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what is this???

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    what is this???

    sorry for the newbism.. but uh anyone have any idea what this is thats connecting the two pipes for the cai.. is it sumthing special or just purely connecting the two pipes.... thanks and sorry once again..

    Thats would be a filter with a CAI extension tube attached to it


      wtf why isnt the filter at the bottom then u just got the open tube down in the wheel well.


        I take it you bought the car with it on there.... The prior owner purchased a short ram intake. Then later wanted a CAI without buying a whole new system. So he purchased the CAI extension which, as you see there, attaches to the filter and runs into the wheel well. Personally I think it is a crap ass setup, but some people like them...


          Thats not his car


            yea sorry its not my car just want to clear this up its a member on this board tho... btw im not claiming it so dont hate on me


              oh ok...stil my explination remains....


                yea i agree crap ass retarted setup

