                              could also be something with the distributor...mine does that from time to time because of the crank position sensor. Riding around normally and the car goes bonkers and throws a CEL at me. I remember flooring it in 2nd gear trying to get the car to atleast maintain speed but it kept losing speed...then all of a sudden it went back to normal. Did you even get a CEL?
                              Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

                              FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12

