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Possible new F-series header

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    Originally posted by owequitit View Post
    The lack of reading comprehension is on YOUR part. Excuse me for me attempting to communicate at the college level. I forgot we don't have the technology to pull that off around here.

    Let me simplify the meaning of the original statement so that you can understand it.

    No dyno= no proof. It doesn't matter if Bisi does it or High End does it. We aren't willing to accept that Bisi has proof, so we are also not willing to accept that high end has proof. Period. Since there is no proof, there is no way to verify that this header does in fact provide any gains at all, or even gains that are better than a $120 ebay header.

    Just the way it is. I am no more willing to pay $450 for a header with no proveable gains, than I am one that costs $630 with no proveable gains.
    A round of applause for the college guy please, we all know college intellect is what is needed around here. Wow.

    Well you simply answered your own q there buddy. Youre complaining that bisis headers are getting down played yet your saying he has no dyno to prove anything. Just say you have no interest in these headers go pay 630 for the bisi and move on with your life. Stop cliff hanging already. It wont lower the price for your header.
    Sorry that I a non college attendee doesnt have sufficient tuition $ to pay for a great Bisi product. I will stick with these. IF THEY EVER GET MADE.
    The past, is history:The future, is a mystery:The present, is a gift.
    James 4:7
    Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.


      Originally posted by d112crzy View Post
      Scott, you're acting as if someone said these headers would be better than Bisi's. Everyone that has posted so far is interested becuase these will be cheaper than Bisi's, yet still perform better than what's on the market. There is no proof they will, but it is safe to assume that the guy knows something about what he's doing since he does build B series. As long as he has dyno testing on hand, it will be difficult to not see gains. The question is how much? Same question there is with Bisi's.

      I will put my money on saying that these headers, just like Bis's, will out perform anything else on the market for F22's. It's seriously hard to fuck up a header. Hell, ESP did nothing major but make a custom DP for the generic 4-2-1 headers and they gained quite a bit. But they only make H22 headers.

      Before you say I'm being a hypocrit, my issue with Bisi's header isn't that it won't make power, it's that he's making claims without proof. I'm sure his headers WILL make power over what's on the market. But the question is how much, and will the gains be worth the price? I don't think they will because I simply don't see more than 10whp of of an IHE f22 with just a header. The motor isn't detuned THAT much. Only time will tell.
      I am not acting as if anything. I am acting as though a lack of dynos on this header is the same as a lack of dyno's on Bisi's thread.

      And yet for some reason, you are in here nut hopping about how it should be so easy for him to get sales, and what impressive gains this could make etc etc. Lack of proof is lack of proof, no matter who it comes from.
      The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


        Originally posted by konig52r View Post
        A round of applause for the college guy please, we all know college intellect is what is needed around here. Wow.

        Well you simply answered your own q there buddy. Youre complaining that bisis headers are getting down played yet your saying he has no dyno to prove anything. Just say you have no interest in these headers go pay 630 for the bisi and move on with your life. Stop cliff hanging already. It wont lower the price for your header.
        Sorry that I a non college attendee doesnt have sufficient tuition $ to pay for a great Bisi product. I will stick with these. IF THEY EVER GET MADE.
        College intellect is better than none, which is apparently what you are packing. I am used to communicating on a college level. You clearly are not, so I dumbed it down for ya. I find if funny that you have nothing to resort to but personal attacks, because clearly your first attempt to shoot down my statement failed.

        I haven't said anything other than there is no proof in this thread, which is what 90% of the people on here are bitching about with Bisi's group buy, and yet they are hopping all over this product. If you can't undestand that, I truely am sorry for you, but you will just have to adjust.

        I have no interest in any F series header because I don't have an F series. What I am interested in is the perpetual stupidity and double standard forming thought processes on this board among members like yourself. Ironically, this header will be priced nearly the same as the Bisi header, probably will be made out of mild steel, and if it doesn't put out nearly equal power, wouldn't you think that a product made out of lesser material, that doesn't gain as much but costs nearly as much is in fact NOT the better deal?

        That is a rhetorical question by the way.
        The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


          Personally, I dont need or want college intellect. So cant help you on that one. Wisdom is far more superior than any type of intellect. Godly wisdom is greater than the two. So get stuck on your "intellect" see how far that gets you.

          And about the headers... Like ive read somewhere, if you have nothing good or positive to say, dont say anything. Especially if it doesnt concern or interest you, which you already stated. Let the ones that are interested, joy over it.

