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n e one install walbro fuel pump???

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    n e one install walbro fuel pump???

    has n e one here install theres themselves, i just want to kno what to expect.

    are the pumps totally diferent n a way that i will have to do something different when installing the new one.
    im planning to install mines tomorrow, tired of it sitting around.

    I Am goin to give you some pointers ive done mine myself ,shonuff has done his and other people on this board have too. I would first disconnect the negative side of the battery, If you have a helms or chiltons they help out alot. Then you have to take the gaspump plug out so that it relievs the pressure in there And make sure the tank is a little bit just above the redline b4 the e-(empty) so its lighter cause your gonna have to drop the whole tank.

    Secondly your gonna need a jack if your doin it alone if you dont wanna be stressed out. Be sure to raise and lower the jack with a block of wood in betweent he jack and gastank so that it doesnt puncture the tank itself avoiding the headaches.

    Then you get to the semi hard part of this job disconnecting the fuel lines and pressure hoses. be sure to get the wd-40 so they let them loosen up a bit. There is a fitting that almost looks like the metal hardline near the drivers side rear wheel near there but its under the car. Becareful not to break or smoke near there . Then you have to lower the tank dont puncture the plastic hoses then take the clips off from the tank when you lower the tank be sure not to drop it cause its still connected to the harness and may pull the wires or pop em you have to disconnect the pump connector. Then drop the tank

    okay then you have to clean around the top of the tank where the bolts are casue i bet it will be dirty like hell,and this will aid you in not strippin the bolts. Then unbolt the bolts on top of the tank then you have to slid out and manuever to get the pump out youll have to get it out ant an angle be careful not to snap anything work with it a little surely overtime youll get the idea.

    Then last but not least put everything back together after you install the pump and raise the tank back up with the jack reconnect everything then (start the car in the almost on position but crank it to see if theres any leaks) dont wanna blow your shit up or catchin fire is someone throws a cigarette near your car while passing by . This is to assure if things are tight and wont come lose. And your done was it good for u! ;p


      theres an easier way that does not involve dropping the tank. I did the measurements and the fuel pump is located in the front of the trunk area close to the backseat. When u lift up the carpet u'll see a plate that says "FR" on it. If u were doing this the long way u'd unbolt that plate and disconnect the wire harnesses in there. At the very center of that plate measure 13.5" to ur left (if ur in the backseat facing the trunk). Cut out a circle with about 1" diameter with some tin snips or a dremel. Don't push the cut tools too far down to make the cut tho...its thin metal so try to stay right on the top and don't cut anywhere u can't see. I said cut a 1" hole so u can get comfortable with what ur doing, so u can make sure ur in the right place and so u won't get scared. The hole will end up having to be 8" in diameter almost. Once u can see the entire fuel pump disconnect the lines and unbolt it from the tank as sparkle said. Take ur time and it won't take u hours like it did me. I dropped the tank by myself only because i didn't know exactly where the fuel pump was on the tank. If u drop the tank u'll kick urself because u'll see how easy it could have been to do it my way. Lemme know if u need anything else and hope this helped
      Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

      FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


        you cant try that but its risky I would have tried it that way but 9x's outta ten id kick myself for messin it up. Just measure and try.


          See sparkle agrees. Just don't make the puncture wound too deep is all u have to be careful about.
          Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

          FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


            better yet just be safe doin this unbolt the tank let it lower down some with the jack then unbolt the jack and stuff but how is he going to to get to the bolts and the pump gotta make sure that hole is wide enough for him to turn a socket set wrench and manuever the pump at the angle hes gotta get it at?


              he won't have a prob with angles or room with a 10x10 square cut out. Plenty of room and he can always get a piece of sheetmetal + jb weld to cover it up and then call it weight reduction lol.
              Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

              FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


                well i did 2 oil changes and the fuel pump in 5 hours.

                was like i thought it was gona be, no so difficult but not the easiest thing in the word, ruff part was just putting the tank back up.

                i undid all the lines needed
                droped the scraps and tank
                took out the old pump installed the 255 walbro pump.

                for the tank.....i put the front end of teh scraps back in while leaving the back down ( i only had the car about my body width and 6inches off the ground (did this on purpose)).
                i slide the tank back towards the front pushing it up the scraps (had the sraps set up like a ramp.).
                once that was in place i got under the car and used my whole body to push the tank inplace and hold it in place.

                after it was in the proper spot i just bolted the back side up (already had the front bolted in place) and that was that.
                turn the key to on, presurrized the system, heard the pump. and cranked it.

                glad i got that out the way..........add it to the mod list
                NEED RAP BEATS.....


