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For the most part you all have caught on without this post, but there have been a few habitual offenders that forced me to say this.

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Need Help

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    Need Help

    I need help! i went to get into my car yesterday and when i went to put it into 1st gear the clutch would not release. so i got under the hood to check out the clutch fluid reservoir and it was empty so i filled it up and went to pump the clutch to get some pressure but all that it did was go clear to the floor and stayed there and will only return when manually pulled back. i think that it might be the clutch release cylinder? because i see a puddle on the front crossmember where the fluid was leaking out.


    Okay it sounds like to me from all of this hassle that you may have a leak in the lines or you didnt keep the resevoir filled up properly like you should have. The first thing off fill the resevoir and then bleed the system through and through making sure that there are no bubbles whatsoever in the lines.

    Now after that make sure there arent any leaks or pinholes in the lines . For example wet hose spots. They are visable when you pump the clutch have someone get in the car and pump the system sore you after you have bled the system. Dont let the clutch resevoir go down too low or else yourll have to start over again ohhh the agony.


      thanks a lot h22sparkle that was just the thing. now it runs just fine.

