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has anyone ever experienced with this?

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    has anyone ever experienced with this?

    hey i have a 93 accord ex and it has PS

    there is a small cap for my power sterring pressure right by my radiator so i took it off then i pushed it down and it shot a whole lot of air at me, i was thinking would it be a bad idea to hook a tubing from the power steering pressure into my intake? i was sort of thinking of kinda a forced induction?

    what? you want to channel air from your power steering into your intake, the difference will be negligable

    "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
    "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
    "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


      for god sakes please i beg of you even though im off-topic in this post no disrespect but please put a bumper on your car seeing a cb7 lke that hurts me sooo..

