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Bad news about DH-Racing

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    Read it, i don't know if any of you know about "Keebler" from h-t but i learned to chip ecu's from his webpage, learned to first get started with uber from him, and to datalog using a cellphone cable. Man hasn't steered me wrong in the slightest way so when he states his opinion i listen.
    With that said, i'll keep an eye on your build up cisco and i hope everything goes perfectly without even the slightest flaw! I'd love to see it broken in by the NC meet and running great, but i'm gonna do something my dad taught me to do in these situations and thats keep these findings in the back of my head.
    Last edited by MRX; 01-07-2006, 02:06 PM.
    Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

    FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


      all i have to say is that every god damn business has it's bad times.....when smaller business's have these "bad moments" it stands out more. i am sure that yes some of the work is flawed sometimes as is for every other business. people just don't realize that.....and they are too freaking stupid to do the research b4, talk with the seller, and spend some time on the subject at hand b4 dealing with anyone. i know when the time comes for my block/head work i will most definately go through dave. his work speaks for itself. a smaller business will have a higher flaw:flawless ratio bc their work is lesser in numbers to the much bigger companies.....everyone is comparing huge ass companies to a much smaller company......stupid. ......and from a whole lot of searching, i have only come up with 2 reasonable complaints with ANY facts backing them up. and but of course everyone reads the "horror stories" and then immediatley pussy out and back out. they don't bother looking into it and really finding out if it is indeed a good decision to go through dh-racing. thats half-assing it to me. and it seems more and more people are being lazy when it comes to building cars . with all of this, i'm with u and yes everyone has their opinion.....i look forward to seeing your build up come alive!!!!

      there is a difference between built and bought, but their is also a difference between bought out of the blue and bought with careful consideration and deliberation.

      lazy people gawd.....
      My members ride thread


        Like MRX said, this is the kind of thing you need to keep in back of your head. This customer spent almost 4000 dollars only to get a completely ruined block. I am sure DHRacing has done alot more good than bad. However, who do you konw that would spend 4gs, loses it and look at it as nothing much. Thats nobody that I know. I am still sending DHRacing minor things like my stock flywheel, and buy some stuff through him, but he lost a majority of my business.


          Originally posted by AcclipseH23
          Like MRX said, this is the kind of thing you need to keep in back of your head. This customer spent almost 4000 dollars only to get a completely ruined block. I am sure DHRacing has done alot more good than bad. However, who do you konw that would spend 4gs, loses it and look at it as nothing much. Thats nobody that I know. I am still sending DHRacing minor things like my stock flywheel, and buy some stuff through him, but he lost a majority of my business.

          well it seems to me as this "customer" needs to get off his lazy azz and fix his problem himself. don't just sit there and freaking complain to everyone without doing shit. obviously if he hasn't gotten it fixed, he hasn't tried.....therefore he deserves what he got!!!!!!!!!!!!

          if u pay for something and it is not up to par for what u payed for then fight to get your moneys worth.

          again it all burns down to lazy whinny kids.....who would rather complain than take initiative and be the mature one. if that happened to me i would call dave, email him, do whatever it took to get in touch with him and get it fixed immediately.....and if he didn't fix it, i would contact the BBB, make a formal complaint and get my money back. i got a few defective parts from different manufacturers and all i did instead of go online and piss and moan about "o don;t buy from this guy" i called up and got the issue resolved.....they at first were reluctant to comply but with even the slightest effort you can get the parts refunded or replaced for free.
          i have even gotten ripped off out of a $2k dollar repairjob.....i did what i had to do to get my money back. not that hard.....complain all u want, not gonna get your money back. and yes i have read most of the complaints and it seems as if they never carried through. they gave up! obviously they didn't care enough.

          but for those who actually have tried their damndest to get restitution and have failed, i am sorry and the damn scammer will rot in hell.
          My members ride thread


            ^^^Agreed. I mean the thread was not a bad thing, IMO. However he did sound very immature about it.


              Thats why i never send my motor out as far as i can reach em by car or by bus. imma just buy parts and do the shit myself and hae someone just machine it out.

