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hows is this port n polish job?

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    Originally posted by owequitit View Post
    The problem isn't you hurting your business. If you want to drive yours into the ground, go for it. You are more than welcome to.

    The issue is that you aren't doing things that undermine YOUR business, which is a part of the equation you apparently fail to see. Your behavior isn't undermining YOUR business. It is undermining other peoples' businesses. As such, it is undermining this community. If you don't like Bisi, fine. Don't buy anything from him. Simple as that. It isn't rocket science. Nobody else really gives a shit if you respect him or not.

    That is the part you fail to see, because you are too wrapped up in protecting your ego.

    You talk about not being able to learn without being challenged by your peers.

    1) You can learn anytime you wish, if you really want to.

    2) You are currently being challenged by your peers on this issue right here and now, and you aren't learning a goddamn thing, so why would being challenged on technical issues be significantly different?

    3) You aren't "harshly questioning." You are borderline flaming. They are different, whether you WANT to acknowledge that or not.

    How is undermining others' businesses undermining the community? They community will still be here. Oh well if the vendors go away. People will find them on other forums, probably with the same discounts. Actually, Bisi offers a MUCH better discount on H-T than he does on here and on a much bigger variety of his products. Bisi isn't providing any tech to the community, he isn't even really part of the community. He's here to make money.

    Yes, I can learn anytime. But I learn better in a group discussion because it allows me to see others views.

    I'm being attacked for the way I am, which I don't blame you guys. But it doesn't mean I can't get defensive, nor that I will change or that I have to change. I don't want to change. I'm open to all other criticism.

    Originally posted by owequitit View Post

    Also, just an observation of this thread in general:

    1) You just mentioned how you are willing to explain something to someone who doesn't know, yet when someone questions or disagrees with you on something (as I do about port matching), you IMMEDIATELY try to start talking down to them and discrediting them. Why is that? Does it threaten your manliness or penis size? Can you relate to people who don't know because they won't question you, or know better if you are wrong?

    2) You mention that you welcome being questioned by your "peers" and yet you don't, because as soon as they do, you get defensive and try to attack them, which brings me back to point #1.
    It's the way I are. Deal with it, leave or ignore it. I don't bitch about you are, and I know for a FACT that you have scared off(for lack of better word) a few members. Some that had actually contributed to the site in the past. Even if they hadn't contributed, you still scared them off(again, I can't think of a better word). You're hurting the community as well, Scott. So take a look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers.

    CrzyTuning now offering port services

    Comment guys can bitch to each other elsewhere

      Edit:P It started out as a good thread and I think it could have been useful, so to anyone who wants to start up another port and polishing thread by all means do
      Last edited by mozzandherb; 09-13-2009, 10:45 PM.

      Boosted H22
      375whp 298 ft/lbs at 15psi


