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Vapor injector?

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    Vapor injector?

    Ok so my grandpa is way old school and he has put "vapor injectors on his vehicals. Anyways he swears by them. He says that it gives MUCH better gas milage and more power. He has on in his diesel engine rv and one in his for escape. It basically looks like a jar of water with a breather valve and a tube running from it to the pcv valve and he plugs it all up and the water bubbles. The way he said it works is the vapors from the water take the place of the gas. So it leans out the gas while keeping the top of the motor clean and free of carbon bulid up. He gets 35 mpg in town on his '06 ford escape. CAN ANYONE provide more info on this and if this is something that is good for the car, since CB7's are differenent then Fords

    Has nothing to do with water vapor. This sounds like crankcase blowby is bubbled up through the water, cleaning it of any oily vapor which soils the fuck out of the intake manifold over time. Then whatever light gasoline-originating vapor can continue on to be burned. That water probably needs to be changed now and then. Unless, this is just a fancy looking breather valve and just vents blowby to the atmosphere. You didn't mention if it was connected to the intake or not.

    Sure you aren't trying to install a bong in your engine bay?
    Last edited by Dirty Harry; 08-29-2008, 03:51 PM.


      I think picture would help a lot to. because i have no real clue what your talking about.

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        That isn't injection, it's just a fancy catch can. A bong, like Justin said.

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          Well he has to fill it back up with water ever so often, because the water gets put through the motor and used according to him "in place of" his gas. I doesn't go into the intake.

          Last edited by topcop182; 08-29-2008, 11:40 PM.


            BUMP for more info!
            Last edited by topcop182; 08-30-2008, 03:43 AM.


              ok I think next week I am going to give this a shot. I have read up on it some more and it seem* safe. The water cools down the motor and makes the air in the cyllinders denser and i assume allows for higher compression. while at the same time helping to clean the motor. We SHALL SEE! pictures to come


                Dont forget to record your results. Espescialy gas mileage


                  yeah but wut does it do to the motor over time and all if i had another motor sitting around id try it out and see how relieable it is but if some on here can proves it works and wont harm the motor that would be great
                  cb7's and three titty women with two vaginas is all we need in life j/k
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