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LCD Screen in Glovebox...

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    LCD Screen in Glovebox...

    I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have been covered before and i had a quick search, so here goes.

    Has anyone mounted an LCD Screen in their glovebox? So that when the glovebox opens the screen is sitting "on top" of the space. I'm thinking of mounting this screen... Click Me! inside the glovebox and i've measured it up, it MIGHT just fit. So i'm just wondering if anybody else has done something along the same lines. Or any other ideas for mounting the screen, as I don't want to mount it in the dash as i'd have to remove my stereo and remount it, and you all know what a cunt that is to do, plus, I want something that is unique.


    ^^ Clicky for Members Ride! ^^

    That would be different..


      I did that about 3 years ago now. Here are some OLD OLD pics...


        Thats the shit! What size screen is that? Was it a pain in the ass but worth it in the end?

        ^^ Clicky for Members Ride! ^^


          Originally posted by Mealsy
          Thats the shit! What size screen is that? Was it a pain in the ass but worth it in the end?
          Its a 5.6" screen. Remember this is like 3-4 years ago now. The hardest part was making the template to fit the glove box, but overall, not too bad.