          ...To each its own bro...
          The past, is history:The future, is a mystery:The present, is a gift.
          James 4:7
          Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.


            Originally posted by d112crzy View Post
            All the guy wants is INTEREST, not commited buyers. He then will start building the header, will post proof and then sell.

            Bis is doing it pretty much the opposite. He's asking for people to put money up front, with no sheets or track times.
            we ARE NOT asking for people to put money up front. We are trying to get a list of at least 30 people to commit to buy. When we have the 30+ individuals committed, we will take a down payment to purchase the material to began building the headers. And as for proof of performance: the world's most powerful and fastest N/A F22A has Bisimoto Headers (9.5 seconds and 145.28 on a NA F22A). Dyno charts will come soon.
            Last edited by robert@bisimoto; 09-08-2009, 04:23 PM.
            Bisimoto Engineering
            1) Call 1-888-9BC-MOTO(888-922-6686 ext. 1) Mon-Fri 9am-6pm PST
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              That depends on what everyone values, so it's not a real rhetorical question.

              Won't a cheap, 30 cent pencil do the same job a $1 pencil will? The $1 pencil MIGHT last a bit longer, might. I've broken plenty of those in my day.

              Why aren't you in Bisi's thread telling everyone they're idiots because they're "nut hopping" on a header that has no proof behind it like you're doing here?

              People are saying they are interested. No one is commited to blindly buying a header. Now, in the case of Bisi's thread, everyone there is leaving everything up to hope, trust and faith.

              Hope, trust and faith are good, but not when it comes to my money. I like to see proof first. Something neither header has.

              You're upset because people are showing interest in another header that has no proof? I don't get it, what is it to you?

              CrzyTuning now offering port services


                Originally posted by robert@bisimoto View Post
                we ARE NOT asking for people to put money up front. We are trying to get a list of at least 30 people to commit to buy. When we have the 30+ individuals committed, we will take a down payment to purchase the material to began building the headers.
                Your thread says 50. If those 50 aren't met, then there's no deal. If the 50 are met, then you want 50% of the money up front.

                All without proof.

                CrzyTuning now offering port services


                  I am locking this thread until I have the opportunity to discuss this issue with DarkCloud. Quite honestly, this thread has nothing to do with the quality, price, or performance of the Bisimoto header. NEITHER header has any direct connection with crzy.tuning... therefore, Jose, you really have no place stirring up trouble. I have asked you politely to leave things be... and you have ignored me. I will ask you one more time.


                    Okay first I would like to say that I in no way said the that this f22 header will be better than Bisi's how it got out of hand like that is beyond me, I was simply saying that IF MY BUDDY DECIDES TO MAKE THESE HEADER'S I WOULD HAVE TO SHOW HIM PROOF THAT 20+ MEMBERS WOULD BE INTERESTED IN BUYING THEM so that way he doesn't make them for no reason and they won't sell in the future. I was not asking for a group buy, or comparing anything JUST POSSIBLE INTEREST'S IS ALL. With that being said we start over please.


                    Just post if interested
                    NEW CB

                    old Darkcloud : 1990 Accord EX MRT

                    DARKCLOUD : 90 ACCORD EX MRT


                      im in for sure.
                      '91ex coupe, modified.

                      @ConaireSmith on twitter


                        I'm In
                        please update this thread, its kinda old hehe
                        if this header is still on, then i'm in

                        view my ride: My Ride


                          Originally posted by d112crzy View Post
                          What would be his pricing? And I'd like to see his header up against something like a DC, since that's about the best, yet still affordable one there is.
                          DC is far from the best, a lot of one off headers and bisimoto headers are much better

                          They rise their wooden pints and they yoik and sing
                          And they fight and dance 'till the morning

                          Dont forget my MRT for my 1992 Honda Accord LX

                          Originally posted by deevergote
                          Everything in Japan is made with carbon fiber and used panties.


                            Damn I forgot this thread was unlocked.

                            I meant to post the status on the header but I've been real busy with my personal matters. My buddy is actually doing the measurements again he did make a mock header but it was to tight of a fit so he's re-doing it to fit. Hopefully he can. The price hasn't been determined as of yet. I'll find more for you guy's promise
                            NEW CB

                            old Darkcloud : 1990 Accord EX MRT

                            DARKCLOUD : 90 ACCORD EX MRT


                              sounds cool. i do like the look of his headers. not as pretty as bisi's, yet a little more affordable and look a lot better than any ebay header. i'm interested but no promises
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